Theadyn's van and trip log

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flying kurbmaster said:
It is not easy to accept a gift but it is good practice, when we learn to accept gracefully, it is a lesson in giving. You can pass it forward to someone else. Remember to say thank you and let them know how grateful you are. I like Pizza, make it vegetarian, very simple, a pesto base, mushrooms and red onions, two third whole wheat flour one third semonela flour, I like a thinned crispy crust, blend of mozerella and cheddar well cooked but not burnt, with a salad and a glass of water with lemon in it. A sprinkling of parmissan, chili or some hot sauce with fresh tomatoes sprinkled over it after it is cooked, not frozen!!! thanks

My eyes kind of glazed over reading your request of pizza, sir. lol You make make your own. :p
I used to refuse gifts like that but now accept with much thanks.
Every little bit helps........(just a po boy these days).
Karma will pay them back! BIG time for that thing !

I have a cast iron dutch oven that I like to bake pizza in my RV oven.

Kurbmaster sure has his fave zeroed in !

Mine is olives (of coursk I likes ta eatsk me olive's))and provalone .
Skuh kuh kuh kuh
rvpopeye said:
Mine is olives (of coursk I likes ta eatsk me olive's))and provalone .

I wouldn't have figured that one at all!! lol
I also used to have trouble accepting gifts, wel, still do actually. But someone pointed out to me that by not accepting I was not only not accepting something meant for me, but I was denying the giver the blessing of giving something needed. It has totally changed my thinking.

And Kurbmaster, when are we all invited over for pizza? that sounded pretty amazing, and I don't usually do vegetarian.
I am so glad things are going your way now. It is great to have options! Calls for a pizza party for sure. WE should be paying for YOUR pizza.
Went and hung out in my new dig's last night. My mom and sis went to work on it and it's cleaning up nicely. :D

Mom and dad, my sis and her hubby, and even my newly widowed uncle was there, there was plenty of room. Lots of space for a pizza party!! Woot!!

So I'll be heading out tomorrow on a trip for 5 or 6 days. Lookout Texas!!

Then, when I get back, I start my new job. What is my first assignment? Boss needs help with a trip, an assistant. Getting to go to Vegas. Vegas, baby!! Talk about stepping out of my comfort zone. Since I'm not set working in the plant yet, it was good timing. Hey, maybe I'll get lucky. :D

Will try to snap a few pics today witht he slides out. I'm getting excited, the thing is nice!
Told ya so !
Have been inside a few.
A LOT of my fulltime RVing friends are owners.

That new job sounds like fun fun too.
Maybe you'll get to miss the factory floor assignments........?

Have a great trip.
Here is a pic of the hang out location, pizza included!!  (even if wierd, i will try my best to accomodate)
Okay, it won't let me add at the moment..  sorry.   Try later.
Heck , I think you just won the lotto.

But no harm in seeing how far luck will carry you..........
With the kind of luck you're having; I'm gonna send you $5.00 so you can buy me a Lotto ticket, drop a dollar in the slots and put anything left in your pocket. If I win anything you can have half of it.
I'm back... I lived. haha...

There was some incidences we won't mention, but I have the scars. Lots of dang pictures on facebook, thanks to my sisters, grrr...

Okay, so I get a call from a hospital while in Texas (I hope they couldn't tell we were drinking, lol), have an interview on Tuesday, so tomorrow night driving down for this interview that's in my daughters town. Wish me luck!

After that, still hitting Vegas. I hope to see those people while I'm there. :) Cyndi and Karen, I have ya'lls numbers. :D
Good luck with the interview!
We'll be in Vegas for most of the week. Hope work doesn't keep you too busy so we can all get together!
So, did the interview. AMAZINGLY enough.. one of the chicks in the group interview went to school with me in '04. Small world!!! She's been there 11 years. Already told them I always turned in the test first and always got A's... Let's hope that is my 'in'. :) They are interviewing others, and I have been out of the game for 2 years, so.. we will see. What happens will happen.

Hung out with the kid, I really want to be there for her, I think she needs me around more.

At the moment, sitting at the kid's house with some energy people doing all kinds of things to get it more energy efficient, four dudes working on it as we speak. Have no clue what all they are doing. But it will help with the sell of the house, I hope.

So I'm leaving out in the morning, flying out at 2:40pm central time for Vegas. As far as I know, there is a dinner planned with some distributors, and a golfing trip that I get to drive the cart (yay!!). Otherwise, will be in Vegas Thursday and Friday, the evenings sounds like they will be doing gambling (which I don't) so I'll be free.

After that, hopping in to a limo to go to Laughlin for a few days before we head back. *big breath* already exhausted just thinking about it all....