The Forum is Being Sold to Group Builder

Van Living Forum

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It will require some minor sacrifices such as having a few ads—but we will all gain so much more than we will lose that eventually we will all look back and be very glad this sale happened!
Bob, I some point you want to be able to just sit back and enjoy and you deserve it for all that you have done....and the site will continue and all your work will continue on too!
If you scroll to the bottom under "Forums" tab you can read terms and conditions.

I noticed minimum age is 13, used to be 18. IMHO the teens are better served by other resources available to them including foster care and job corps and other residential educational settings. I would like to see accounts of members under the age of 18 flagged and directed to the many resources that are available to them based on their age.

This forum is best used by people who have "aged out" of youth resources which they could use to build up education and careers for themselves. (Age out of youth services at 24, though some have hung on till 27).

Also forum could make a sticky available to teen members for services available to them: teen housing & food resources, job training & apprenticeships, job corps phone number, financial support from parents or social security, emancipation, etc. Many more resources available for teens and if we are including them, have a duty to direct them to those resources.
Lighten up, people! Bob himself said he was going to shut down the forum if it wasn't sold. That in itself should tell you everything you need to know. I'm trying to picture the organization(s) that would be interested in stealing the personal information (email addresses) of a bunch of people who poop in a bucket. Carry on!
Lighten up, people! Bob himself said he was going to shut down the forum if it wasn't sold. That in itself should tell you everything you need to know. I'm trying to picture the organization(s) that would be interested in stealing the personal information (email addresses) of a bunch of people who poop in a bucket. Carry on!
But we are so rich in experiences & sunsets. Lots of rosy gold in those.
is Group Builder the new owners or are you contracted to manage the site by Russian obliarchs, trying to collect data on unsuspecting van dwellers, to sell to Sirian SAS teams, in order to steel mag wheels to melt down for magnesium L400 missiles.
that's preposterous.... yes, they are russian oligarchs. they don't care about missles - they're more into mr buddy heaters... they also want fire extinguishers, jic....

best wishes, again, bob wells... i hope many happy years lie ahead of you and cody......
What is happening is this: Big Tech is making a world-wide move to take over a large number of forums - key places where people meet and discuss things. They want all the genres. Everything. They want total control of our words. I have see a large number of forums get taken over in the past 6 to 12 months. It is NOT 3 people as you are being led to believe by "Angie". They are not the owners. So called Big Tech are the owners. Soon the social credit score system (like China has) will be rolled out, not only here in the US, but globally. Google it to read about that. It is about censorship and control of your behavior. Corporations do not have to abide by the constitution (re: the First Amendment). They are completely 100% free to squelch your voice and block you out (I have had several of my accounts completely terminated and removed because of words I wrote). But not only is this about censorship but it is going to be tied to your pocketbook (it already is in China). When you apply for a mortgage, credit card, or a loan for a vehicle (or RV), your credit history will be matched up to all your email addresses (and thus online accounts like the one) and your ability to obtain financing will be based on how good your online behavior has been (determined by a group of faceless folks that like to write and rewrite Terms & Conditions). There is even a likelihood (when we go cashless) that you could be faced with the inability to purchase things like food and clothing if your social credit score falls below a certain threshold. I highlighted the part above where "Angie" said the mods and rules are staying the same - no they aren't - somewhere down the pipeline both of those things will change as well. Have you noticed the frequency with which Google/YT/FB/etc have changed their Terms & Conditions in just the past 12 months? They will be changing here too. This is why forums on a broad and large scale are being taken over. Soon one world flag, and one world currency is coming.
any links from a credible source to any of these "thoughts" or just your imagination run wild? i doubt we will be at a "one world/currency" anytime soon the way the world is fighting and warring today. heck, just last week a Russian spokesman threatened us with nukes and said they would turn our cities "to ashes" if the usa doesnt back off our defense of the Ukraine!
My goodness, the drama-lamas and tin hatters are poked!
Change is often inevitable and necessary. Change facilitates growth and new experiences. I guess we all decide for ourselves what that means. But, for a fringe group who’s existence is all about change and adaptability, I find it funny that this change which affects you 0% is causing such a stir. 🤷🏼‍♀️
Bob may have started this forum years ago but it’s the nomads sharing their wisdom and experiences who have built it and made it into what it is. That hasn’t changed, and isn’t that why we’re all here?
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My goodness, the drama-lamas and tin hatters are poked!
Don't be disprespectin tin hats. In some quarters, they are considered VERY fashionable AND functional.
Didn't you read "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Mainenance"????

And sometimes "A cigar is just a cigar"... Frankly, he can do whatever he damn well pleases. He's given more than most have to a LOT of people, myself included.

Thanks Bob
I’m guess I’m just plain stupid but I’ve seen no email and no newsletter. I used to be a very regular on here and would like to keep in touch with my friends. Tell me what address you send it from and I’ll look it up in my inbox. I have not seen any thing like it.
NATURE...............Let me help.........remember I'm just another's what I see from this end

If you click (maybe 2x) on your name in the TOP BANNER you come to "Your Account"......You need your E-mail here

and "Account/ Preferences" gets you all the notifications and alerts.....newsletters

and there you can choose No-Ads if you want .....

that's a start.......glad you're out of the COLD .......start posting again !
I’m guess I’m just plain stupid but I’ve seen no email and no newsletter. I used to be a very regular on here and would like to keep in touch with my friends. Tell me what address you send it from and I’ll look it up in my inbox. I have not seen any thing like it.
Nature Lover, I have checked your account. You don't have the emails turned on, so you won't get any.
Since you have complained about no emails, and no newsletter I have turned on the "Yesterday's Forum Activity" for you. And email notification if you receive a Private Message (conversation).

If you go to: You can go down the list to which to receive alerts on, and which to receive alerts and emails.
I also disabled the ads for you, so that will make it better when you are logged in.

And as to your signature, Congratulations for escaping from a Nursing home.
I'm out.
That's for the help but most of them are gone, too, lol.
Happy Trails