Theadyn's van and trip log

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tonyandkaren said:
Wow, things seem to be lining up just right for you! About time! I think you have an excellent plan -hunker down for awhile, work and save, think about what you'll need for a happy traveling life and go get it! Since you'll be stationary for a time maybe you can fit in some xray tech work and have the traveling tech job option again.

Exactly what I was thinking!! :)
Well, now you can start shopping for a rig to tow that 5th wheel. Looks like that sunshine I saw at the end of your tunnel had a rainbow with it. Congratulations, Lady. BTW, that's a hellava Valentine's Day present.
Wow that sounds like a great project with a bit of cash to see it through. Perfect!! life is unfolding in strange and mysterious ways. You can still keep the van for road trips have the fifth wheel as a base or rental when off cruising. Please post pictures of laundry facilities and that long shower.....
Theadyn said:
Okay..   but just hear me out, first.

Here it is, not even 1am, and I'm wide awake (I did sleep a few hours, though).  Why, you ask?  Well, let me tell you the whirlwind that transpired just yesterday.  My brain is still processing, fretting, and basically not letting me freakin' sleep.

I do admit, I have been stressing over the income/job thing.  Thing that was hanging me up the most was the doggy thing, with summer coming and the heat and no A/C or good ventilation.  Have contemplated selling both vehicles to get something with amenities, since most jobs I was perusing came with free spot/hookups.  But then it went right back down to things that could break and having one vehicle and my brain goes round and round and round.

So I get a text from my RV sis asking if I wanted to come clean a few of her RV's for some cash.  Uhhh..  yeah!   Off I went.  Within 10 minutes of me getting there, though, she told me she had a brilliant idea come to her and wanted to know what I thought about it.

She then took me over to a 5th wheel, I assumed to show me what I was to clean next.  Nope.  It actually had belonged to her father-in-law, he traded it in on a better one, someone had used it after he got something better, trashed it, and there it was for my sis and bro-in-law to fix up and re-sell.   I have no idea what she told the man, but apparently he is just going to give it to me to get rid of it.  I will pay something for it, of course, but wow.  More on this in a bit.

While she talking to said father-in-law, he asked if I needed a job.  She hooked me up on that, as well.  He had just expanded his business and needed to get new employees, so it was good timing.  He owns a pretty well known beef jerky company that is an hour and half closer to where my daughter lives.  So, I have a job.  (of course she made sure I would still be able to go this coming week with them to Texas, haha!  I'll start after I get back)

In the span of 5 minutes, I have an RV and a job...    O.O

Yes, kind of taking a step back from my goals, but I really do need to have an income.  Bonus, hello?  Beef jerky!!!   lol   Anyway, I know how to live cheap and can start saving.  I can handle it if I know it's not permanent.  If I set a goal of 'x' amount of years or 'x' amount saved up it will make the 9-5 job thing bearable.  I'll be giving up most of my freedom to set myself up a little better with some dough.  Give and take in everything.

And it works very well with trying to figure out the pooch thing with the weather.  I wasn't going to give her up, no way.  

Hey, look at it this way, I will still be living full time in an RV.  ;)  

On to the rig...   I'm still trying to believe this is real, btw.  So it's a bit older Montana brand.  Has 3 slides, two of which are opposite each other in the living area.  Large fridge.  Sofa, recliner, desk, table and chairs already in there.  Washer and dryer included.  The tires on them look brand new.  One of those high dollar Tempurpedic mattresses.  Like a furnished house sitting there waiting on me.  Her father-in-law lived in it for a few years, so it should survive the cold temps around here just fine.  Gees, it's super dirty and some things need to be fixed, but...   yeah.  It could make for a very good home base for later down the road.

I took some pictures, but not sure I want to post any, lol.  It's bad dirty.  

I kept thinking that the right thing would reveal itself if I was patient.  I was trying really hard not to stress overmuch about all the uncertainty with the income thing, and where to live thing.  Well?  I needed a job, boom, I now have one.  I was worried about the weather and the doggy, boom, have an RV with heat and air.  I was worried I wouldn't be able to hack living out of a van permanently without some amenities, boom, will live in a 5th wheel with all the amenities.  I've already contemplated getting a different rig that would suit me better, boom, now I can save up for what I really want.  If anyone comes through my area and needs a place to crash, do laundry, or wants long hot showers, boom, I'll be right on I-40 just west of Oklahoma City.  

Will you guys still love me if I'm living in a 5th wheel??  *runs from the thrown tomatoes*

Enough of my middle of the night ramblings.   So, umm, yeah, this was how my afternoon went.  Still processing...

That's awesome, congrats. The tow vehicle thing raises a question though, I assume you won't be using the van? Could sell both the van and the 5th wheel and get a Class B or Class C with amenities, since it seems you'll have to do a little shuffling one way or the other. Just a thought. Either way you have something now that will accommodate you and if it's set in a campground somewhere with hookups you won't need to move it anyway. In the short term you could maybe just have someone move it there for you if you need.

I've been thinking, if I ever had to work a stationary job instead of my mobile one, I think I would save up for 6 months then spend 6 months in Mexico where the exchange rate is crazy and I could live cheap off the savings. Just another thought.

Good of you to leave the standing invite. I'll try to say hi when I make my way back East.
O TAY ! Score 1, Score 2 you must have been very good last year , karma smiles upon you.
Those Montana 5ers are real nice!
1st choice for 3 out of 5 fulltimers in most of the snowbird parks I have stayed in.
Nashville and Knoxville , both also on I 40 so weather close to yours.
Built VERY well , good in cold weather + the dirt will clean up!

Hope the job turns out to be fun fun!
Ditto on the chance to get some more X ray on your resume .
Gee, gf, your life is hard to keep up with.. but WOW!

So living in the 5th wheel will give you a chance to evaluate how you feel about a huge amount of mobile space, the weight, the complicated systems, etc. You can compare it to the Class B that has amenities that your sis wants to keep. And compare those to the simpler but harder life in a no-frills van like you have?

My guess is that by the time you save a comfortable stash, you will -- if you want to -- be able to sell that fiver for a profit because you will have it cleaned up and looking good!

So it is all good, good, good. And we all still love ya for sure. :)
TMG51 said:
Good of you to leave the standing invite. I'll try to say hi when I make my way back East.
You better!!  :)   

No worries on getting it moved, my bro-in-law will do it, it's what he does for a living with the RV business.  Should I need to store it somewhere, I kinda have that taken care of with their place, so it's all good.  :D

rvpopeye said:
O TAY ! Score 1, Score 2 you must have been very good last year , karma smiles upon you.
Those Montana 5ers are real nice!
______________________________________________(couldn't figure out how to answer this seperate, lol)

I sure hope you are right, haha.  Will try not to look a gift horse in the mouth.  ::D   Actually, it's really nice, if dirty.  I may add some pics here in a few in it's shabby glory.
WriterMs said:
So living in the 5th wheel will give you a chance to evaluate how you feel about a huge amount of mobile space, the weight, the complicated systems, etc. You can compare it to the Class B that has amenities that your sis wants to keep. And compare those to the simpler but harder life in a no-frills van like you have?
So it is all good, good, good.  And we all still love ya for sure.  :)

Totally correct.  I could be a means to an end.   Would have it for now, have a place I could store it if needed.  Have someone that can move it for me, within reason.  For now, it's what I have to work with.  :D
Here goes..  picture heavy!!

This is the before, all slides are in, sorry.   Complete with pics of the shower and laundry facilities per KM's request, lol..


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So yeah, once I get her cleaned up, moved, and set up, should work really well!   Don't think i'll be looking for a vehicle to haul this thing around, as I do already have a mover and I'll be stationery for this job for a while. 

In the mean time, I can either keep both vehicles, using the van on weekends and such.  Or sell that or my car.  If sell van, can still car camp.  Aim to eventually save up enough to get a decent class B though, that is the goal.  This one will be the paid for home base I'll have somewhere, though.  

So there we go.  :D


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So happy for you! This is an awesome turn of events. Now save, save, save, so in the future you can have all the options your heart desires.
Well dang. That's nice. I like the shower. It really doesn't look that dirty either. When do you get to move in?
Theadyn said:
So yeah, once I get her cleaned up, moved, and set up, should work really well!   Don't think i'll be looking for a vehicle to haul this thing around, as I do already have a mover and I'll be stationery for this job for a while. 

In the mean time, I can either keep both vehicles, using the van on weekends and such.  Or sell that or my car.  If sell van, can still car camp.  Aim to eventually save up enough to get a decent class B though, that is the goal.  This one will be the paid for home base I'll have somewhere, though.  

So there we go.  :D

The world works in mysterious ways. It works even more for the good folks. T Girl, you are one of the good folks!
TMG51 said:
Well dang. That's nice. I like the shower. It really doesn't look that dirty either. When do you get to move in?

The shower is kinda nice.. it's like a mini garden tub that comes up to your knee cap. Wonder if I can take a bath in it? haha!!

My mom is chomping at the bit to start working on it, she's pestering my bro-in-law to get her hooked up so we can get the slides open and start cleaning on it tomorrow. Even giving me an early birthday present (although, birthday not until May, hmm lol) of having the carpets cleaned for me, woot. Anyways, we are taking off Monday for south Texas til next Sunday, am hoping to have it cleaned up and moved within that next week. So, within 2 weeks. (that is, if my bro-in-law doesn't find too many things wrong with it while going over all of the systems)
You're gonna love that thing. Plus with a parking/storage space what's not to love?
New job , minimum bills ,maximum saving ability.
Definitely, I would keep your beloved Van Halen for your daily / recreational driver.
And mini-maxi road trips too.
Car ?? keep or sell , no hurry to decide.
Montana 5er , It will have great resale value should you decide you need to turn it to cash or be a great home base. no hurry to decide that either.
Your future's so bright , you'll have to wear shades !
Theadyn said:
The shower is kinda nice.. it's like a mini garden tub that comes up to your knee cap.  Wonder if I can take a bath in it?   haha!!  

My mom is chomping at the bit to start working on it, she's pestering my bro-in-law to get her hooked up so we can get the slides open and start cleaning on it tomorrow.  Even giving me an early birthday present (although, birthday not until May, hmm  lol) of having the carpets cleaned for me, woot.  Anyways, we are taking off Monday for south Texas til next Sunday, am hoping to have it cleaned up and moved within that next week.  So, within 2 weeks.  (that is, if my bro-in-law doesn't find too many things wrong with it while going over all of the systems)

If someone decides there's stuff wrong with it, talk to us before anyone makes a decision! That thing is too nice to let slip away. You'll be happy in it. Is there a generator too? I know you'll be on shore power anyway.
No worries on bro-in-law finding things wrong with it, it's what he does. He's a licensed RV mechanic, can fix anything in it. Since it's his dad's rig, until it's in my name, he'll fix it. Since he loves his sis-in-law, he'll fix it. :) There's probably not a generator, usually not in these, unfortunately. I will know more tomorrow. :)

Yep, it was mentioned that they would give it to me. I don't feel too comfortable about that, so will try to pay something. Practical side of me wants to just say 'Thank you!' lol Please, someone, give me a pill that will just let me accept it for free. :D

Yep, no hurry on anything, totally correct. :)

An actual freezer and oven, oh my!!! Heck yeah! So if anyone stops by I can cook them a frozen pizza, woot!! lol
oooh,washer and dryer,nice
no guilt on the free,its a gift,makes the others feel good

i like the fix it up,live in it until your ready,sell it,new tires on your next rig
It is not easy to accept a gift but it is good practice, when we learn to accept gracefully, it is a lesson in giving. You can pass it forward to someone else. Remember to say thank you and let them know how grateful you are. I like Pizza, make it vegetarian, very simple, a pesto base, mushrooms and red onions, two third whole wheat flour one third semonela flour, I like a thinned crispy crust, blend of mozerella and cheddar well cooked but not burnt, with a salad and a glass of water with lemon in it. A sprinkling of parmissan, chili or some hot sauce with fresh tomatoes sprinkled over it after it is cooked, not frozen!!! thanks