I agree. Sometimes people think it is un-American to tax the wealthy or expect them to chip in more, but they are neglecting the fact that it's not just tax breaks and SS where the rich profit.
They benefit from the our immense natural resources (Eg, ranchers, mining companies, and oil companies) and from our university system where research is done for all kinds of things (medical, pharmaceutical, engineering, computing, science, etc.) They take taxpayer funded research and patent it... then profit. Then price gouge us into poverty.
Taxpayers pay for wars so that we can secure/steal the natural resources belonging to other countries FOR our corporations. On & on there is grift taking place for the rich. So they can become even more rich. Elon Musk is one example, of many. This has been going on since our country was formed.
There have been corrections and we are overdue for another. Tax the rich.... including corporations. After all, corporations are people