so i told my mom

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I'd tell her that you're NOT going to just live in a van down by the river (you could wear TXs t shirt after you leave though !) You have found a camping club of thousands of people that are all over the country having the time of their lives and you wanna get you some too.
You're going to equip yourself for this with the help of those people and they told you to say Hi !
neovenus said:
I told my mom what i was thinking of doing

You will be fine !

When you open that door, most of what is beyond will be similar to what you know.
If you find that uncomfortable, close it and go to the next one that opens to opportunity you like !

There's a chance you will find some comfortable place, and stay longer...

Do write a short letter to Mom when things are going well for you, and call her from time to time to hear her voice.
I'm sure she will miss yours...
I am going to read between the lines here and in fact I am a poor reader at best but have some questions.  While I have not yet made the plunge I am 12 months and 5 days away from making a major change, again.  I have made some hard choices that my mom/grandparents disagreed with very strongly, moving out when I was 16 but staying in school and in touch, married at 18, joining military, moving to Alaska.  But they were my decisions.  When I told my mom I was moving out and living on our family farm at 16 she said no.  I told her I would be leaving and her choice was, did she want to support the move and stay in touch or not know where I was?  Maybe that was blackmail but I had to make a change.  She supported me as she always had but I was miserable living there and needed a change.  When my Mom or grandparents flat out said I couldn't get married I just simply said, "I am sorry you won't be at the wedding.  I will really miss you."  It was not an idle threat.  They still felt I was to young but offered their support, not financially but spiritually.  My grandfather even performed the ceremony (retired minister).  I have been married 40 years and still counting.  My decisions are mine to make and I have to do what is best for me and my family.  It is really no fun to be with someone who is unhappy.

Does your mom help you financially and is that why she feels she has ability to make your decisions?  If so you need to cut those strings.  I have nothing to go by but a little that you have written.  You don't say whether your husband wants to do it sooner or later?  Is there something in your past that leads your mom to feel you are prone to making decisions before thinking them through?  

If this is something you feel you need for you and YOU have thought it through you need to rip the Band-Aid off and set a date and time that you are going.  You need time to help with your sisters situation and find a nurturing environment for her.  If your husband is ready let him come and if not let him know when you will be back through to check in.  Don't burn bridges but don't be afraid to cross them.  Based on your statements it sounds like it may be now or never.  What is holding you back?  If this is just dreaming and you are not seriously making plans then continue dreaming but don't include your mom in those dreams.  My son has that problem and drives his mom crazy worrying about his latest "crazy" idea.  I try and tell her it is just a dream and he is not ready to act on it but she worries he will make a mistake.  Sounds familiar.  It doesn't affect me at all as I will know when he is ready to make it happen.  I have no problem with people dreaming just don't make your mom crazy. <grin>

Oh and +1 on the Delorme Inreach device.  You can get the safety plan for about $25 a month and can reach or be reached by anyone you want to just about anywhere if you can see the sky.  You also control who has access.  This device helps with my home life as my wife can know that I am safe when away from home camping or on the boat.  I can check in just to say I am OK and she can see on a map where I am.  She can notify me if there is a family emergency.  I can also summon help if there is a real life threatening emergency.  I can also summon my son if I have a break down.  At least for me this was money well spent. 

I hope things work out for you.  I really do care and hope for the best and hope that my 59 years of experience, even bad experience, can help in some small way.
Thanks for all the responses guys! I was feeling a little down in general I think and talking to my mom didn't help.

She doesn't support me or anything like that. i pay my own bills and own my own home and make my own decisions. we are just close and she worries. i didn't mean to be so vague in my previous posts. i was just reaching out to like minded people.

thanks for all your help.
I mentioned in passing that someday I may want to do van life and my mother suddenly announced she was leaving me her home, all furniture and her dog in her will!!!!   :rolleyes:  I have 5 surviving siblings and I immediately told her she was NOT to do that as I love my siblings and my relationships with them is more important than "stuff" to me.   Guess I scared her
I really feel for you here.  A lot of things you are going through I have went through, as well.  In my 40's, I had this crazy idea, my family all balked at the idea.  Complete with sisters (3) all talking behind your back. 

From my perspective, things are rough out there.  Houses and jobs...  argh!   Houses are a HUGE responsibility, and just way too much freaking stuff!!   Jobs are never secure anymore.  You get a decent job, get used to the income and the lifestyle that goes with it, and if anything happens in life, which it always will, and what you thought you had don't mean crap anymore.  It's all just....  stuff!  I'm so over it.  I wanted out.  Big time!  Out of the mentality of having the requisite house in the right neighborhood with the right landscaping and the right furniture, blah blah blah...   Out of the mentality that your job defines your whole existence.  People are NOT their jobs!

My own experiences came to a head with my husbands passing.  Nothing was secure, nothing was certain.  Life went on, sure, but the rose colored glasses came off.  All the stuff after that just weighed me down.  I was drowning in the "stuff".  Have no idea what turned me on to the idea in the first place, maybe it was the simplicity of having your house on wheels that was tiny, no lawn to take care of, and move it around with you.  Simplicity at it's finest.  And cheaper! 

Yet, my family was all so very against it.  Who was I if they had to explain me to anyone, without a house and a titled j-o-b.  The person that should have mattered to was ME, not them.  Looking back, it was certainly them projecting their feelings, their fears, their want to conform me into their thinking.  It was like if they couldn't get that freedom themselves, then they refused to understand and didn't accept the idea. 

This all culminated to me selling a house, selling all the household stuff, getting an RV, downsizing to a van, housesitting and living in parents driveway..    it was still met with resistance, to everyone but me.   This led to having a sister find me a seriously cheap mobile home, they just couldn't stand the fact I didn't have a "house".  Yeah, I admit it, I conformed.  What can I say, it was CHEAP.  :) Situation being what it is, I thought it was right for me at the time. 

As of right now, I'm in a sticks, yes.  I have an older van converted to camper that is a daily driver and wanna be weekender.  I went back to school to aim for eventual job I can work online.  And, I'll have this house to appease the people who think not having a house is homeless, even if you home has wheels and you aren't "homeless" but just mindfully houseless.  In my thinking, this place is paid for and cheap, and I can keep it for my eventual traveling, a home base between trips.  See, I haven't given up on what it is that I want to do, this different way is just me being able to bide my time, get things set up the way I want, and to keep the naysayers off my back.  Passive aggressive, yes, haha.

May I suggest letting them think on it for a while, get used to the idea.  Then, with research, all of their fears will be met with your educated responses to whatever it is they throw at you.  Do what makes YOU happy.   Answer their questions, for sure, but do not let their fears sway you.  Only you can make you happy.
My mom had the same reaction, but she's a mother and they are hard wired to worry about their kids. All my big decisions in life have been met with her worry. If i concerned myself with everything my mother worried about I would be living in a cement box - scared of my own shadow. Love and appreciate her, but trust yourself only to make the right choices for you.
Just before my mom had her final illness, we told her we were quitting our excellent state jobs and running away to Key West for a few months, then roaming in our camper and workcamping. Her reply "I'll miss you, but I understand, just wish I could go along". She and dad raised me to wander, they were always perplexed that my brother wanted such deep roots.

Anyway, she got sick and those plans went out the window, now almost five years later, we are finally getting to take off.
One thought ....  consider what_you_would say if the roles were reversed here, that is, you were the mom and your daughter came to you saying she wanted to be mobile? 
Am partial at least to the idea of small steps initially, but_some_steps...  The gods send thread for the web begun, as the saying goes
Geez, I'm almost 40 (eek, I hate that) and I've not needed my mom's approval or permission for anything since I was 16 (grew up in England). I'll get all the tattoos I want, change my hairstyle I want and I left the place I've been living after 7 years without a job to go to.

However, my mom is supportive even if she worries (she knows I'd do it anyway if she didn't support me and she'd rather know what was happening) and knows that it makes me happy and that is more important to her than anything. I've invited her to come to Alaska with her BF next summer...and they are both open to it.