Snowflake photography

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You are right.

When people ask me what is the most important thing to have to shoot macro, I say the desire. Most cell phones and point and shoot either have a macro mode or if that isn't close enough, there is enough resolution to crop into the shot afterwards.
Y'all are setting the bar pretty high! Don't do much macro, but I play around with it a bit. Use extension tubes and an old Nikon 35-70 zoom lens.


No special lighting equipment - just Photogenic flash heads.

The photo above is macro - a portion of a small pocket watch.


True macro is 1:1 or better. The subject is smaller than the sensor size, in essence. So if you were shooting with a full frame camera, the subject would smaller than a 35mm frame, but fill up the image.

Cropping to increase perceived magnification is not the same thing.

Outside case of same watch


Just piddling around one day


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Clean, sharp, even, I like it.

I understand what you are saying and at one time my signature read If you are cropping, you need a better lens. In the Weekly Close up I did ask that people let us know what gear and if they were cropping but then again it was a close up thread, not macro. I watched many start with close ups and cropping and progress into true macro over time. It still takes good DOF control and placement to get a good shot however you get it.
Jim, you are obviously an accomplished macro photographer. I had no idea, and my hat is off to you. :cool: 
light trip said:
If any of you use tineye and find someone is using your photography I encourage you to contact the source to see if they would like to pay you for the use of your photo and purchase Rights from you.
Heh, I once found a member of another forum I frequent using one of my photos as his avatar. I thanked him for thinking enough of my work to use it in that manner, showed him proof of my ownership while asking where he got it? He said it was the best one of that type he found on Pinterest?
I was totally blown away that there is a site out there that just takes peoples work, and offers it willy nilly for free? :dodgy:
Thank you. I appreciate the compliment.

Anything you post on the net is up for grabs anymore. I would imagine they mine photobucket regular like.
Very nice photographs Jim. I am an amateur photographer and thoroughly enjoy the hobby. It is nice to see other nomads do as well. Your shits are top notch.

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Top notch shits?

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Cammalu said:
Top notch shits?

Haha Cammy! Yup, you caught that. :angel: 
If I may post a macro of mine. 
I got this,

From this PC sound card.

This little guy was close to the size of a match head.

That was a Daisy he was on. :cool: 
jimindenver said:
I shoot all kinds of photography but macro is my specialty. Last year I saw a book on snowflakes and just had to give

Someday I hope to take to the road and shoot flakes from all over. Some of the best in the world fall in the U.P. of my home state Michigan.

Thanks all.


Nice shots. Crabbys and jumpers are my favorite types of spiders to shoot. Mantis are my favorite insects
jimindenver said:
Thanks all.


Nice shots. Crabbys and jumpers are my favorite types of spiders to shoot.  Mantis are my favorite insects

Thanks, Yeah, the little crab spider was fun. Praying Mantis are at the top of my list too, but I haven't managed to get one to hold still long enough.
This Grass Hopper was tough enough, and I was running out of light, but what I did get I thought was kind of cool, especially the eyes.
That's the cutest spider I've ever seen

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Top notch shots. Sorry.

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jimindenver said:
Thanks all.


  Mantis are my favorite insects

Got to watch out for those little buggers. turns out they like hummingbirds for breakfast. who knew.


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Back to the original snowflake's. double cool shots there Jim. However.... I don't much like it when all those snowflakes get together and gang up on us.  :D  :D


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Jimindenver: I want a snowflake picture on a puzzle. It would be so cool. We will be getting good snow this week up here in the UP if you want to come and take photos lol. Nora