Drove 40 miles through the desert in a downpour yesterday on a road that looked like a well-constructed swimming pool, thinking "I wish I could remember what you're supposed to do if your car hydroplanes." I looked it up later; the advice seemed confusing, but as far as I can tell, the answer is "what you would instinctively do, but much more slowly and gently than you will want to." As long as you have anti-lock brakes, it's OK to brake gently, and the goal is to still have some forward motion as you come out of the water.
At least, that ^^ is what I got off the interwebs.
Apparently, my car safety knowledge is in about the same condition as my car safety kit was when I checked it out a couple weeks ago. These things need topping up occasionally!
Also, you should not use cruise control when driving on wet roads. Who knew? everyone but me??
The mountains looked amazing, like something out of an old Chinese painting. But man was I glad to get home and parked.