Theadyn's van and trip log

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Am at Vegas, woot!! They have us at the Golden Nugget. They really roll out the red carpet for my maybe boss... limo ride and penthouse suite. One of his friends daughter here turned 21 today, so party here tonight if anyone is around. :) He said all are welcome.

Leaving out tomorrow, though, to head to Laughlin for some golf tournament for a few days before we head back here.

I would add some pics of this place but the phone is being a butt, lol. Let me know if anyone wants to come hang out. :)
Skuh kuh kuh kuh
Good for you !
Enjoy enjoy enjoy the whole thing.
Well that might not be totally possible if you have to watch GOLF.....just fake it in that case!
Hope the boss finds you indispensable and a nice cushy job starts asap!
Dang! Wish I'd read this earlier. Sounds like you'll be busy tomorrow, too.

Enjoy Sin City!!!
Have a good time Pam! We're at the little RV park at Main Street Station, almost next door to you. Not feeling up to a party though so take some pictures for us if your phone starts working. :-D
Well I'm up for a party, but I'm currently a 6hr drive away.
Well we do a few hours to kill, and dude likes to gamble, so will be just wandering until 1 pm our time.

Heading out then for Laughlin, will be at the Golden Nugget there, as well. Golf tourney tomorrow, tonight is more gambling... well, for him, lol. If anyone's in at area let me know. :)
Well call me 'Jerky Girl', lol. Got called in to work, filling in for a lady out from surgery for 3 weeks.

They have me working screens. Meaning, I'm laying the marinaded meat flat on screens going to the smoker. It's pretty easy, monotonous even. However, I treat it as a puzzle of sorts, lol. Hey, I must have my fun somehow.

Not to bash anyone at all, but I do somewhat feel like I went to work in a foreign country and I don't know the language. Everyone speaks Spanish here, only 2 can speak limited English. It's been pretty interesting, to say the least. Thankfully, the jobs not hard, just labor intensive. The BLARING Mexican music all day pretty much prohibits letting my mind wander to anything, darnit. Oh well, it's money. :)

So after handling the fresh meat to get ready for the screens, then cleanup, I then get to go help bag it. Only thing I'm missing is seeing the meat cut and the spices being mixed. Getting to smell that stuff all day is pretty nice. :)

I took my van Thursday morning, and stayed in it both Thursday night and last night. They had us work half a day today, as well.

It slept great!!! So glad I got that firmer piece of foam, it sure helped bunches. Will take her again Monday and stay the whole week, coming back on weekends. Have no idea what my job will be after the lady gets back to work, we shall see.

There is a shop down the road from the plant that has a bunkhouse built inside (4 sleeping areas, 2 bathrooms, living room and kitchen). The owner has his 5th wheel next to it. He's saying something about getting the plumbing and such reworked so I can park my 5th wheel near his area. Anyways, so he said I should park my van behind this shop, so I can use the bunkhouse if I wanted. I did take him up on the shower, but preferred my van. He didn't understand until he checked it out. When I told him on the phone I'd bring my van to sleep in, he joked about me bringing my 'hippy van'. But when he saw inside it, he was actually impressed. Seriously. I did try to describe it to him in Vegas, but he got to see it in person and thought it was pretty neat indeed.

Yesterday, I got off work and drove down the road to park behind the shop near where the bunkhouse door is. No one around. So I helped myself. Found chicken strips in the freezer and popped them into the toaster oven, found a cold beer in the fridge, made myself comfy on the couch and picked out a movie on the satellite tv. Yeah.. technically, not vandwelling. But hey, I was told to help myself. So I did. :) When it was time for bed, back in my little home I went and slept extremely well. Got ready, ate breakfast and made coffee in it in the morning. Drove it down the road to work. Break times and lunch found me hanging out in the van, as well. Job, place to shower and hang out, and sleeping in my van.. all worked out pretty well.

Now just to figure out what my job will be when that lady comes back. Time will tell. :) Wonder if I can just be a travel assistant when he goes places? haha!
Sounds a lot like workamping.
Think ya got a good gig goin'.
Van dwellers are flexible. You're definitely that!
Thought I'd update....   so.....    it's been about a month I've been full time van dwelling.  This with a job, I have to say, is kicking my ass.   

Running out of propane at 4 am in 32 degree weather is no joy.   NNote to self:  keep extra propane bbottle at the front.  Lol

Still finding out how to get net service out here.

Still no 5th wheel to live in yet.

Bunkhouse, that I thought was a recluse has now became an extra  burden.   All kinds of strings attached, like expectations to meals provided to cleaning for lots for guests.. and I'm not even staying in it, just using the shower or washer occassionally.   Can't even watch one movie in peace.

Yah....this job won't last long....

My mom n dad went south so I've had my doggy w me week n half now.   Shes been doing great but she doesn't like me leaving her.  My dad is back, though, and offered to point her with hot dogs until i get the 5th wheel here.

Sorry or typos... typing on tablet tethered to throttled data sucks....   Focker Out!
Theadyn said:
Thought I'd update....   so.....    it's been about a month I've been full time van dwelling.  This with a job, I have to say, is kicking my ass.   

Running out of propane at 4 am in 32 degree weather is no joy.   NNote to self:  keep extra propane bbottle at the front.  Lol

Still finding out how to get net service out here.

Still no 5th wheel to live in yet.

Bunkhouse, that I thought was a recluse has now became an extra  burden.   All kinds of strings attached, like expectations to meals provided to cleaning for lots for guests.. and I'm not even staying in it, just using the shower or washer occassionally.   Can't even watch one movie in peace.

Yah....this job won't last long....

My mom n dad went south so I've had my doggy w me week n half now.   Shes been doing great but she doesn't like me leaving her.  My dad is back, though, and offered to point her with hot dogs until i get the 5th wheel here.

Sorry or typos... typing on tablet tethered to throttled data sucks....   Focker Out!

Good to hear an update. There's always other work out there and I say don't let any job become a source of stress. Do keep extra propane handy though. Any reason for the 5th wheel delay? That still sounds like a step up.
Lady Theadyn
Was wondering how the adventure was going.........

A BIG 10-4 on an extra propane tank , I found that out the same way. They never run out when the fill places are open !!!!! I found a place that charges by the gallon and top off whenever I get below 1/2 now , but have an extra tank too .

One of the best features of seasonal jobs is there is always a "last day" not far off.
It's easier to put up with a not so perfect fit if you know it will be over before too long.

AND if it really stinks , turn the key and GOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ,,,Bazzzeeeenya !
Theadyn, unfortunately I can totally relate and I am two weeks out. Dreading the cold and working. Thanks for the post, I came to the conclusion yesterday big difference when I was traveling versus this! At least I know I am not the only one, not quite the good life yet. We will make no real choice,.spring is coming take care!
Okay, job is over. My wrist, physically, can not do it. I mentally can not do it with the language barrier.

I'm back at my daughters for sale house, and going to give wrist a rest. I may or may not take a trip before I try again on job. Wrist hurts more that I can say. :(

Anyways.. I'm here.. I'm still kicking.. and still living out of my van, one way or another. Not sure what's next. :)

Thank you all for the support. Truly appreciated. .... Hey!! At least I have net service here, woot!! :)
Theadyn said:
Okay, job is over.   My wrist, physically, can not do it.  I mentally can not do it with the language barrier.  

I'm back at my daughters for sale house, and going to give wrist a rest.   I may or may not take a trip before I try again on job.   Wrist hurts more that I can say.  :(

Anyways..    I'm here..  I'm still kicking..   and still living out of my van, one way or another.   Not sure what's next.  :)  

Thank you all for the support.  Truly appreciated.      ....  Hey!!   At least I have net service here, woot!! :)

The next thing will be better!
I thought it worked out good. You went to Vegas, lived the high life, worked for a few weeks made a few bucks, what's not to like. Well done, next adventure calling soon.
Lady Theadyn
When I run into such a situation , I get another question to ask a potential employer added to my list and/or add a "can't do" to my workamping resume.