Sleeping during the day

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In most cities and towns I've been to, sleeping in a park or open space during the day is no problem, as long as you don't make a mess. Throw a camping pad, then a blanket down in a grassy area under a shade tree and snooze the day away. Bring a picnic basket to complete the picture, and use a rolled up jacket as a pillow.
USExplorer said:
In most cities and towns I've been to, sleeping in a park or open space during the day is no problem, as long as you don't make a mess. Throw a camping pad, then a blanket down in a grassy area under a shade tree and snooze the day away. Bring a picnic basket to complete the picture, and use a rolled up jacket as a pillow.

Yeah, most cities will let you do that but Sioux Falls is not one of them. The homeless hang out in certain parks and some of them drink, fight, panhandle, etc, which makes it a major problem. As a result, the cops hassle everyone in the parks if they are sleeping or appear to be. 

I don't think that's fair but they seem to get away with it. Whatever.

When I ran across this article, I thought of you, VanGrrl!

This guy in Alaska surrounded his old van with more than 100 bales of straw to get through the winter. But he also has a homemade wood stove providing heat.

I suspect that the LEOs in Sioux Falls wouldn't like to see a similar arrangement in one of their local parks.
TrainChaser said:
When I ran across this article, I thought of you, VanGrrl!

This guy in Alaska surrounded his old van with more than 100 bales of straw to get through the winter.  But he also has a homemade wood stove providing heat.

I suspect that the LEOs in Sioux Falls wouldn't like to see a similar arrangement in one of their local parks.


I love it but, yeah, the LEOs in Sioux Falls would DEFINITELY not like it if I did this!  :D :D :D I admire the guy's spunk and creativity, though.

Thanks for the laugh!

VanGrrl57 :)