Repair shops around Mesquite/Vegas?

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Well-known member
Aug 2, 2016
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Occupied Territory
I'm in Mesquite right now and have a coolant leak.  Nope, don't know where it's coming from.  Nope, can't get under my van to find it.  I'd like recommendations to reputable shops between Mesquite and Las Vegas please.  Thanks!
Okay found a shop. It's leaking from a seam on the upper tank of the radiator. I'm going to be stuck here for 2 weeks. I looked up free camping but I'd like your recommendations.

Change the thread title?

Bumping this for Van Lady. Anyone want to camp with my grouchy rear for 2 weeks? I'll give anyone gas money that runs into town for me! Just need to make it to the 3rd so I can get it fixed.

I don't want to be alone for the holidays. You know you want to! >: )
Wish I could come and keep you company.  There have been times where I was alone and sure wanted some.  Of course I can be a surly curmudgeon too. :D

Stuck in Houston with no way out in sight though.  Wish you the best in all this.
"Headache, you have had your trials with that van. Isn't that an early 90's Ford van? Did the shop say to replace the radiator?" From Dennis

Yes I have. It's a 92. One thing it hasn't done to me yet is leave me stranded but that's not without due diligence on my part.

Yep they did. Reputable shop. Recommended by several locals. He showed me the seam it's leaking from. I hate plastic radiators.
498 semolians! The radiator is even in stock. It's just a bridge too far moment. Had it happened in December after I'd already done my 1700 miles I'd have had it done already. It happens.
I understand about the too far bridges. Is that for the same type radiator that is leaking now?
I assume that is for the radiator, new hoses, clamps, and coolant. Plus labor.

I'm just doing some thinking here.
rvwandering said:
Since Walmart has a stay limit try the casino lots. There are three casinos. Two have 72 hour limits.

Believe it or not a guy came over awhile ago and told me about that!  We're going over to Casablanca tomorrow.  Between them,  Wal-Mart and the truck stop I'll be fine.  Would have been nice to be out camping with other folks for some turkey but at least I won't be completely alone.
Moving around was one of my thoughts. Another was if we could just find someone close to do a little mechanic work for cheap that could likely save in the neighborhood of $300 or close to it. Parts can be gathered up.
Dennis said:
I understand about the too far bridges.  Is that for the same type radiator that is leaking now?  
I assume that is for the radiator, new hoses, clamps, and coolant. Plus labor. 

Yep, for everything.  Well see what happens tomorrow.  There's someone one of the assistant managers knows that's good at figuring things out.  I talk to them at 10.
Dennis said:
Moving around was one of my thoughts.  Another was if we could just find someone close to do a little mechanic work for cheap that could likely save in the neighborhood of $300 or close to it.  Parts can be gathered up.

The radiator is about $200.  Technically the hoses are in good shape.
Aw dang. Sorry you are stuck for Turkey day. Hope things work out for you. Maybe you’ll find some new friends at the casino parking lot?
Not all that unreasonable for the radiator I suppose given the situation. Can be bought at a better price but everything isn't optimal right now.
At least things are looking a little less dire for place to park. Just a bummer to have trip and turkey day messed up. Maybe some better ideas will come up by talking to the other person at 10.

Report back.
Dennis said:
I assume that is for the radiator, new hoses, clamps, and coolant. Plus labor.

Found out it's only for the radiator, coolant and labor.  I'm tempted to drive back to my favorite shop in Cedar City, UT.  At least if I don't make it maybe I can get towed the rest of the way.  After the 3rd course.
You could do that, then there’s the risk of another problem along the way and using up another tow.

And, a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush, you know.

Good luck, may you be up and running soon.