shower solution.

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Feb 12, 2013
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for almost 3 years Ive done one of two things for showers...<BR>The first is I joined Golds Gym....9.99 a month and have benifits in any large town.<BR>I can shower , swim , and workout and talk with an occasional new face. <BR>The other is just buy 2 gallons of drinking water for .50cents from a water vending machine....1 gallon to gallon to rinse. Living in Az it still gets cold in the winter. I showered once outside many times when its below 35 degrees.....very quick
<P>I don't know why I didn't think of this before; or I have never read about this anywhere. I was filling up with petrol at a truck stop and needed to use the loo, and on my way I found that they had showers too! I looked around and there was nothing about paying for a shower. So I tentatively checked that the hot water ran and grabbed my shower kit. (Which now lives in my car.) and&nbsp;took a free shower. I'll defiantly be doing this again! It was hot and beautiful and didn't have some of the drawbacks a shower at a gym or a mates place. The only thing it didn't have was a power point for my hair dryer. XD<BR><BR>In other shower news, I went to a plumbing place, said I needed a 'drain' and hose for my horse troth because when it came time to clean it, I couldn't be bothered to bucket water out of it any more. It was much easier to make out that it was for the water for my horses rather than explaining that I use a horse feeder to bath in.<BR><BR>So I got a 'plug' pipe and 'drain' Total cost was $30 (I"ll post up pics later so you can see what I mean, its not your typical shower drain ect.)<BR><BR>MY PLAN<BR><BR>--I've got a shipping pellet which my troth (tub, feeder, what ever you want to call it.) sits on. <BR>--Ill be attaching a backboard to it.<BR>--Attaching the shower rose on to that.<BR>--drill a hole in the troth and attach the drain, then attach the pipe, feed the pipe through the pellet and out the door of my tent.<BR>--Attaching shower to a car 'power pack' aka 'jump starter.'<BR>--Use urn to boil water.<BR>--add water to bath<BR>--and the water will cycle from the bather up into the shower head and down into that bath.<BR><BR><BR>I hope that wasn't too confusing, again ill attach pics when&nbsp;I can.</P>
My shower solution is as good as a shower at a 5 star hotel -(well ok that's stretching it a bit - but when I'm done I feel just the same!)
I have a tub just big enough for my feet (size 11). I heat up a gallon of water and stand in the tub - & sudz, scrub & rinz away with an oversized washcloth. Then, almost finished, i dry myself off & sit down on my tripod camp chair & do a number on my feet. Voila - I've cleaned the whole schmo! Clean clothes after that & I feel like I have bluffed the whole world & got something for nothing!
Guyfromafar, I'd be afraid if I lost my balance when standing in a small tub just big enough for my feet. Maybe that is not an issue.
Use a child swimming pool or just put a small mat down. If inside the van use the swimming pool. <br><br>Really do not see a big deal about this. Sometimes you sponge bath and others you use an outdoor shower or sprayer if private enough. After a while you get used to the life style.<br><br>James AKA Lynx
Rvtravel, it's really like just standing on the ground, except all the water dripping down from the wash cloth ends up in the tub instead of on the floor - haven't lost my balance yet!
Easier to do on your knees. Don't have a high top to stand up in.<img src="/images/boards/smilies/rolleyes.gif" class="emoticon bbc_img">
I had to something cause I really hate the gym. Its not the exercising but swarm of people that come and go. I hated also getting in the shower there. I am not oppose to people LOL just large amounts of them in one place. I also did not like bathing in the van. So here is what I have been doing. Mind you though I am not traveling yet and stay near my job. I go to the bathrooms with private stalls and a lock. Only me can get in. I usually go to the railroad because they have a drain in the floor too. I need to be at work at 5am and they &nbsp;open at 430am. Perfect! I wash up with soap and rinse to my content ...every morning. 2 times a week at work I use my hose in the bathroom to wash my hair. I feel clean and I don't need the gym. Although I have been walking a lot lately.
So far i have been freezing it up at the lack rinse off shower, just leave my swim trunks on.&nbsp; Occasionally i hit up good old moms :D &nbsp; I own a solar shower but haven't felt the need to use it yet.
My wife and I went to a national teadrop gathering, and found one of the other camper's using onna these...<BR><BR><IMG class=bbc_img src="" rel="lightbox"><BR><BR>All you need is a water supply (like a bucket or a garden hose), and a propane tank, and as long as there's water, and've got an infinately long hot shower!<BR><BR><EM><STRONG><SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: large">$120.00!!!!!</SPAN></STRONG></EM> <A href="" rel=nofollow target=_blank></A>&nbsp;<IMG class="emoticon bbc_img" src="/images/boards/smilies/thumb.gif"><BR><BR><BR>add onna these...<BR><BR><IMG class=bbc_img src="" rel="lightbox"><BR><BR>throw a porta-potty in it, and you've got a completely private portable shower bathroom!!
Aren't RV'ers the most innovative resourceful folk? Just goes to show where there's a will, there's a way. High five guys! <img class="emoticon bbc_img" src="/images/boards/smilies/biggrin.gif">&nbsp;I'm trying to figure out my own system now for my MH, with a miniscule size bathroom, hardly enough to turn around in, but does have a "lav", a hand held shower, loo, and a floor drain; not exactly what a shower person is used to.......(I'll get there eventually).
I've always been curious : will these "on-demand-tankless-water heaters work with gravity fed water (from a bucket) or do they need higher pressure ?<br>Thanks............KinA
&nbsp;I have an 'on-demand' tankless water heater, picked it up for around $120 on sale at Canadian Tire, and it comes with its' own gravity feed water bag. It can also be plumbed into the high pressure line in an RV but, I believe, AFTER the tap. ..Willy.
"Garden hose adaptable Shower head included Battery ignition starts automatically Outdoor use only 2 "D" cell battery ignition 1.4 gallons of hot water per minute Adjustable water temperature from 80-150 degrees F Adapter attaches to any standard garden house style nozzle Shower nozzle with on/off control Needs 20-80 PSI of water pressure Low flow rate start (0.5 GPM / 1.3LPM) Includes hot and regulator for attaching to standard LP tank Up to 18 hours of use on a 20 pound tank 20 minute auto safety shut off timer - "
I posted more detail in another thread - here's the hot shower thing I got:

It's kind of big, but the temperature is always perfect and 2.5 gallons should be enough for most people. No batteries, really nothing to fail except maybe some rubber seals years down the line.
I have the Zodi also, everything breaks down except the canister of course. It's no bigger than a garden bug sprayer. I recommend the zodi, no electric needed, always a plus in my book!

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