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You can give Johny a break. He's still a young buck. God knows, I sounded like that when I was 30... very much more angsty and depressed all the time. But now that I found this life, it's been a blessing to me.&nbsp;<br>--Rod
Thanks for starting this thread. I was beginning to wonder about this myself. There are some people I know who really get into the isolationism. I can do that, but not for weeks at a time. IMHO, having a dog is good on many levels.

My sister has a class A and they drive to certain places and meet up with a group of people. They belong to a RV club, and my sister has gotten to know these people and has a good time with them. You can find a club and do meet ups at certain locations. I bet there are RV clubs all over the web.

And maybe at the annual AZ meeting, you can meet some people you decide to travel with for a while (till you decide to peel off on your own).

There are woman your age doing this, but I think if you are determined to find a companion, I would go camping. The women you meet while camping are going to be a closer match to your life style. I would also check out Homesteading groups (similar philosophy), and check out Meet-ups in every city you hit. You can meet lots of different women through various events that interest you this way.

Good luck on your new journey. I'm excited for you.
Hi Johnny,
I'm 28, about to get into the van full time - I'm used to festival culture here in CA - Burning Man, and a bunch of smaller ones over the summer. They are perfect for a self contained van (and will have porta-potties too). Most you can volunteer for to get a free ticket. It's a weekend in nature with music and people in your age range to meet, and many people I've met have given me my best experiences.
My favorite festival is - but they have them for every music genre in CA over the summer, just gotta look around.
Also, Rainbow gatherings are free in the forests - Mostly you get a lot of hitchiker kids and hippies, but mostly awesome people.
their big one is around July 4th in Utah -
Hope to see ya on the road!

sl1966 said:
<p>You know I used to be a lot more social. The last big thing I did was swing dancing. That kept me out at least 4 nights a week, not counting major events, and/or parties for one reason or another. It's not that I don't enjoy mixing it up with a crowd any longer, but I've really come to value my alone time. I guess I'm just over it really.&nbsp;<br /><br />When the day comes to leave. I've stockpiled quite a few books on my kindle to help pass the time. I plan on getting another dog where me and my beagle will be busy training the new pup. Hunting for rabbits and other assorted small game will also keep us busy/feed the dogs. I'm thinking of writing a book so the research for it will take up some time.&nbsp;<br /><br />The dogs will keep me company, and I'm pretty sure I'll get my convo on when stopping for gas or groceries. Mostly I intend to get that need filled at meets or visiting family and friends.<br /><br /></p>

Did you start that book yet? From your brief interlude here on this sight, sounds like it would be an interesting read for some of us....=)