shower solution.

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I got the one Jim posted the link to, works great, next plan is a jacuzzi waterpump that will give me about the same water pressure from tanks as I get from city water... Might even make a collapsable jacuzzi (lol)

I really don't like gym, or public showers, always feels dirty in there and don't want the athletes foot etc.
Rule number 1 in the world of public showers…. ALWAYS wear shower shoes, aka, flip-flops in the shower…. then you will feel a whole lot better!
I don't, if I gotta wear those shoes it makes me remember staff infections, wart virus, etc is just waiting on that floor for me to slip, drop something, etc.... Ewueee.... No, just no.... Not for me... I'm not really a germaphobe but the public shower is where I draw the line...
Blue, I judge not, but…….. if you are really worried about what may be on a shower floor, have you ever thought about what's on public doorknobs, drinking fountains, shopping card handles….etc…etc…. ? LOL.
ACH! Thanks for that paranoia... I do wash my hands often and stay out of public life mostly... Maybe I am a germaphobe/shut in lol crap I guess I am.
Many towns / cities have public swimming pools and fitness centers with a small daily use fee, you can swim for a workout and then shower afterwards.
Do you have to pay extra for the bleach and other peoples urine going up your nose and in your mouth? J/K heh... I still wish they really did have that dye that changes urine to bright red etc.,.,
