Theadyn's van and trip log

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Good post Lady Theadyn
Everybody thinks about those things but the odds are in your favor.

The preceding may not apply if you're planning to strike it rich in Vegas!

Now about that song you made up.....Are you looking for a good manager ???
Skuh kuh kuh kuh kuh
tonyandkaren said:
We're looking forward to seeing you again! You can park by us. We'll be easy to find. Just go straight down the entrance road and we'll be off on the right near the fire ring/seminar circle. You may want to find a quieter spot after you get oriented because it's kind of in the middle of everything.

Very nice, thank you! Will do, at least until I get a feel for the noise level, lol. Looking forward to seeing you guys again. :)

rvpopeye said:
Now about that song you made up.....Are you looking for a good manager ???
Skuh kuh kuh kuh kuh

Care to sign me? haha :D

flying kurbmaster said:
I hear you, I worry about what I am going to eat when I get to ninety.

That kind of puts it into perspective.. If we live for the 'what if's' when we are ninety, would that take away the joy in living in the here and now? Hmm.. if I get to ninety and have nothing to eat, just kick me to the 'kurb' cause hopefully I'll have no regrets. Or few regrets, lol. Or a ton of regrets but who cares, I lived. Man... I could go off on this a while, lol, but will refrain thy fingers from typing so as not to bore thy eyes... haha.
I think I might find you a gig or two. If you think you can go on the road...wait a minute :idea: , isn't that what you plan on doing ? ;)

Now about that no regrets stuff , I think you'll be having none of those after being on this adventure for a while. I know I don't ! :cool:
Well, this morning was eventful.

I have been stressing about the thought of what to do with a houseful of furniture, I'm sure you all know. This morning, the ole guy stopped by, check on me, offer me a heater (already had one) and talked. He offered to buy the stuff from me, I took the offer. Benefitted us both.. I didn't want to look forward to a storage unit, meeting strangers there that were buying, paying for the storage for however long it took, it would have cost me time and money. He didn't want someone coming into his house without him to move the furniture, the house needed the furniture, my stuff works and is good quality, and he knew I needed closure on it.

Of course I didn't get what I paid for it all, but no one ever does. And it's used, a nick or two from the moves. Relief of having it done, it's not having to move anywhere, no posting for sale stuff or figuring out how to get rid of it all.. It's done. For not having any of that hassle, I am happy with having less return. Heck, I would have just let him have it. So I'm thrilled. And it's agreed, it's done, settled, everything that is there is now his, to do with whatever he pleases.

Right now, all I own is what I brought over to my daughters house.

It's also to be paid in installments. I truly think he is still trying to take care of me, by making sure I have some money coming in for a few months. That speaks very well for his character. Heck, he's brought food and left it at my door and texted me that it was there. I'm very glad there is no hate on either end.

Well anyways, now that most of the ice on the roads has cleared up, I took the van out to get her oil changed this morning.. every place was closed, grrr.. I'll either have to wait til Monday morning and then leave after, or find some place down the road to get it changed. It's been over 4k miles since the last change. We shall see how it goes...
I love it when things take care of themselves.
Cross that one off the list! :D

Homey does his own oil changes , a piece of cake,a cupcake at that too!
If that's the only thing left on the list. 4000 is getting up there but you wouldn't put on that much more till you could find a place out on the road , heck even a dealership won't hurt ya too bad. Truck stops , and lots of other places can do it.
Before you do leave , make sure you check the dipstick and maybe carrying a couple of extra quarts wouldn't be a bad idea on any road trip too. AND check underneath for leaks after a few miles when anyone does a change for you.
Happy Trails Lady T
Made it there and back again!! And lived. ;) And had a great time! :) Met so many great people and saw some awesome rigs and learned a lot of things. Will def be going next year. :D

Left out that Monday to head back, daughter was in need, so not only drove back to my area (2 days of driving), rested a day or so, but then kept going to where she lived to hang out a few days. Yes, more stealth camping in an rv park. :D

Now I'm back in my area again, trying to decide the next course of action. This house will be sold eventually, so I needs a plan. Do need to work on replacing the old fundage, so in the meantime, I'm figuring that part out while also planning my next trip. Tying up some much needed loose ends, as well.

As for the van, she did great! I have soooo many things I want to redo to her on the inside, though, haha. Always. Number one, though: get a different mattress!! Too darn soft and sinky... something a little firmer next time. And better lighting. And better organization. And... haha

I've enjoyed all your posts. Thanks. You have such a positive attitude and are handling things so well! Good job!
bindi&us said:
It was nice meeting you.
I'll always remember the gal I startled when she looked in the wrong van :)

Haha.. That would be me! :) Was very nice to meet you and Margie, as well. :D
Thanks for the update Pam! I'm so glad that you came to the RTR.

Best of luck with all of your decisions. You're strong enough to do anything and everything and live your life any way you wish. :)
Another road trip in the 'ol logbook.
No breakdowns , lots of new friends,,,,,,that don't live in houses.
One more and you will get your roadwarrior medal !

Then comes the bad stuff.
Vandweller-a-holics meetings.
Sudden urges to drive in no particular direction..............
tonyandkaren said:
Thanks for the update Pam! I'm so glad that you came to the RTR.

Best of luck with all of your decisions. You're strong enough to do anything and everything and live your life any way you wish. :)

Thank you guys so much for taking me under your wing, y'all are sweethearts!! And thanks again for dinner, it was awesome! Hope to see you guys again down the road. :)

rvpopeye said:
Another road trip in the 'ol logbook.
No breakdowns , lots of new friends,,,,,,that don't live in houses.
One more and you will get your roadwarrior medal !

Then comes the bad stuff.
Vandweller-a-holics meetings.
Sudden urges to drive in no particular direction..............

One more??!!! But.. but.. I took one as soon as I got back, doesn't that count? Lol Sign me up for my meetings then, sir. ;)
1: You're right!
2: I spaced that one out.
3: (but I'm a musician so I have an excuse)
4: Your road warrior medal is in the mail.
5: (just as soon as I remember where I put them
see #3)
6: To make up for the delay I'll include a gold star for your forehead....
7: Oh yeah ! The gold star IS the medal!

8: The star will admit you to all meetings.
9: (I don't go to them as I'm very happy being addicted to the road)
rvpopeye said:
1: You're right!
2: I spaced that one out.
3: (but I'm a musician so I have an excuse)
4: Your road warrior medal is in the mail.
5: (just as soon as I remember where I put them
see #3)
6: To make up for the delay I'll include a gold star for your forehead....
7: Oh yeah ! The gold star IS the medal!

8: The star will admit you to all meetings.
9: (I don't go to them as I'm very happy being addicted to the road)

Lmao.... Well done, sir!! :)
YAAAAA!!!!! Glad to see an update. I was starting to get worried about ya. Thought we may have scared you off. Really enjoyed meeting you and look forward to your future posts.

ainley53 said:
YAAAAA!!!!! Glad to see an update. I was starting to get worried about ya. Thought we may have scared you off. Really enjoyed meeting you and look forward to your future posts.


Still here kickin' ;)
It was great to meet you Theadyn! I've enjoyed reading your travels and travails. I hope to see you at RTR again next year.
Being back in a sticks -n- bricks for the time being, this is what I DON'T miss:

I've had to call a plumber yesterday to come roto-rooter the cleanout. Yup, it was backing up into the tub. Afraid to run washing machine, dishwasher, heck, even flush the toilet. No biggy for me, I'm getting used to living out of my van, I made due until help arrived. $115 later, the pipes are okay again. So, plumbing... I don't miss having to worry about plumbing issues. :)

The other thing, and right now this one is irking me right now, I might add... Holding down a Netflix account and not even being able to access it. Yes, this was due to me giving out my password (which Netflix encourages) to some that shared it. My fault, I know that. But gees, I don't have cable or satellite, Netflix along with whatever else is free streaming off my Roku stick is all I have. And I can't even watch it, even though I'm paying for it. Not to worry, I have changed passwords. Still hasn't taken effect. The next time they try to watch anything they will be in for a rude awakening. So be it. Doubt I will keep Netflix when I go full time.

Another? 20-30mph winds today has knocked down some limbs, one of them pretty decent sized one leaning on the porch to this house earlier. So, gathering up limbs in on the list of crap I am glad to not have to deal with. I am dealing with it now, sure, but only because I am getting to stay here for free. But I will not miss this stuff, personally, when I go full time.

One last one, having to keep a house fairly show ready while it is up for sale. I'm not really comfortable in it because I'm keeping it able to be shown at all times. An agent bonus was added yesterday to the listing. I really do hope it sells quickly, for my daughter and son-in-laws sake. When that happens I'll definitely be full time, for sure.

Gonna end this by just saying.. home ownership is just a PITA! The only saving grace right now is tomorrow's high is about 41 degrees here and it will be warm inside. That's about all I am going to throw out there to the positive.

/end rant

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