Survival Food

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Well-known member
Jan 19, 2011
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Wondering if anyone has purchased this or something similar and what was your experience like?<div><br></div><div><a href="" target="_blank"></a></div><div><br></div><div>I'm thinking about buying a months worth of food and stashing it in the trailer as emergency backup food.</div><div><br></div>
Never used them, but I noticed they need water. MRE style products have a shelf life of ten years, and water's not needed. Heat on your car engine or eat as-is out of the pack.. You may not have a water supply.
People on Prepper Forum have had this stuff and love it. Also get MRE's and LRPS (long range patrol rations)<div>Look to Grocery store for some long range rations as well. Make your own MRE's too from there</div>
Seraphim said:
You may not have a water supply.
<div><br></div><div>If that's the case then I'd think you'd have bigger problems MRE or not.</div><div><br></div>
WildernessReturn said:
People on Prepper Forum have had this stuff and love it. Also get MRE's and LRPS (long range patrol rations)<div>Look to Grocery store for some long range rations as well. Make your own MRE's too from there</div>
<div><br></div><div>Good advice! Yeah I don't mean to survive off this stuff exclusively so much as it being another source of long lasting food.</div><div><br></div>
Mountain House freeze dried meals seem a lot cheaper. &nbsp;
the Mormon Church has canneries all over the place. anyone can use their equipment to can food that they sell. there's lots of info on YouTube and other sites. the food is mostly stuff that's meant for long term storage, and put up in #10 cans. the only thing is you need a few people to help you, it's an assembly line type of set up. but the only thing you pay for is the food, use of the machinery is free.<br>
Quote: Originally Posted by Seraphim You may not have a water supply. If that's the case then I'd think you'd have bigger problems MRE or not.

Yep. We are discussing emergency situations. The only fluids you may have are what you get in the MREs. You may also have limited water supplies, insufficient for rehydration. Same problem with LRPs. LRPs are not a well rounded meal, though. They're designed for short term subsistence. One pack enough calories to last all day.

They don't taste too hot, either.

Had a drunk marine, as a joke, eat a pack of beef stew LRPS dry, then chug a canteen of water. Fortunately there was a medical facility nearby - we were in Norway at the time.

Seraphim said:
Yep. We are discussing emergency situations.
<div><br></div><div>Oh well in that case there is water stored in my trailer (a pair of 24 or 36 packs of bottled water). It's not a months worth by any means but enough to get/ by on until more can be located.</div><div><br></div><div>What I said about having other kinds of food (canned) still applies.</div><div><br></div>
Uhhh ... maybe I'll cut out canned foods for a while then.&nbsp;<div><br></div>
As emergency rations,&nbsp; You would be wise to get a good water filter and some chlorine.<br>
Yes, &nbsp;I agree. &nbsp; I always keep a gallon of bleach on hand (one drop in glass is all that's needed), and I keep ceramic filter (3) water filtration kit. &nbsp;The exact kit is listed somewhere on here via prior posts.&nbsp;
My reactions:<br>1 Pretty expensive food per serving, and consider where you're going to store it<br>2 If you're on survival food, you probably aren't going to be too worried about BPA levels in canned goods, many of which can be eaten cold, are safe to store for several years, and contain their own liquids.<br>3 Remember several companies made a lot of money off the Y2K scare<br>4 If the country really does fall apart that far, you're going to have large, heavily armed militias roaming the countryside taking everything from anyone they come across. Planning for that makes less sense than trying to prevent it.<br><br>I've always kept about 2 months worth of shelf-stable food in the house and at least a week's supply of safe drinking water. As the most likely natural disaster for my area is a hurricane, there is warning to fill containers with additional water. I also have plenty of batteries, flashlights, a propane burner and bottles of propane. I assume about 2 weeks before some source of drinking water was available or we could evacuate. That's common sense. But those are just my opinions.<br><br>
I checked and the cost per serving works out to $2.50-3.60 per person. All in all not too shabby.<div><br><div><br></div></div>
gipsy<BR><BR>I concur with your reactions. We keep the GyrFalcon stocked with food we buy at the grocery. Peanut butter is good; and, of course, chocolate lol.<BR><BR>Just kidding about the chocolate. It never lasts long enough to stock...<BR><BR>We rotate items, adding new, consuming old, being careful in winter of what we leave in the unit, as we don't FT yet, and the unit is often left unheated.&nbsp;Everything can be consumed as-is without cooking, heating or adding water, as men require near 4 litres a day anf women almost three (3.7/2.7 if one wants to get picky), and we can survive longer without food than we can water.<BR><BR>Good old survival training lol...<BR><BR>
I was thinking. I could bury these containers on my pieces of land to use for later. The big plastic containers they come in are secure but the individual meals are also sealed. Nothing should spoil. Just in case I could toss the container into a trash bag before burying it.<div><br></div>
You ever notice on western movies they bury the dead on the ground with lots of rocks piled on top?&nbsp; Is the ground to hard to dig into or the latrine shovels they carry in the saddlebags don't do the trick?<br><br>
Above ground caches make more sense in freezing climates. Out of reach of animals. Several of them around the country that you travel in would be the best because you don't know where you'll be when it all falls apart. Someplace off the beaten path that you can get to easily without running into people.

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