Well-known member
....locks and security items protection...
I depend more on...depth (...multiple locks and chains at multiple locations...
Eugene, Oregon.
This place is the bicycle-thief homeland of the Western Hemisphere.
Any time I stroll the Eww sidewalks to take in some event with the university students, I see a 'carpet' of broken locks and chunks of security cables/chains.
I get the impression lock/security sales-staff display the morals of a poop-flinging monkey in some tourist hot-spot, grabbing:
* food
* sunglasses
* purses
* pets...
... with gleeful abandon.
Of course, I think the same about RecreateVehicle sales-staff...
... with the combined 'Sense Of Humanity' equivalent to somebody drawn to a career as a politician.
YouTuber 'MacNallyOfficial' offers an opinion (stay tuned for the cranium puncture!):