roaming in a group

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Feb 26, 2014
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I always thought that a group of women traveling together would be great fun. When I was young in the early 60's I wanted to get a group of girls together and travel the country. I was the only one who was a gypsy at heart. Has anyone here gotten together in a group to travel? Doing things alone is a lot tougher. Has anyone here thought about getting a piece of land for the future, or getting a piece of a land together? You would still have privacy with your own units to sleep in. Maybe, a more modern Golden Girls! (Vangirls) Life is a lot easier together. I sometimes think about life on my own if my husband passed. I really relate to the women who are apprehensive about safety.

Member response:
I can tell you that there IS an organization EXACTALLY like what you're describing.

They're called the "Sisters on the Fly", and there are chapters throughout the US, Canada, Europe, and Australia, with over 4000 members.
they hold gatherings all over the country.
Hi, emerald,

There is also a group called RVing Women. I joined but then never participated; I'm too independent, I guess. I have met a couple of members at a campground in Oregon. Nice ladies.

I do have a few lady friends around the country, people I have met in my travels, and we have kept in touch via email and phone. We managed to do some boondocking in a national forest for a few days and it was nice. However, it was a real nightmare to plan. I have traveled with another lady on short trips (1200 miles one way) and that worked out because we are both very independent and weren't afraid to voice our wishes so nobody was bothered when one wanted to go their own way.

Personally, I'm not a groupie and probably wouldn't enjoy the traveling part. Group travel is difficult for me because I'm not much of a planner or rules person and groups require both. Eventually, the "rules" become restrictive. The reason I chose to live this way is to be free of restrictions!

Best wishes!
Stargazer, I totally get it. I am very independent and like to come and go as I please. If I can't do that I feel hemmed in, but at the same time I love being around people who are of the same mind and would not get offended if I came and went, and just enjoyed each others company when we were together. I don't know if I am explaining myself very well. I kind of take people as they are. I like people and find different people fascinating, but I was thinking of the future for a lot of women. A lot of women don't have much money, and life is getting more expensive every year. I just wondered if any had thought about having a piece of land to park on if they feel unwell or if their vehicle needs repair. Thats why I asked about a group getting together and buying a couple of acres. For the future.
When I was 14, one of my teachers told us to start watching people. He said you will learn a lot about them if you do. I have been laughing ever since. We are really funny, and sweet. I think from that time on I realized how interesting people are, and pretty nice. Even when people behave badly, I always figure they have had a bad day or something in their life has hurt them. I am pretty shy so I guess watching people is really fun for me. I have always remembered that teacher. He taught me one of the most important things in my life. Learning about people, and appreciating them as they are.
Patrick, thank you for the info. I will look up those sites also.
Here's another group - Loners on Wheels I believe that some of the members travel together at times. Membership is opened to men and women but I think that there are more female members. They also have a park in New Mexico with very inexpensive rates.
Sisters on Fly don't allow pets but it looks from their website that they have a lot of fun.
Traveling with pals is certainly the safer choice for lone women. The ban on pets would nix it for me, tho, if I were alone.

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