stranded/not enough cash for repairs

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Confused mention your bad health prevents you from doing many things. On the other hand you're well enough to go to Az., peddle a bike back and forth to town, haul groceries and water, pitch a tent, sleep on the ground and live in the elements. I wish you the best.
enginewitty said:
3 questions for you about flagstaff

1) when you say "good safety net", specifically, what are you referring to? Soup kitchens and food banks
2) what is the atmosphere of the townspeople like and how are they with people like us, transients, etc. doing what you're suggesting? Mixed. I've had friends that lived in their Tahoe on the streets for a summer without much problem, and others that were hassled constantly. But, you're just going to town to shop, you'll live in your tent in the NF
3) what happens if the rangers find you? Bad things. You'll have to leave the Cocoinio NF and if you come back you are at real risk of a fine for "residency"  
4) can you introduce me to your friend? I'm sorry, no.

Thanks so much

Don't misunderstand, this will be a hard life. You'll need to camp deep in the woods so the Rangers don't catch you. You'll have to ride your bike everywhere and carry heavy loads. It's not terribly hilly but there are hills for sure. It rains a lot in Flagstaff and it gets cold and then really cold and snows a lot. Once it gets cold you'll have to move to Cottonwood and then when it gets too cold you'll move to Quartzsite. It could still be hot there and when the wind blows you will be very uncomfortable. Later, it can be surprisingly cold--and then the wind will blow like a mad demon.  Bob
Hello and Welcome,  I must be brutally honest,  when I first saw the list of all the repairs your van needs I said to myself  "What in hell was he thinking to buy that".   He needs so much done.  That said if you paid $500 then you probably got a $500 van.  So that's a done deal and you just gotta deal with it the best way that works for you.  I  think you got took, maybe you did & maybe not.   I bet you aren't the only one this has ever happened to.

Once in SD I feel in Love!  A 1981 full size Ford Bronco called out to me as I passed a car dealership.  I thought it was GORGEOUS........Shiney bronzy gold.....bucking broncos on the running boards....32in was lust errrr love at first site.  I traded in the cutest little turquoise 2dr chevette  and paid $1,000 down and owed $2,000.  Stopped at Wal-mart and when ready to leave it wouldn't start.   :mad:  3 miles from the dealer!!!  I called the dealer and it was not a calm discussion.  They said they'd send someone right over......Shortly a car pulls up, the salesman gets out pops the trunk and pulls out this monster shop battery charger!  They bought a new battery for me, now this wasn't too bad of  a truck deal.  I was sooo happy in my big shiney Bronco :D  :D   Right up until 6 weeks later in Minnesota when the engine blew up at 60 miles an hour!  Luckily I had a good job and good credit so I could replace the engine.

I have rarely been without a vehicle of some sort since I began driving in 1967.  I have even when very young felt that a vehicle = freedom & having control of my surroundings,  later it meant always being able to provide a roof of my head if needed.  I think if I was in your situation I'd do as suggested and fix the starter and brakes, then go to AZ, people say things are cheaper there.  Flagstaff and that area wherever it is cooler then south AZ for the winter.  Are your brakes good enough to travel? Fix'em if not .  Papa always said he could drive anything as long as  it had the 3 s's  Start & Stop & Steer.  Some states food stamp cards only work in the issuing state.  If you waited to leave until you could stock up with Travelling food that doesn't require refrigeration including bottled water it would be good.  

There are a lot of threads here about what basics are needed to survive and be comfortable  in a van.  To me as long as I have a running vehicle I have shelter for Queenie my untrained attack Chihuahua and myself.  Right now I have a Ranger 4x4, ext. cab truck and a dome tent that will sleep 4.  Now I live in an apt. and have SS benefits. I am also becoming better prepared to live on wheels of some sort in the future.

I would like to suggest that you seek help thru various social service agency's. Not just for van repairs but things to help live mobile...a tent, sleeping bag linens, food storage containers etc Just pretend your van is a covered wagon and you need to stock it like your moving to a new  and maybe better life.  Also some folk may feel that asking for help is begging...I think when we need help we should ask... and when we can give help we should act.  

Have you thought about posting what you need on craigs list?  Also check for free stuff there too.  Where I live a lot of us just set unwanted items on the curb....I call it roadside shopping...there are a lot of walkers who will pick up small stuff and I've hauled bigger items in my truck for some folk.  While out "shopping" today Queenie and I found a nice wood 3 shelf TV stand and 2 hanging baskets.   I shop like this so often friends, family and even neighbors who don't drive ask me to find things for them.  It's just a little $$$ for gas and we get to do some road running and feel fresh air.  Queenie hangs out the window and I hold her leash so she does't tip out.

Oh yeah if you can ride get/ride a bike and keep the van you'd have a cheap means of transportation. 
        Also I think you may need permits for boondocking on state and federal lands.

I hope you fid some of this to be helpful and things work out for you.     Jewellann
BobBski said:
Confused mention your bad health prevents you from doing many things.  On the other hand you're well enough to go to Az., peddle a bike back and forth to town, haul groceries and water, pitch a tent, sleep on the ground and live in the elements.  I wish you the best.

yes, it is a difficult disease to explain, understand and let alone deal with, and similarly, most people share your confusion, including those who suffer from it.
however if you want increased clarity just ask or do some research.

talking shit is not helping
TxjaybirdHello and Welcome,

I hope you fid some of this to be helpful and things work out for you.     Jewellann

yup this was very helpful. thank you for your kindness :)

the part about fixing the starter, brakes, registering it in AZ and then heading to Flagstaff was what I was feeling was best even before reading your comment, so unless a better idea comes out of nowehere, I think I'll do that. buying a bike if I can attach it or park it in town is also possibly a good idea. the most worrisome part about this is the boondocking. stealth camping in San Diego has NOT been fun. I wanna get out on BLM land and feel it conducive to my well-being.
wait a minute, you said you bought your van here?? are you still around SD?

again,  the craigslist thing. haven't explored it much for anything other than looking for a van to buy. will look into that as an asset when I can find some energy to search.

"I think when we need help we should ask... and when we can give help we should act."

ooooooooh.. ^^ I got chills when I read this. my feelings exactly. There are so many tangents I could take on this to explain why it's the most logical action both for self-happiness, self-preservation and creating a better world and better lives for others but I'll just say thank you so much for that. so nice to hear those words sincerely come out of someone else's mouth ::) errr.. keyboard ^^
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on the social services tip, I have done as much as I can at the moment. I'm on food stamps and was approved for MediCal but haven't had the energy to look for a doctor let alone go pick up my card. CFS is not exactly a doctor-preferred disease, extremely difficult to get a diagnosis and even harder to find someone who can help.

thank you again for your suggestions and kindness :)
wishing you well and hope you have a good day ^^
yeah, after milling over all the options both myself and others have presented, and this one in particular, if I'm honest with myself, although appealing, it is probably just too hard for me right now. I can't guarantee my other decision will be any better, but hopefully it will.

thank you very much Bob for, imo, an outside-the-box idea :)

and thank you to everyone else on here who has participated in this discussion and offered help. I have made my decision.

wishing you all well :)
Well Crap On A Cracker :s Is It a State secret  :cool:  I  for one would like to know,  however I respect others privacy as much as my own.              Good Luck      Jewellann.  

 ps no I'm not in SD since '07 Musta been some other Fat err PHAT Granny  with a bag of Chips...of course :angel:

You do not have to be living in a van to be here on the CRVL site.   JF
Have spouse and family members with fibromyalgia. If the disease doesn't put you out of commission, the side effects from the medicines might.
Since a few people seemed confused and interested in my decision, I've decided to post it again here to help clarify things. I decided to go with TXJayBirds suggestion and do what repairs I can and then head over to Flagstaff. If you're interested in the details, check one of her last posts. I will most likely be heading out tonight or tomorrow.
Wish me well :)

Thanks again to everyone who participated in this discussion and I hope it can help others in their travels as well :)

enginewitty said:
Thanks again to everyone who participated in this discussion and I hope it can help others in their travels as well :)

I do wish you well!

A little tip before heading off to a new might want to check something like this out. Looks like you will be needing some good sources of warmth the next few nights.

Have a wonderful adventure!!

*this notice has been placed here at the poster's request


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