The Forum is Being Sold to Group Builder

Van Living Forum

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Im unclear on how the change of ownership is negatively affecting us. I see comments about it being doom and gloom, cold pizza we didnt order, the end of civilization as we know it....but Im just not seeing it. It sounds more like negative thinking people rather than a real issue.

We have ads, OMG!!! Sorry, but thats the reality of building, running and maintaining a forum. the old software was badly outdated and crashed a lot, it costs to rebuild it and use updated software. Its a private enterprise, regardless of who owns or runs it, we are guests. Its still free to users. I dont get the angst.

My .02

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I saw that, its a nice feature.

Most of the time I come here (several times daily) Im not logged in, i only log in to post, but its nice to be able to turn off the ads while I am logged in.
I am relatively new here but noticed very little activity relative to other forums I have created or am a member of. So its good the hear that changes that need to be made are going to happen. With some talented coding old PHP to new PHP shouldn't be problem, but makes sense to sell and focus on your self. Just hope the forum keeps on with its original vision with out the original visionary.

Would be really nice to know who the new owners are, there vision for the forum and what they plan on doing first.
As one who has always had the uncanny ability to see right through most BS, I'm gonna assume the forum was sold because it didn't make money and may have even cost a bit to keep up. It definitely cost man-hours to maintain. On the other hand, YouTube videos and their associated affiliate links do make money. The change in ownership doesn't bother me a bit and I hope everything goes smoothly
As far as I can tell, I think most of the detractors (and us all) are just a bit blindsided by this and are expressing worries (though some of them seems a little much imo). Especially with the trends of virtually everyone on earth selling data on others. I did get a sharp increase in spam to my email address at around the same times that I didn’t share or post anywhere else recently so it seems a little odd to me. Some of the phrasing by the new ‘owners’ does seems slightly dodgy to me (like not outright saying that they are the owners, just that they technically could be termed as ones which seems off to me tbh) so I’m just watching and hoping nothing bad happens.

So basically just blindsided and concerned about datas being sold on us and the like.

But yes, I’m actually looking forward to seeing how the forum updates goes :) hopefully maybe we can have a mobile app or something similar for easier access on the spot?
As far as I can tell, I think most of the detractors (and us all) are just a bit blindsided by this and are expressing worries (though some of them seems a little much imo). Especially with the trends of virtually everyone on earth selling data on others. I did get a sharp increase in spam to my email address at around the same times that I didn’t share or post anywhere else recently so it seems a little odd to me. Some of the phrasing by the new ‘owners’ does seems slightly dodgy to me (like not outright saying that they are the owners, just that they technically could be termed as ones which seems off to me tbh) so I’m just watching and hoping nothing bad happens.
I'm sorry my statement about being owners was seen as dodgy. Yes, GroupBuilder owns the site. All 3 of us, but we do view it as preserving forums as we all believe in forums. I'm not sure why you received more spammy email as we do not give the bots or actual people access to the email addresses in anyone's account.
So basically just blindsided and concerned about datas being sold on us and the like.

But yes, I’m actually looking forward to seeing how the forum updates goes :) hopefully maybe we can have a mobile app or something similar for easier access on the spot?

We are sorry you were blindsided. We worked on the transfer for several days.

The mobile app is not happening as you understand old types of app. BUT, Xenforo software is very mobile friendly. All you need to do is bring the forum up on your device's mobile browser, then go to save to homepage, or save app. The words depend on your mobile device. Once you do that, it makes an avatar on your screen (just like old fashioned apps), and you click on it anytime you wish to come to the forum. I use one on my android phone all the time.

And one other thing, we do NOT give out email addresses. When a long lost friend uses contact us trying to get in touch with a member but wants to email them, I will offer to send their information to the member via email or PM (conversation) here, so your information is not given out. Then you can decide to contact that person trying to get in touch with you.

We also keep the server very secure as we don't want spammer, scammers or others in our information either, so your information is safe.
It's nice to know that this Forum will go on. It's like a Harbor for Nomads.
My 1991 Toyota Previa MiniVan lives on with 400 Watts of Solar, 3000 Watt Inverter, Diesel Heater, Twin XL Bed, 40" Smart TV, Black Painted Reflectix, and more coming... All because Bob said "Paying Rent Sucks".

Thanks Bob.

(To Bob; You think 66 is old? Personally I'm pulling a George Burns. Living to 100! Get to 50 and count backwards! That makes you 34, for the second time!)

(Waves)View attachment 29699
I like seeing people who like me, cant afford or choose not to buy big sprinter-type vans. (98 chevy express with 250000 miles here). Im 64 and love that counting backwards idea.
I'm sorry my statement about being owners was seen as dodgy. Yes, GroupBuilder owns the site. All 3 of us, but we do view it as preserving forums as we all believe in forums. I'm not sure why you received more spammy email as we do not give the bots or actual people access to the email addresses in anyone's account.

We are sorry you were blindsided. We worked on the transfer for several days.

The mobile app is not happening as you understand old types of app. BUT, Xenforo software is very mobile friendly. All you need to do is bring the forum up on your device's mobile browser, then go to save to homepage, or save app. The words depend on your mobile device. Once you do that, it makes an avatar on your screen (just like old fashioned apps), and you click on it anytime you wish to come to the forum. I use one on my android phone all the time.

And one other thing, we do NOT give out email addresses. When a long lost friend uses contact trying to get in touch with a member but wants to email them, I will offer to send their information to the member via email or PM (conversation) here, so your information is not given out. Then you can decide to contact that person trying to get in touch with you.

We also keep the server very secure as we don't want spammer, scammers or others in out information either, so your information is safe.
Awesome. Thank you for responding and clarifying the ownership statement and the sharing of emails.

I do like the mobile site :) Just generally prefers how notifications works via apps instead of losing it in emails.

I guess the timing for my email spams was just unfortunately coincidental and might explains why I have not noticed announcements of the sale until late. Was wondering if the new ‘van living forum’ emails was spam itself and found out about the sale that way so was just a confusing moment for me trying to get my emails back under control.

Again, I’m looking forward to seeing how this forum goes from now on :)
@Lostear. You can have the alerts here, or here and email, BUT, check out PUSH. That gives a small box show you the alert. That's how I saw your post so immediately. I can be looking at a different thread, and get a small box pop up for a second or two, then click on it and I'm right here. You can turn it off in preferences if you try it and don't like it. For me, it's a lifesaver for being able to respond quickly.
I'm a long-time forum lurker and CRVL Youtube video consumer (and long-time wannabee nomad; maybe in 2022 as I "unexpectedly retired" only a few months ago?). This is my first post on the forum (old or new). I don't deify anyone, but I'm not aware of any reason not to give Bob (and his thread-starting explanation of why this change happened) the benefit of the doubt[1]. From where I sit, as an at-a-distance observer, he's done nothing but give of himself in a selfless manner since the Enigmatic Nomadics days. Yes, he's been (IMO) a lightning rod for some of the explosion of the van-living lifestyle, and found himself as a result in a position where he's received much (deserved IMO) limelight as a consequence. I don't begrudge him any of his success or positive notoriety (which to me it seems he'd rather not have), and it seems that channeling most of the material fruits of that success into e.g. HOWA shows continuing wisdom and selflessness on his part. I'm not saying he's a saint, but I don't see any significant signs of profiteering either.

Regarding concerns about "my data"; my email address is known to many many sites, and yes I get spam email. Gmail happens to filter it out just fine, thank you, such that "more spam" isn't remotely near the top of any list of concerns I have. Beyond my email address (and the IP address of my internet connection) I haven't disclosed any personal info to this forum's administrator[2]. And all users need to be careful of any info they disclose on any public forum, which is visible to everyone in the world. I run an adblock browser extension, so "ads? what ads?".

I hope the forum continues in more or less its current form, but if it doesn't, alternatives will be found. It's not like any of us are paying for the privilege of using this forum...

[1] as a Software Developer, Bob's explanation of his website's catch-22 regarding PHP version sounds perfectly plausible to me. Also that maintenance of websites involves nontrivial amounts of effort (often called toil), and that he's increasingly less likely to want to spend time engaged in such toil, so sought a way out (kill the forum or sell it) makes sense to me! I'm glad the kill alternative was avoided.
[2] except my password. I NEVER use the same password at different websites, and you should not either. Thus this site's administrator knowing my password for this site is perfectly safe.
@Cagey - about the passwords, I cannot see any of them ever. If someone needs a new password, I make a temporary and then show them how to change to one they prefer once they are logged in.

PS: After I check them out as best I can to being that member.

Also, when you are logging in and it is not recognizing your password, there is a Forgot Password hyper link so the forum s/w can email you the change password email.
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One question, since bob and the original admins are still going to be around and there seem to still be a ton of HOWA materials and the like all around the forum and no indication of this stopping anytime soon, is there a reason for the link to the forum on the site to be completely removed instead of merely linking to the new forum address? Seems like a partnership with all of the info sharing on the forum itself but with no way to go to the forum from the original site?

Just trying to make sense of how the main site and the new forum will work together (or not?). Hoping the removal of the forum link don’t kill the flow of incoming new members from the cheaprvliving sites.
@Lostear, I don't know how they will do the newer version of that web page. I would love for them to just link to over here, but we are fully willing to work with them to make it work. And they know we are willing to work to keep this good for the members. I've watched the videos of Suanne and Bob announcing HOWA and then some of the other videos about it. It seems to be good and important. So, I think Suanne will be making posts here about it.
We are still working out the finer details.
Regarding telling beforehand about the sale, the first thing that came to mind was when the NPR stations change their programming. Theres always "Why didnt they ask us first?" response, but the reality is that they make decisions like that for a number of reasons, some financial, some likely by how many people support a particular program, partly for the perceived benefit of the new program vs the old one. Those decisions are made by management, not by consensus of how many loud voices dislike change. Muddying up the situation thats already likely very time consuming, adding in hundreds of messages trying to get their attention, I totally understand when I heard an NPR station management person comment "You NEVER tell ahead of time when you are cancelling a program". It can only ad chaos.

In regards to the forum, what would it have helped? Bob had his plate full dealing with it without many people trying to help him make a decision, or even threatening to quit, whatever. Its his baby, its his decision, and I imagine he made what he considered the best choice for the forum. Ill stand by and see how it goes, but my first impression was the forum is much better right off with the new software. We badly needed the upgrade. Remember when we lost the "like" button? It was because it made the forum crash....and it kept crashing anyways, it was old and outdated and becoming more of a problem to keep working, just what Bob needed in his life, more complications....

So, Bob, enjoy your new bit of freedom from worry about keeping the forum from sinking, and to the new owners/operators, best wishes in the new endeavor, so far it seems like youre getting glitches ironed out and the gaps filled in from old to new. Keep up the good work.
Here is the issue I have with all forums, everytime you post on them they assume ownership of your material. I am still waiting for someone to challenge this in court. If you wanted to delete all your post you are not able because someone like Bob has control, says it disrupts the thread, which it does, however if you were to sing a song on radio that does not give the radio station a right to play it without paying you royalties. Without content on the radio you don’t have radio station same with forums, Bob is a very small part of this forum it is a combination of everyone that contributes so where is my share of the millions. Someone suggested we are guests in a private business, that is really not the case we are content that should be compensated or at least be asked for input when decisions like selling that content or killing it come up. That is how I see forums we need each other to exist, if we know the rules we agree to give this forum our content under said ownership but may not be comfortable giving our content to the next owners. A bit like a bank being sold to foreigners we are able to remove our money but somehow with forums the money goes with the new owners and we have no say.
Here is the issue I have with all forums, everytime you post on them they assume ownership of your material. I am still waiting for someone to challenge this in court. If you wanted to delete all your post you are not able because someone like Bob has control, says it disrupts the thread, which it does, however if you were to sing a song on radio that does not give the radio station a right to play it without paying you royalties. Without content on the radio you don’t have radio station same with forums, Bob is a very small part of this forum it is a combination of everyone that contributes so where is my share of the millions. Someone suggested we are guests in a private business, that is really not the case we are content that should be compensated or at least be asked for input when decisions like selling that content or killing it come up. That is how I see forums we need each other to exist, if we know the rules we agree to give this forum our content under said ownership but may not be comfortable giving our content to the next owners. A bit like a bank being sold to foreigners we are able to remove our money but somehow with forums the money goes with the new owners and we have no say.

I didnt see a way to review the terms of use agreement, but id bet money you agreed to them, and that they said the forum had control of posted material and had final say on its use or deletion. Not sure why its hard to understand but a forum IS a private place, owned by someone, and we have to agree to their terms to use them.

Edit: found this,
"You are granting us with a non-exclusive, permanent, irrevocable, unlimited license to use, publish, or re-publish your Content in connection with the Service. You retain copyright over the Content."
first of all, thank you bob for your years of selflessness and vision.
second of all, thank you angie and team for stepping in to save a valuable resource.
i dont remember when i joined but it was years ago. i had not been receiving any forum news or updates in years and can only assume that the change in ownership and new software has led to my receiving updates and emails again. bravo to you angie and team. i have re-engaged in forum activities.
first of all, thank you bob for your years of selflessness and vision.
second of all, thank you angie and team for stepping in to save a valuable resource.
i dont remember when i joined but it was years ago. i had not been receiving any forum news or updates in years and can only assume that the change in ownership and new software has led to my receiving updates and emails again. bravo to you angie and team. i have re-engaged in forum activities.

We did install the newsletter feature at the beginning and also sent out an email so members would know how to come back , and the newsletter so you can see what's happening and just click on the thread link and be back here. Welcome Back!