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GypsyDogs said:
Tuesday morning...
Will let you all know what/how it happens.

Six and a half months ~~~  They are nothing like a professional outfit.  

I wonder if the owner, Warren Buffet, has a clue about this level of incompetence.   HMMM.
I felt I should give them the opportunity to get it right.. before requesting they take it back.
So, in their defense, the 'ball' has only been rolling since I told them I was done with their trailer. Which was a few weeks ago.

I just want this to be over and done.

Thank you all for your support.
Returning just your purchase price would still be a rip off.
I'm sure they will try to get you so sign something about non disclosure before they hand over a check because they will be worried about negative publicity.(which they very much deserve)

If you're not happy about this mess .Local TV stations have segments on consumer rip offs and would probably do a vid on these guys including a live interview of the company rep with lots of questions.

I'd say something about their employees being monkeys but that would be putting down monkeys so "Stupid does is stupid is Forrest"
Taking care of peoples homes and lives for decades I have seen a change from companies doing what ever it took to gain and hold a reputation of being the best to being willing to put the lowest quality they think will be acceptable in the name of profits. They hope that A the mojority of the time the product/service will be good enough. B the consumer will accept the garbage or to lazy to demand the fix. C in the event that someone is truly unhappy that the next sucker will fall for the advertising. They couldn't exist in the world my service did where not getting it right the first time left you untrusted even if we did fix it. You knew you wouldn't get a referral and hoped you didn't get bad mouthed to their friends. Understanding that was why we never advertised in 30 years.

I hope they resolve it soon and it would be a travesty to force you into a situation where you couldn't warn others of the subpar product and service.
Warren  Buffet IS the problem.  He can talk out of both sides of his mouth and make people think he's one of the little guys.  It's all about profit.
oh, and he said "They" will be down at 8am to pick trailer up and finalize buy back..

hmm.. do I need backup for this?
'They' don't get it back until you've got a satisfactory settlement in hand.

Tell them you'll deliver it to the place you bought it when they've cut the check and it's signed and ready for pick-up.

REPEAT - do not let them tow the trailer away until you have a settlement that is okay to you in hand!

Since they seem to think they'll be able to just pick up the trailer, make sure you've got a good hitch lock in place.
I'd have my buddies Smith and Wesson on hand :D
Seriously I doubt there will be any effery, but having a few friends around might not be a bad idea
Oh, believe me- they do Not get a trailer until I have check in hand.
Not quite sure how a non-disclosure agreement would work.. with them knowing about this thread...
A future non disclosure should cost them a miminum of 10X the full amount spent. (IMO)   FOREST RIVER / CARGOMATE has admitted that their product is not rainproof.  Their factory is unable to do the most basic build / repair compently.  

How they ever manage to have a customer base is beyond me.
I joked with a B.A.C.A friend of mine..
Wonder how these factory reps would feel if I had a dozen black-leather clad bikers parked on my lawn.. just hangin' out..... ;)
I think a local news person and a lawyer might be useful especially if they are just friends there to help hitch up.
Done- Short, polite, and simple.
He reimbursed for cost of trailer AND titling fees.

No paperwork but signing title over to him.
Glad it's over and done with! Now on to whatever is next for you.
y'all were watching for that post, weren't ya?

and I am still boggling at the number of Views this thread has.. though it is not really surprising.
GypsyDogs said:
Done-  Short, polite, and simple.
He reimbursed for cost of trailer AND titling fees.

No paperwork but signing title over to him.
I guess we can finally call this fiasco done then?
highdesertranger said:
I feel bad for the next person that going to end up with that POS.  highdesertranger

Hopefully they will put it on display were they are built as a reminder for the employees of what not to do.

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