Spring, Summer 2020

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Great pictures and apparently you never get flat tires. You truly live a gifted life! Lol!!!
travelaround said:
Awesome tour of wherever you were!
HDR is fun to watch because he goes to places where only 1 in a million other people would ever fear to tread. Plus you get to guess "Where in the World is Carman HDR?".
Great captions and terrific pics. Glad you two had such a great time, but you missed a lot of the pandemic!
thanks everyone. ain't no fun going where the crowds go, besides social distancing, you know.

Bullfrog I only buy quality made in USA tires. no chinese junk. now you probably jinxed me. LOL
I get flats just not very often, I carry a compressor and a plug kit. once I even got 2 flats within 1/2 hour.

I mostly bail others out. here's a little story,

a couple of buddies and I were prospecting in a remote area of Nevada. we weren't have much luck so we packed up and headed out.

about 45 minutes from where we were camped there was a F-250 along side the road with a jack under the front axle and a flat front tire. behind the truck was a small FWD car with 3 kids and a lady in the driver seat the car was running the windows up, they had the AC running as it was 4th of July weekend and quite warm. I felt real bad for the kids so I stopped.

mind you this is all on gravel roads we are at least 50 miles to pavement and a town. so I asked if everything was ok, I know stupid question.

I couldn't believe the explanation. they didn't have a jack handle and his brother had driven back to get one. so I asked how long ago did he leave, I was told about 15 minutes ago. I knew it was at least 2 hours one way to town and another 2 back. I am thinking the kids. so my next question was do you have a spare? I was told what a fine spare they had. so I asked do you want me to help you change it? sure he said.

this gets better stay with me.

so we pulled off the road enough so traffic could pass. hahahaha not. nobody drove be during the whole ordeal which lasted well over an hour.

we got my jack out. I got it in position and asked the guy if he had broke the studs loose. his reply, I don't have a socket that fits the lug nuts, My brother is bringing one of those too. I was so ready to loose it but I thought the kids Mike think of the kids. so we got the proper socket out they wouldn't budge, had to put my 3' pipe torque enhancer on. btw we had to break them loose the the guy with the truck who we were trying to help couldn't do it.

so finally the tire off and the spare on. thank god we could almost get out of here. I grabbed the Floor jack and let it, as soon as it hit the ground my buddy Pat said, Hey look at this, he was standing by the right rear tire we had just changed the front left. well I think you know where this is going. the right rear was 3/4 flat.

so I asked the guy(I know stupid me why even ask?) do you have a compressor. of course he doesn't have a compressor stupid. why would you bring your family to the middle of nowhere with no jack handle, no lug wrench, and no air compressor. and this is between 3 vehicles remember the F-250, the FWD, and what ever his brother was driving.

so I had to back my Chevy up to get close enough to fill his tire, I have an engine driven compressor on the Chevy. I was towing and this is on a narrow gravel road, grrr. so I got backed and filled his tire.

so I told the guy obviously you are having issues turn around and head back to town we will follow you to make sure you get there. you know what he said, NO. we are going down to the river to party on the fourth. I almost lost it and went off on the guy, but I didn't I just packed up and left about 45 minutes later a POS(that is not point of sale) Bronco blows past us with no front bumper and the left front fender bouncing around like it was on hinges. I said to my buddy, that has to be his brother.

you can't fix stupid. I still feel bad for those kids.

It is a daily occurrence here in remote Utah, especially on Lake Powell with boaters. I did an inspection on a boat going in and asked the captain to lower the lower unit. When he did it fell out on the ground as both pivot bolts were missing. He couldn’t get replacement ones till the next day so he pulls out his old factory lug wrench and uses it in place of bolts and heads out in to the 120 foot deep channel. I asked him is he had enough supplies in case the lug wrench vibrates out and his reply was I got beer it’s all I need!
some different stuff,

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so many colors in such a small area

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Mushroom rock

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are these even edible?  seems like it would sit kinda heavy

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I am really bummed this is the only Picture I got of this cattle drive.  the battery on my camera died.  if you look close you can see 3 cowboys driving the cattle.  oops I meant cowgirls all three were women,  so cool.

more to come



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Missing that thank you button already....so thanks for the log, pics and stories, hdr. a great distraction while stuck at home in the northeast
The cattle drive brought back memories. One in particular where they were driving the cattle on highway 550 (million dollar highway) in Colorado. The let me drive through the herd slowly of course. I guess the cattle were used to it as they moved out of my way and I was approaching from the rear. They do move the cattle twice a year in that area between summer and winter pasture.
in this short set of pictures you can see for yourself how incredibly wet this spring was/is.  In fact right now my thermometer says 54° and it's raining,  in fact it is supposed to rain off and on until Wednesday

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you mostly don't see this many blooms on one cacti but this is nothing look at this

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in this pic I count 56 blooms either blooming or getting ready.  but wait

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on this one I count 65.  incredible.  on my HD screen laptop these almost hurt your eyes to look at in the original format,  over 8MB.

so that was short and sweet

more to come



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one of my favorite things to do is to explore old Mining camps/ghost towns

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old miners shack

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actually the inside of this shack is not in that bad of shape.  if I absolutely had to to survive I would not hesitate to move into this one(for the night, LOL)

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look it even has an open air kitchen

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some one went through a ton of work to build this one as they used all the same type of stone.  the quarry had to be close by but I didn't see it.  the last shack had an open air kitchen.  well this one has an open air.......

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you got to love simple make do with what you have thinking. I hope those patties laying around are not from actual use, LOL.

thats it for now that is the first batch of photos I edited.  but since it it raining I am going to start on the second set.  so stay tuned there are some great pics coming up more ruins,  more antelope,  big horn sheep,  bald eagles and other stuff.



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I must be getting better I just did a bunch more a lot faster than last time.  applying a few shortcuts to make it go faster.  so without further adieu how about some more Owlet pics little guy is so adorable.  again credit to MaTaLa for the picture taking

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does he look stoned in this pic or what

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he looks pretty intense in this one

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pretty adorable like a stuff animal that you want to hug.



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and who doesn't like some antelope pics,

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antelope are always on the alert

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standing in green grass and wildflowers

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he looks fat in this one

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antelope are very calm at a distance. they almost pose for you at every conceivable angle

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they seem very nonchalant at this range. but if you press them they are gone like the wind. I like not to press them and will avoid it if at all possible



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now for some misc. stuff,

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sorry only one pic he took off.  I wish the pronghorns would have a talk with him

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dang, which way is up or down for that matter. this would make a great coffee table

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anyone for some Sodium Peroxide in cans

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at least we know where it came from. LOL

more to come



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another miner shack,

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at least with this one you get one hell of a view

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Jr. take the truck and go to the neighbors and borrow a cup of sugar. yes Ma

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look this one even comes with kitchen appliances.

more to come



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I miss those old wooden crates. My mom worked at the lumberyard and brought home some great heavy boxes that nails and such were delivered in. I'm talking 1/2 inch boards. Wish I had hung onto some just for the son and grandkids.
this is my last of this batch and my favorite.  back in the day they used to use whatever they had handy for wallpaper.  the wallpaper was very important because it sealed up cracks that let drafts in.

Mark couldn't figure out why I was in this cabin for so long.  it was because I was reading the writing on the walls,  literally,

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circa WWII

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Mark and I were trying to figure out what type of car this was. we came to the conclusion it was just an artist rendering. what do you think?

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a lot of nothing in this one. except again circa WWII. however.....

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this one has something very interesting in it

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a date April 18,1936. oh if these wall could talk. well in there own way they are

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I guess it was the same back then no matter where you are you dream of being somewhere else

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if you live on the edge of Death Valley

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you dream of Switzerland

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and if you are freezing in Switzerland

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do you dream of Death Valley?

I really love reading the wallpaper in old cabins. I feel it gives me a little bit of a connection with the prospectors and miners that lived in these shacks.

you ain't seen nothing yet. more to come.



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I guess I am getting faster I already have more ready to go.  I always enjoy checking out old equipment of all types,

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ok what is it?

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what ever it is they needed their own nuclear power plant to run it

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a four door Ford and an old dodge

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a couple of old Dodges medium duty trucks. I bet out of the both of them you could get one running

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I fit right in. of course you fit right in it's a junk yard

more to come



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