stranded/not enough cash for repairs

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Well-known member
Jul 5, 2016
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Have any of you ever been in this situation?
if so, what did you do to get back on level ground?
if not, what non-financial strategies are you using to keep yourself safe and out ahead off this?

I was unable to set up things well enough in advance before jumpig into this lifestyle and my van needs a lot of immediate lovin

do I roadtrip anyway?
After some surgery and mechanical issues I'm traveling broke, for now. I'm fortunate to have places I can stay all across the country if I run into trouble. It's very uncomfortable, though. I've always had emergency funds.
If stuck and no money, temp labor agencies would be a good at the end of the day is common, nobody too curious about fixed addresses, etc.

Here's a general link to one of the larger ones, just type in your location:

If you're having trouble doing searches, reply with your location and any type skills you might have (cleaning, clerical, etc) and we could =point to some possibilities by you...
Have any of you ever been in this situation?
I'm not in it yet but the possibility of this happening is neither fictional nor safe enough for me right now
if you have, what did you do to get back on level ground?
if not, what non-financial strategies are you using to keep yourself safe and out ahead off this?

I was unable to set up things well enough in advance before jumpig into this lifestyle and my van needs a lot of immediate lovin

do I roadtrip anyway?
Get a magic marker and a piece of cardboard. Works for a lot of people where I am. It really must, because the same people have been doing it for a long time.
Not sure I understand. Your topic is not enough money, and you want to know what non financial steps I am taking?

You can check with local food banks to see if they can give you food in exchange for labor. Not paying to get food can save a lot of money.
Some churches will hire people to do chores around their grounds. Sweep, pick up trash etc.
Check craigs list for barter. Maybe somebody needs your help and has something you need. Maybe take out your own add. It is free.
Some people rely on cardboard and a magic marker. Some get a job. You could free lance such as go door to door asking to pull weeds or if you have a lawn mower, I will mow your lawn. A number of people where I am also buy things cheap at garage sales and then resell them at a flea market.
There is a thread here about how some make money on the road.

A penny saved is a penny earned, (you can quote me if you like).
Need money?......a job usually solves that problem
DannyB1954 said:
Get a magic marker and a piece of cardboard. Works for a lot of people where I am. It really must, because the same people have been doing it for a long time.

And it always amazes me that they get stranded with a large piece of cardboard and a marking pen!  How convenient.
Non financial strategies to get cash so you don't eventually get stranded? I don't think that's possible outside of asking for charity or stealing. Seems easier to work to me.
Not knowing anything about you, your ability to work or if you have some type of monthly income you can depend on makes this is a hard question to give an adequate answer to or suggestions for, not knowing all the variables  Are you able to do any repairs yourself?  Have anyone to help you if you need $$$ or physical help with repairs?    TJB
that's a very good point that TJBird made if you can do he repairs yourself they cost a fraction of what a shop word cost. a small fraction. what type of repairs does your van need? highdesertranger
Using this forum and YouTube videos I've learned to do several first time things...labor in local Dealer shops, RV shops and Van custom shops run $90 to $135 an hour here in Ohio. That's a lot of parts, food and gas money. :)
Hello,  I just noticed that this exact same thread is posted in "Vans" and "Safety On The Road"  If you want to you can ask a moderator to "merge the threads".  That way everyone will be on the "Same Page" so to speak.  It's no biggie, either way is O.K.   :D   Jewellann
In such a case, I would stay where I was and find temp work.  Absolutely no more driving than you need to do.  Prioritize your repairs to do the most important safety issues first.

Roadtripping with those kind of problems is nuts.  IMNPHO.
Bob Dickerson said:
Where are you?If you are around SW MT.,I can hook you up with a job.

dammmm ^^  thank you so much! :)
Im not in Montana yet but thats been my most desired location to go to from now, especially where you are.
that being said, Im not entirely sure how much/if any I can work. I have a health  condition that limits my energy severely. Im looking into getting SSI but for what I have its looking like a 2+ year process.

to clarify on this thread, I am not currently stranded however my money is depleted and the possibility is too close for comfort. for thise who were commenting on the lack of specificity, I just want to get a general thread on the subject going that can be beneficial to everyone.
this topic is extremely potentially relevant to vandwellers so Im trying to elicit whatever ideas and experiences I can from everyone on here, both in hopes of helping me get out ahead of this and helping others do the same.

Bob, feel free to pm me the details of the job. Im not sure if I can do it, but I'll at least take a look. I'd really love to visit/live near Glacier :)

Thank you so much :)
Optimistic Paranoid said:
In such a case, I would stay where I was and find temp work. 

yeah, I tend to agree with you except I dont feel well enough to work, let alone do most basic survival things and I really dont like the area. that being said, it is convenient and if I can work, its a big area with good pay. just not feeling that is a possibility right now.
Im playing around with driving to the nearest place I would feel ok being stranded if I cant figure out a way ahead in advance. but its pretty much the opposite of where I am now and I have to cross through a desert and probably mountains to get there.
wish I was healthy. itd make things so much easier
enginewitty said:
I'd really love to visit/live near Glacier :)

Not in the dead of winter you don't.

Trying to live in a van with serious health issues through a Montana winter is a recipe for disaster.
Txjaybird said:
Not knowing anything about you, your ability to work or if you have some type of monthly income you can depend on makes this is a hard question to give an adequate answer to or suggestions for, not knowing all the variables  Are you able to do any repairs yourself?  Have anyone to help you if you need $$$ or physical help with repairs?    TJB

none of the average strategies or things you listed above are currently available to me. healths in dire straits, no mechanical expertise or money for parts/tools, no savings, no credit, no extra income, no family or friends that can help

kind of cornered myself on all 4 sides here