I'm a certified INFJ (Meyers-Briggs personality type), the rarest personality type in the world, less than 1% of the population. We are the true weirdos. To be certified, you have to take the test three times and get pretty much the same score every time. I got exactly the same answers on my first two tests and only one changed on the last one. I've participated in studies of INFJs because they truly cannot figure us out. No one understands us. We honestly just don't think like "normal" people, for instance, our thinking is very black and white, wrong or right, good or bad. My dad was one too, and he always said "I don't suffer fools well." Me, I don't suffer them at all. I just walk away from them.
To top it all off, I'm also a true loner. I enjoy my own company much more than anyone else's, and turn people off by refusing to join groups or to hang out with them. Crowds bother me a lot. Noise bothers me a lot. Consequently, I have no trouble making friends (INFJs are very likeable), amd part of me craves friendship and community, but I have a hard time keeping friends because I really just don't fit into normal society. That's one reason van life appeals to me. I would absolutely love traveling the country completely alone.