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Well-known member
Jul 22, 2015
Reaction score
Springfield Missouri
Hello everyone, I've been trolling this site for some time, and it appears to be a goldmine of great people and information.

A little about myself, I'm 23, I'm a full time student and also have a full time job... This is my story.

The idea of a self built stealth camper is something that I first thought about in High School.. but once I graduated and become "an adult" I decided that a van wasn't "cool enough" for me. Not realizing at the time however, that it was a desperate plea from something deep inside to reconnect with things that made me genuinely happy when I was young. Not the kind of happy that [as a high schooler] the newest electronic device, or coolest pair of shoes could deliver. The happiness of youth found in adventure, and exploration.

I'm neither rich, nor poor. However everything I have is my own. I don't have the type of parents who continue to support me financially despite being 23 years old, and I really appreciate that about them.  I work a full time job, and bring home a decent, comfortable, very livable wage. All is well with myself, and society.  However, the "socially accepted" life, of a 9-5 (for me a 3pm-Midnight) job, going to school, living in brick and mortar (I rent), and filling your life with possessions to the point of wading through them like a fly fisherman in a brisk current has left me with a realization. I have put myself in a cage. This realization didn't come easy, and the resulting state of displeasure has been difficult to shake.

I'm by no stretch of the imagination "depressed" or anything of the sort. I just have begun to notice that even my most prized possession, a beautiful 2011 Victory Cross Country, which I love nothing more that to spend a day soaking up the backroads of southern MO, and northern AR is just a piece of material. If I were to wake up tomorrow, and it no longer existed, I would continue to function as a member of the human race.

All this may leave you with the impression that I'm looking to build a van, quit school, leave my job, and disappear into the deepest part of some state park somewhere never to be heard from again. You would be incorrect. I'm not looking to escape my life.. I will not leave school I'm there because I enjoy my area of study; I'm not going because it is the "right" thing to do. My job is physical, it's hot in the summer, and cold in the Winter, but when comparing my wage, to the amount of work I actually do (there is a lot of down time) You really can't beat it. For now. Once I graduate, I will hopefully find a job within my area of study. Lastly I'm not looking to give away all my belongings and live the life of a monk in an attempt to find enlightenment and peace. I will be downsizings, but not to an extreme level as of yet. My Victory will stay by my side; I will continue to make payments on it, and pay insurance on it. The enjoyment and clarity it brings me more than makes up for any anti materialistic or anti consumerism thoughts I may have throughout the day.

What does that leave? Why am I here? What do I want? These are all good questions, and they are questions I've been wrestling with myself. I have finally realized that I want the same thing I wanted when the idea of a self converted camper van first entered my mind as a (I believe) junior in High School. I want something that I can put my own personal style into. Something that is purpose built to bring enjoyment and happiness from myself above anyone else. An escape from the cage of society, if only temporary. If I want to take a weekend and get away from the city, the van is there. I don't have to plan, or even know where I'm going. Just drive in any direction until I want to stop. Park. Experience something.

I'm clearly still in the planning phase. I am still deciding between a full sized van, verses a minivan (by that I mean Astro/Safari van). I'm also deciding between buying a van and keeping my current 2001 Subaru Forester (which is an absolutely amazing vehicle, if you were curious), or getting rid of the Subaru and using the van (and the Victory) to commute with.

Anyways, I know this is a long read, so if you're still with me Thank you. I also accept that it probably sound like a combination of cheesey and self-pity. Lastly, and most importantly.. I'm not an English major, so the above probably contains punctuation errors galore, grammatical mistakes, and spelling errors. So, I apologize for that in advanced.

I've already gathered a lot of interesting information from this site, and look forward to learning much more.

If you do go with a minivan, I definitely agree with the choice of an Astro/Safari. I don't like or trust FWD vehicles. It is my experience that most of them are designed with the concept of planned obsolescence at the forefront of design consideration.
ramblingvanman said:
If you do go with a minivan, I definitely agree with the choice of an Astro/Safari. I don't like or trust FWD vehicles. It is my experience that most of them are designed with the concept of planned obsolescence at the forefront of design consideration.

If I end up going with the Astro/Safari I would ideally like to find one that is AWD. Since I've been driving a Subaru for the past year, I have found that in some cases AWD is worth so much more than the couple of MPG it costs.
Welcome to the forum!

I'd encourage you to consider using your Subaru for your weekend excursions right now ... even before you've built yourself that personalized van. I go out for months at a time in my Prius (also an absolutely amazing vehicle).

I hope you keep us updated on your excursions, search for a van, and then the build that you do for yourself. We all love pictures.

Suanne ... who would love an AWD Prius
Love your story!! We're glad you're here! It doesn't have to be all or nothing, you can test the water and see how you like it. My first thought would be to start tent camping on the Victory. I've made two very long rides around the country including riding to Alaska so I think it would be a great way to see if you really like freedom and mobility.

If you do, then maybe try it in the Subaru, you can carry more and be more comfortable.

The knowledge you gain from that will be invaluable to help you decide.
Requ21 said:
Hello everyone, I've been trolling this site for some time, and it appears to be a goldmine of great people and information.

A little about myself, I'm 23, I'm a full time student and also have a full time job... This is my story...

I've already gathered a lot of interesting information from this site, and look forward to learning much more.[/font][/size][/color]Requ21
Amazing read!! So good to see other people in my age bracket. My friends think I'm crazy! I relate with your post so much!
RandaOnTheRoad said:
Amazing read!! So good to see other people in my age bracket. My friends think I'm crazy! I relate with your post so much!

Funny, I'm not much older than you and all my friends/family are encouraging me to do this. No one has told me I'm crazy. It may just be because they know I can get things done, but, I encourage everyone to get out and explore if they can.
TMG51 said:
Funny, I'm not much older than you and all my friends/family are encouraging me to do this. No one has told me I'm crazy. It may just be because they know I can get things done, but, I encourage everyone to get out and explore if they can.
Well I think it's great (clearly) and best of luck to you!
RandaOnTheRoad said:
Amazing read!! So good to see other people in my age bracket. My friends think I'm crazy! I relate with your post so much!

The only people who I've told are my dad, and brother... they both laugh at my idea.. I'm not really sure what's so funny. I don't really have any "friends" in the traditional sense, so I don't have to worry about their judgement lol.
RandaOnTheRoad said:
Amazing read!! So good to see other people in my age bracket. My friends think I'm crazy! I relate with your post so much!

I tried to edit my previous post to add this, but it wouldn't allow it. I some how missed the beginning of your response regarding the age bracket and wanted to mention that I am absolutely amazed at the socio-economic (that might be the wrong term) beliefs and preferences of our generation.. I've been at my job for a little over a year, so I have that coveted 1 week of paid vacation, and to so many people that is a totally acceptable arangement.. Even though by the time you figure all the expenses a normal person has, plus the cost associated with actually taking a traditional vacation... that single, beloved week is assentially useless.

Anyways, thanks for the kind words!
Requ21 said:
I tried to edit my previous post to add this, but it wouldn't allow it. I some how missed the beginning of your response regarding the age bracket and wanted to mention that I am absolutely amazed at the socio-economic (that might be the wrong term) beliefs and preferences of our generation.. I've been at my job for a little over a year, so I have that coveted 1 week of paid vacation, and to so many people that is a totally acceptable arangement.. Even though by the time you figure all the expenses a normal person has, plus the cost associated with actually taking a traditional vacation... that single, beloved week is assentially useless.

Anyways, thanks for the kind words!
Wow I couldn't agree more .. Ive always felt like ive had different values than most people too. Material items and job titles aren't that important to me and when I can do the things I truly love to do (travel, new experiences, new friends) for significantly cheaper than any person could living a 'normal' life, I really dont see much of a reason not to.
RandaOnTheRoad said:
Wow I couldn't agree more .. Ive always felt like ive had different values than most people too. Material items and job titles aren't that important to me and when I can do the things I truly love to do (travel, new experiences, new friends) for significantly cheaper than any person could living a 'normal' life, I really dont see much of a reason not to.

I couldn't have said this any better myself!!