Bizarre unconscious nighttime dreaming

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Well-known member
Nov 30, 2013
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Nighttime dreams can certainly be bizarre things.

  Feeling the need to type this one down, I don't know if I will decide to click 'post thread' and share it.  If so, I am not looking for people to try and interpret it for me.   I don't believe nighttime dreams presage any events, Instead believing they are a bored subconscious mind having some fun with some data it has stored.


It starts with some unknown white haired bearded individual closing the bed of their small rusty pick up truck and saying he'll see me in a bit.

I am about a mile and a half or so away from my parked van, which I visualize in an Empty field, downhill and to the west, where it remained when I went on some sort of outing with the white haired bearded individual.

Decided to hike back to my van, rather than catching a ride with the white bearded stranger, as the land was beautiful steeply inclined and there was a good well trodden trail downward. As I started down, I remember looking up at the tall trees and thinking how beautiful this area is.  Hearing some loud grunting above, and looking there, well above me up on the hill, is a Huge Grizzly bear walking on its hind legs. It stops, grunts again then looks over its shoulder.  As it turns back to face forward, I see that it notices me, but sense it has no interest in me.  It goes back on all 4 legs and trots off generally in the direction I had come from, but at about 300 feet higher elevation, and I see another bear, just as large, trotting after the first one.

Deciding to put some space between us, I start jogging as quietly as possible, while inventorying my possible weapons, none, though I do not feel much danger, I just want to be prepared.  Off to my left, I see movement in the directions where the bears lay, and looking over, see some sort of large herbivore, more like a large antelope one might see in Africa, more so than any animal native to North America, and I see it is panicked, and is being pursued. 

 Then I see the pursuers, two huge wolves, dark black and brown in color with very long exaggerated legs and snouts and fur.  These were at least twice the size of the largest German Shepard I've ever seen, and my first thoughts were that I was going to witness a hunt, and that if I continued in my same direction, I would be out of the way and in a perfect position to view the hunt, as I know there is a clearing below me about half way to my van, and I knew the wolves were pushing the antelope in this direction where the rest of the wolf pack awaits in ambush.

Quite excited, I am thinking about my camera, which lens is on it, and whether I should try and take Videos or Still shots of the hunt.  Video would be better, but that I am not very good using the LCD screen to compose a frame and decide instead on Stills. Seeing a ridge where there would be a prime view of the clearing below,  sure that this is where the hunt will come to its climax,  I start running in that direction to get in position to record it with my camera.

I come around a bend in the trail, and standing in front of me in a much smaller clearing, which is the nexus of a couple different trails, are 4 more huge dark colored wolves who are surprised at my sudden appearance.  They are simply ovewhelmingly huge animals, 180 LBS a piece, and their  shoulder height is at the height of my waist.

My only weapon is my DSLR camera, and as the first one launches at me I swing my camera via the neck strap, and connect perfectly with its head and the camera explodes on contact, and my weapon is gone.  The injured wolf whelps like a hurt dog and stumbles off to the side and out of the picture.  I see the antelope cross one of the trails with two other wolves in pursuit.  One of the wolves confronting me follows the other two wolves into the trees off the trail, and the two wolves now confronting me start separating to get at me from either side, getting ready to pounce.

Suddenly, my sister's dog, a medium sized mutt, who is very aggressive towards other dogs as large or larger than himself, charges from behind me and launches at a wolf more than twice its size, but basically stands no chance against the larger animal, and I hear it squealing in pain as it gets ripped to shreds.  I tackle the wolf that is killing my sisters dog, get my camera strap around its neck and start choking the thing and trying to avoid its digging claws, when I feel the other wolf lock onto my Forearm and start trying to rip me off both animals.  My anger is still directed at the wolf which just disembowled my Sister's dog and I get a foot behind its neck, pull on my camera's strap, and break the things neck, and it collapses on top of my sister's disembowled dog, and I feel tremendous grief, and anger.

I now transfer all my rage to the wolf which has a death grip on my other forearm, punching it in the face and digging my thumb into its eye socket and it yelps and lets go and trots off a little distance.  I lung after it trying to get my camera strap around its neck to break it, but miss, and then find myself looking at two more wolves.  One of them has a bizarre looking face, kind of like a caricature of Wil-E-Coyote, but black faced with small beady black eyes, and somehow my camera strap is now a thick leather belt, bent in half,and I whip it at this bizarre looking wolf's face where it lands with a satisfying crack.

Suddenly though, I got wolves attacking me from all directions, the battle lost, and I think to myself what a horrible way to die, I hope shock kicks in soon or I lose consciousness soon. I can feel them, shredding into my biceps and forearms, incredible amounts of pain, yet I am still on my feet, but helpless to fight anymore with 180 LBs of wolf on each arm and one or more at my gut and wondering why none has yet gone for my throat.

I notice the wolf on my right arm sees something over my right shoulder and lets go, and I feel pressure on my left arm go away as well, as something behind me has spooked these two wolves but the ones on my gut is still going at it.

I look over my shoulder and there is a huge grizzly bear running full gallop down the hill, jaws open wide, coming right at my face.

I scream.

And I wake up. 

 My forearms are on Fire, extremely painful,  and I turn on a light and check them for injury as the pain disappears.  They are fine(obviously) and all I can think about is what a freaking bizarre dream as my heart begins to slow down.

I was able to fall back  asleep after a while, and start dreaming again. 

 I see My Van in the clearing Midday, the doors are open, and several huge black and dark colored timber wolves are milling about.  They had not noticed me, and I am furious at them, and I sneak up to my Van doors and grab my machete, whose edge is gleaming with a fresh sharpening, and I attack the wolves, shearing one's head off clean at the neck before the others notice me and confront me.  I back up to my side doors, machete at the ready when one launches at me and gets the razor sharp  bloody machete blade in its mouth, and I cannot get it out.  Surprisingly the other wolf also grabs on to the sharp end of the machete and further immobilizes it, and I know I am in trouble, and start screaming for help, when a third wolf launches in from the side and also gets the blade in its mouth just inches from my hands.  I'm still yelling for help, but know that no other human is nearby to hear me, and start wondering why the wolves are attacking the machete blade rather than my body, when I realize I while I cannot remove the blade by pulling on it, I can twist the blade and  push the blade, and start doing so.

I can feel their teeth on the blade, but as I twist and pull and push, I can see it cutting into the closest wolf's mouth between the teeth, and soon I am twisting and pushing, feeling the blade twist and bend and digging into the wolves' mouths, and I stamp on a wolf paw and it yelps and collapses at my feet and all three let go of the blade.  I slam my knee into the neck of the wolf at my feet and feel sinew and gristle parting as I dig my Knee in, and swing my machete blade at a fleeing wolf, catching the side of its tail and ripping a bunch of skin and hair off from it.  It yelps, stops running to look at its injury as i launch forward, my machete landing mid back and severs its spine and blood starts spurting out. It is yelping and whimpering and paralyzed and I swing my attention to the last wolf whose mouth is bleeding.  It keeps looking from me to the 3 wolves I've already dispatched, one dead, two still alive but gravely injured, and decides to flee, and in a rage I throw my machete at it as it flees, and watch the dull side graze the back of the leg, and kind of catch before spinning off into the tall grass and pine needles

I jog over and pick it up, and return to my Van.  The paralyzed wolf was trying to drag itself away with its front paws, a tremendously bloody trail  behind it.  I look over and see the wolf whose neck I had crushed with my knee bleeding from the mouth and trying to crawl under my van.  I dispatch the paralyzed wolf first, looking it in the eyes as I ran the full length of the machete along its neck, sad that such a beautiful creature was so evil and had to die.

I walked over to my Van, and tried to grab a back paw of the other wolf who had crawled underneath, and just missed.  I stand up and walk around the other side of my van to dispatch this last wolf, and when I get around my door with the spare tire on it, it is suddenly nighttime, and I am looking at a large campfire with about 20 people in a large circle around it, and another patch of 20 dark skinned people of to the right in bright clothing and facial makeup, front lit by the tall flames.  To the left of the large campfire stood a huge glistening Black man in a loin cloth with extremely white eyes glowing in the flames of the fire.

  He speaks loudly, pointing a large White war club at me, in some language I cannot understand, and starts hopping from foot to foot in exaggerated steps.  The people around the campfire are watching him, the people off to the right of the campfire are watching me and the Black man starts singing and the people around the firepit all start drumming in unison when the Man slams his foot into the ground, then the other, his eyes never leaving mine.  

I take a step forward and the group off the right of the firepit bang their drum in unison when my foot hits the ground, the black man off to my left still singing in some unknown language, staring me in the eyes, jumping from foot to foot slowly, the people round the fire pit hitting their drums in unison when his feet hit the ground, tempo increasing, volume increasing.

Suddenly I know it is time for me to sing, and I start chanting notes, changing octaves kind of like American Indians, the drum rhythm to the left has stayed the same, and as I chant, I begin to stamp my foot when it feels right, and the group of colorfully dressed people off to the right bang their drums in rhythm with my  foot stomping the ground.  I increase the volume of my chanting, and start slamming my foot to the ground harder and all the drummers start bangin in unison with me slamming my foot into the ground even louder.

Tremendous energy fills the air and everybody stands up, keeps the rhythm we have been stamping and drumming, singing and chanting and we form a large circle around the fire.  The huge oily Black man in the loincloth has a crazed look in his eyes and starts singing a different melody, louder, over my chanting, while beginning an elaborate dance around the fire, and I can see the other people around the fire are dressed like Inca or Aztec or American Indian Warriors, and everybody facing me is looking me in the eye.  In the background there is a tree, and hanging and swinging from the tree, by one forepaw, is the wolf that got away, with blood dripping off of a back leg and from its mouth. Under that wolf, on the ground, was the wolf whose Neck I crushed with my Knee.  It was still alive too.

I quit chanting and walked over to the wolves, looked them in the eyes, and felt nothing but compassion and regret, and it went silent. 

I turned around to face the crowd, and only the black man stood there, silhouetted by the fire.  In his right hand he held my machete, in his left he held his war club with which he originally pointed at me.

He flipped them over simultaneously, catching them by their business ends, and offered them to me.  I tried to take my machete, but he would not release it.  I tried to grab the war club, and he would not release that either.  He offered them again together in one gesture and I grabbed them both at the same time, and he released them.  He grabbed my shoulders and spun me around to face the wolves.

They were now both on the ground, in seeming perfect health, and looking at me expressionlessly from a sitting position.

I look over my shoulder at the Black man, and nobody is there, I look back to face the wolves, and they are not there.  On the ground, where the wolves were, was the war club.

In my left hand was my machete, in my right hand, nothing.

I go to pick up the war club and discover it is a black and white striped snake, I jump back in fright

And I wake up.

Tell me that is not one of the screwiest dreams one could have. 
Thank for sharing StarnWake! That dream sounds freaking awesome!
Wow, my dreams are piddly in comparison. I don't think I've ever dreamed with pain before.
Very detailed! Most people don't remember their dreams. Very cool.
I often have 'odd' dreams, and some are quite fun!  Some just weird.
Having that problem of having to get up and answer the call of nature, sometimes several times a night, I often have what I call "Whizz dreams".  It usually involves me in a huge building, an office building, and I am frantically searching for a place to get some relief!  Door after door, floor after floor, room after room, can't find the John.  Then I fnd it, a huge communal restroom like we had in the military.....   but it's busy!  Can't go with all those eyes, so back to searching......
Then I wake up and go to the bathroom  .....      :rolleyes:

Other dreams have me back in the service, either my first hitch in the USAF, or my second hitch in the Navy.  Often I am my current age, but was called back in....   Maybe some wishful thinking.....?

I also have a recurring dream of driving my  vehicle - sometimes a car, or a truck, or my van... - and I have the worst time trying to get it to move.

All I think are what the Freudians would term 'anxiety dreams'.
LOL we could have fun 'interpreting' that one! Starting with a guy who sounds like Bob, ending with a snake in the hand along with a strong phobia, and some type of strong internal conflict between the two events involving long weapons... *grin*
I'm going to get kicked off the forum now, aren't I?
Seraphim said:
I'm going to get kicked off the forum now, aren't I?

I think you managed to restrain yourself just far enough to avoid that.... :D
Oh no, you're out here for sure Seraphaim!!!!!  :mad: :p :D

I gotta admit, I'm such an egotist I thought the same thing!
akrvbob said:
Oh no, you're out here for sure Seraphaim!!!!!  :mad: :p :D

I gotta admit, I'm such an egotist I thought the same thing!

I've known a few white haired bearded individuals in my life , and did not get the impression it was you Bob.  I got the impression it was a stranger, but we have yet to meet, so it is a possibility.

Usually I do not remember the dreams so vividly, usually they disappear from memory as soon as I try and recall what weirdo thing I dreamt the night before..  I've got a bit of a fever today, and I suspect that was part of the reason for a wacked out and vivid dream of the night before, yet I cannot remember any dreams from last night.

I've only seen grizzlies and wolves in Zoos and of course TV screens.  
I do not  like visiting animal prisons.
  Seeing the wolves running back and forth in front of the bars, panting, stressed and likely mad, was upsetting.

Any animal in a cage for the amusement of humans grinds my gears.

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