Rendezvous! of the 18th century sort

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Well-known member
Dec 16, 2010
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I know Skooky and I were bent on hijacking the tent thread, so I thought I'd start a thread pertaining to living history, black powder, and mountain man events. I know there are others out there with the same interests, and many more who aren't aware of the camping possibilities and fun to be had at these events.&nbsp;<br /><br />Cuzzin' Dick, are ya listening?<br /><br />These type of events are scheduled All over the country. Some are very period specific, some are limited events, and others well week long camping events. Many of these events have modernOrr "tin tipi" camping areas for those without primitive accouterments that are required in the main camps. For about $50 you can camp for up to 10 days with wood and water provided. There are free seminars, scores of sutlers and blanket traders selling their wares or demonstrating their skills, and music, shooting ranges and food vendors. It is fun and educational and worth checking out at least once.&nbsp;<br /><br />The main encampments usually require "period clothing" and that you leave the trappings of the 20th century behind. They do have days where the public is invited, otherwise, I suggest you invest in a basic outfit ( at least a loin cloth) to be able to gain entrance to the main camp all days for seminars, etc. some larger encampments have sutler (shopping)areas open to the public throughout the event.&nbsp;<br /><br />I will get some links. you can research rules and regs about camping, attire, pets, etc because every event is different.&nbsp;<br /><br />Everybody feel free to chime in with your info or experiences.
A loin cloth? Trust me, no one wants to see me in a loin cloth lol!<br /><br />The events sound like fun though. &nbsp;Probably wouldn't get too involved, but would enjoy walking around and talking to people.<br /><br />A friend of mine is involved in the cowboy genre.
Wave- there are all types of re-enactments. My experience has been primarily pre- 1840's, but there are civil war, wild west, and even the ones with knights in shining armor.....somebody help me with a name....<br /><br />Seraphim- I have seen every configuration of shapes, sizes, colors and ages wearing loincloths. In some cases, I am just grateful they are wearing one. My crazy friend Bonnie and I were walking down Sutlers Row and she saw a display of 3 pronged wooden hay forks for sale. She grabbed one and started shrieking "OMG, LOIN CLOTH LIFTERS!". I never saw mountain men move so fast :)<br /><br />Yeah, it is a lot of fun to just check it all out. Some public days are free admission.&nbsp;<br /><br /><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-family: '.Helvetica NeueUI'; font-size: 15px; line-height: 19px; white-space: nowrap; -webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(26, 26, 26, 0.296875); -webkit-composition-fill-color: rgba(175, 192, 227, 0.230469); -webkit-composition-frame-color: rgba(77, 128, 180, 0.230469);"></span>
<p>Katie, You're thinking of SCA, Society for Creative Anachronism.&nbsp; Fun group.<br />The mountain man rendezvous are fun too. The Civil War Reenactments are just too noisy for me.&nbsp; A lot of cannon bangs and men falling down.<br /><br /><br />Nelda</p><p>&nbsp;</p>
It;s all great fun. A good way to find rendezvous camps in any particular area is to just do an internet search for RENDEZVOUS CAMP (your state)...<br /><br />For the more crafty making stuff stuff kind of people (like me) it's even more fun. Looking up and learning about particular era's, history, garb (clothes) camp gear and such, then making your own !! I'm not a re-enactor, most of my camping has been pre-1840's. You'll find that some camps are more for the reenactments (stitch counters) where EVERYTHING has to be accurate down to how many stitches in your clothes per inch and whether or not it was hand sewn or machine sewn. In my opinion, that is insanity. I tend towards the rendezvous which is alot more of the JUST HAVE FUN !! attitude <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"> Again you'll find that some camps are more lenient than others, era clothing only if you are camping and during the hours that the public is in attendance, etc. If nothing else they are fun to walk around and see interesting things and hopefully learn a little bit of history. <br /><br />I've currently in the last week been doing research on the history of the miami (ohio) valley. Paying close attention to the Miami tribe up to 1846. The Miami and Shawnee tribes were 2 of the most influential in this area. And because of such research there are a few places I plan on travelling around to and checking out in nearby Indiana, Wabash area, The Maumee River area, The Hanging Rock, The Grist Rock, Lake Manitou, I'm hoping I'll be able to find the Moon Rock as well that is supposed to be a couple miles west of Wabash. etc. Then hopefully over to Illinois to see the Piasa Cliff Painting(the original was destroyed years ago). Cahokia Mounds, etc.<br /><br />As far as butt flaps go. aha I have no problem wearing them cause I'm a tall relatively thin kind of guy, I stay in shape. Even when "normal" kind of camping (state camp grounds etc.), I often wear them around camp. So much cooler and comfortable in this midwest heat and humidity. Then again I've seen some guys wearing them that definitely shouldn't. lol Cause once seen, some things can't be unseen...
&nbsp;couple pictures<br /><br />Sunset at Piqua Heritage Festival<br /><br /><img src="" alt="" /><br /><br /><br /><br />My Daughter playing guitar at camp:<br /><br /><br /><img src="" alt="" /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />A friend <br /><br /><img src="" alt="" /><br /><br /><br /><br />My Pack (one man) camp !!<br /><br /><img src="" alt="" />
Maybe I've enjoyed a bit too much bourbon whiskey in my time, but I'd sure like to do 18th century renditions of modern literary works.<br /><br />Dr Seuss for example "Woudst thou like green egg and ham? I doth not like them Steve I am!"<br /><br />
Thanks, Nelda. I think the difference between civil war and the mountain man 'voos is just that...One involves war and noise and men falling down, while the other is more about trade and plunder and celebrating surviving another year in the wilderness.&nbsp;<br /><br />Of course, given enough whiskey, the mountain men fall down a lot too :)<br /><br />Great picks, Skooky!<br /><br />Finish the story, Steve, wouldst thou?
ya, I be listening twoknives, need to fnd some "schedules" an a lot o acoutrements tho.<br>Nice pics skooky, thanks.
Okay lets think of these meetings<BR><BR>Civil War reenactment<BR>Revolutionary War reenactment<BR>Medieval era reenactment (Renaissance Fair ,or Society for Creative Anachronisms)<BR>Mountain Man trading events (Black Powder, etc.)<BR>Indian Pow-wow events (sometimes open to public)<BR>Primative Skills events<BR>Music &amp; Heritage festivals (some longer than others)<BR>Pirate festival<BR>Holiday festivals (local, regional, national, international)<BR>Sports festivals (automobile, individual, team, etc.)<BR>Theatre play festival (various performing arts)<BR><BR><BR><BR>
<span style="color: #339966;"><strong>Hey Katie, have yu thought about putting schedules up on the GTG site for the rondevzious's, any.???? &nbsp;</strong></span>
I do a few rondevzious a year.&nbsp; Great times.&nbsp; I am a trapper and it makes up a big part of my yearly income.&nbsp; The National Trappers Assoc. convention is in Lima, Ohio this year, actual in a few days.&nbsp; Nice to see some old ways and modern times meet.&nbsp; I always said, along with my grandfather, that I was late by 150 years.
Hey RJCooper,&nbsp;<span style="color: #339966;"><strong>Which region or where can I find the region organiztions, etc.. &nbsp;I am not a trapper, more of a mountain man type, but would like to get involved again. &nbsp;and yeah, on the 150 years thangy. lol. &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;</strong></span>
The NTA has regionals, plus every state has a trappers convention.&nbsp; There are to many to list here.&nbsp; Most times each state has one before the season, say Octoberish and several more during the season for pelt sales.&nbsp; Hope this helps out.&nbsp; <br><br>I know this is a internet forum and respect everyone's entitlement to an opinion on being green and the ecosystem and all.&nbsp; So I have to add this.&nbsp; As I have&nbsp;had personal threats made to me. There is no more human way for any animal to die and not waste then trapping.&nbsp; Distemper, rabies, a car bumper, other predators, etc.&nbsp; Just had to let that one fly.&nbsp; Walt&nbsp;Disney suffered&nbsp;more in his demise.&nbsp;
<span style="color: #008000;"><strong>Mornin RJ, helped some,lol, just gotta do some googlin I reckin, thank yu. &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;</strong></span>
Dick, that is a very good idea. I have been really yearning to go to one. I will work on that soon...
<span style="color: #008000;"><strong>Mornin Katie, it just occured to me that all my "stuff" is long gone, I would have to completely outfit myself before I could do anothe rondo.&nbsp;</strong></span>
Hey sweetie- not a problem. I got kit (cookware and copper mugs and such) a big piece of canvas and some poles we can share for a simple trekkers camp and I can sew you a loincloth in about a minute. So you'd be all set!

Lots of the rondys have "modern camp" areas anyhow. Those without 18th c gear can stay there and walk over to primitive camp to visit. Sometimes the sutler areas allow modern clothes, and folks will purchase a hunters frock and a loincloth for wandering thru primitive areas. Most rondys will list the restrictiins and amebities so you can choose. I've never been to the big florida one but hear it's a real good one.

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