Theadyn's van and trip log

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Things have developed... I have officially changed address to my daughters home. I have been downsizing and trying to get my life to where there is less. I keep looking for work, although I know there is none here. I have a place to go, for now. And I am still going to the RTR. I may not be able to be here unless I am at the library.

I am scared and excited at the same time.
You can do it Pammy! Message me here or fb if you need anything at all.
Best of Luck and Congratulations on being 'ready' to take that scary step!
flying kurbmaster said:
great, does this mean you are finally going to stop turning me down. :)  good luck.

Too funny. Thank you for making me giggle this morning. :)
SaltySeaWitch said:
You can do it Pammy! Message me here or fb if you need anything at all.

I wrote you on facebook. :) I sincerely hope you will go with me. :)
tonyandkaren said:
Hope everything works out for you Pam. Let us know if you need help with anything. See you at the RTR!

Thank you dear friends. :) I will see you at the RTR :)
In my life, it has always been darkest just before the dawn of a new and glorious day. May your tomorrows all be that!
akrvbob said:
In my life, it has always been darkest just before the dawn of a new and glorious day. May your tomorrows all be that!

I so hope that is true! :). Thank you for that!

I got everything out of the house I wanted and left the rest. I hope he agrees to just buy it from me as its quality stuff and goes perfect in his place. I don't want it and his house is pretty empty without it. It makes sense to me. Otherwise, I'm not afraid to just say 'keep it'. (though I could really use the dough).

I've been at daughters since last Thursday, she's been staying here, as well. In part, for me, she knew I needed it, and in part waiting for my aunts funeral, which is today.

My aunt.. She was the catalyst for this move. Gunned down at random early in the morning last Thursday while driving back from Christmas shopping for her grandkids in the bigger city. It was a totally random road rage shooting on I-40, my aunt and some other man were killed. She's been my aunt for 26 years and was a sweat, caring, giving person. My uncle is devasted, of course, with everyone else. She was one of my moms best friends.

He death was so sudden and random, just showed me that day how life is so short. Too short to be unhappy.

I'm sitting here awake at 3am typing this on my phone, forgive my typo's.

So far this split is amiable, neither one blaming or hating. We were both hurting when we found each other and tried to be happy together and to keep living. No one is blaming the other. I still feel bad for hurting him, but know I needed out, for me.

Will be getting internet turned on Thursday. Yay! Definitely still planning to hit the RTR. Need to go now more than ever. Still so uncertain what tomorrow holds. That's scary, and good.

Feel like my stuff is scattered in three different places, will be interesting to see what I will forget to take. If I happen to be wearing the same jeans for a while, just please don't mention it. ;)
Theadyn said:
Feel like my stuff is scattered in three different places, will be interesting to see what I will forget to take.  If I happen to be wearing the same jeans for a while, just please don't mention it.  ;)

Hey, that's the best way to fit in with the crowd--otherwise you'd be out of place!  :p
akrvbob said:
Hey, that's the best way to fit in with the crowd--otherwise you'd be out of place!  :p

Trust him on this one...clean jeans means you either just arrived or you're trying to be a clothes horse!

Put it this way, I found myself choosing the clean side of the tea towel to dry dishes the other day.... :rolleyes:
Sorry to hear about your Aunt, that is pretty shocking to have someone close to you go so sudden even more shocking when it is completely random and violent. My thoughts are with you, wishing you peace and serenity as you go through these changes.
That's a terribly sad sort of wake up call. I'll admit I had to stop and have a cry for you. I've been in the 'both hurting' sort of relationship and they last as long as they last, then they break up. If you manage to not totally destroy each other, you've done well.

Best of luck in this new chapter of your life. The things you forget to bring with you will either be replaced or mourned and let go. Utlimately you have inside of you all of the 'things' that you need going forward.

Except for coffee. Coffee is an external necessity.
Merry Christmas Eve all!! I just got internet turned on here, woot! *does happy dance!* So, of course, I had to come here to catch up on things. Sure beats trying to read everything on my tiny phone screen with these old eyes. Feels almost like I'm seeing this site movie screen sized!! haha

Tomorrow isn't supposed to be bad here, but come Saturday, ick! Here comes the ice and snow. My area, blizzard like conditions. Oh yay!! Have plenty of food and backups if the power goes out. If it stays on, I'll be on the 'net searching and reading and planning. :D

Things are going pretty good here at the kid's place. They went home a few days ago, so it's been just me and the pooch. Wouldn't you know it, my daughters house got shown yesterday. Now? In the slow time of year right before Christmas?? Yep. My luck, haha, they make an offer and I am without a home base. Well.. now.. if that happens, it was just pretty darn perfect timing, if I do say so, myself. So I am dearly hoping it does sell.

Otherwise, after the RTR, I'll be heading back here to stay at the kid's house, to take care of things until it sells, and try to figure out the income thing for the inevitable time when I will be a full timer. :D Yep, ladies and gents.. it is looking that this is what will be in my future.

Oddly enough, my super nosy family, when they found out I had moved out and into my daughter's house that is up for sale, and when they asked what I would do if her house sells... my answer was 'I don't know. I've always got my van. :)'... they didn't hit the roof. Finally!!! haha

Just as a funny side note: (well, I thought it was funny how my brain works anyways) When signing up for internet, around here for the cheaper plan it's contract. I asked them what would happen if the house sells, after explaining my situation. They told me they would just transfer it to where I am moving to, if it's available. If not available, no penalty. But if I'm mobile?? So.. my brilliant brain thought: mom and dad. :D They are across town, they have no problem being my home base... AND.. they already have this internet service there. bwahaha...

In case you can't tell, I'm in a chipper mood, haha. Spending tomorrow with my family. Looking forward to the RTR. And have internet again. Life is good! :)
Unencumbered, yet still encumbered. That is the feeling this morning.

The unencumbered: No house. No job. No man. Only child grown, married, and happy. Nothing really tying me to this place/town. Own my wheels. Can live in wheels. In good health. Needs are small. Still fairly young. I'm feeling pretty free right now.

The encumbered: Why do I still feel like I have so much STUFF?! (yes, I will be purging more of just the stuff I brought to my daughter's house during this weekend and week's yucky weather) I still am not sure what is to be done with the furniture I left at the old man's house. Fear of the unknown.

Speaking of, just watched the Enigmatic Nomatic's video with Bob questioning the three women on Women and Safety. Nice video! :) Hey, that is what I DO when it's the middle of the night and I can't sleep, lol, I read. The message was pretty good timing, for me. Lots of very good points were made.

I don't really worry about bodily safety, not in the van. I lock the doors and go to sleep. At least in a van you can hop in the seat and take off. Who can say that living in a house? You are trapped. When I leave soon for Arizona, it will be the first time I will take a gun with me. I've never felt the need before, and have never felt like I have wished I had had it on the road before. Am only taking it with me to Arizona because this house is still up for sale, and I'd hate for someone to break in while I'm gone, empty house, steal the gun, and me be responsible for it. More than likely, will keep it unloaded and put away the entire time without even thinking about it.

No, bodily harm is not my fear. Breaking down?? Oh yeah. haha. But, I've been broke down many times, and I'm still kicking. Fix it and go on. Just hate that feeling, is all. Keep telling myself the van has had all the belts, hoses, plugs, wires, radiator, water pump replaced, along with a new transmission. Getting oil change before I leave out. The tires have all been checked recently and in good shape and have a full rimmed new spare plus AAA and roadside on my insurance. The only biggy is the motor. So far the motor has been purring, for all I've put her through. Worse case scenario, she bites the dust at 124k miles. Scrap it, rent a vehicle to get back home, I have alternate car for now until I find another van, cause yeah, I'm gonna want another one, I'm hooked.

Another immediate fear is.. and this will sound stupid... but, getting to the RTR and not knowing where to park. It's true!! Like, uh, what if I happen to infringe on someone else's space without knowing it. I'd hate to get someone upset at my faux pas. Wish there were like a tour guide at the entrance that points out available parking, lol!! :D Or, like in the Oklahoma land run, find a marker and put your flag there marking it's your spot. Hey, I can dream. :)

Then there's the fear of just doing it, letting go, and going for it. It's scary. When you've known and have been taught to think a certain way your whole life, something different is frightening. But can be exciting. What other perfect opportunity is there, for me, than right now? I can't think of any, to be honest. Well.. more in the bank, sure. But if we waited for everything to be perfect then you'll be waiting til you're cold in the grave.

Of course that other fear is the income aspect. That will come in it's time. It's just money and there's a million ways to earn it. Don't need much anyways. ;) And honestly, mobile might be best, as this area is pretty bad off with job openings due to the oilfield here being mostly shut down. (positive thinking, positive thinking)

Bah... early morning blabberings, just ignore... Not really much of a 'Captain' for the most part on this thread, lol. Although, me and the kid DID take the van to Walmart the other night, the week of Christmas shopping, so that should be considered some sort of driving adventure, right?? :D

So, here I sit, all alone on Christmas morning.. singing to myself.. "She's making a list, she's checking it twice.. gonna find out if she's gonna have to go into Blythe... The RTR is coming... real soon..." My doggy has already came in to check on me, snorted, turned on her heels and went back to her bed, lol. I guess she doesn't like my singing. :(
We've all been where you are now at one time or another - you'll be fine. :)

We're looking forward to seeing you again! You can park by us. We'll be easy to find. Just go straight down the entrance road and we'll be off on the right near the fire ring/seminar circle. You may want to find a quieter spot after you get oriented because it's kind of in the middle of everything.

Have a safe trip!