Pirate Camp Winter Season 2022-23

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I’m getting so old and thin skinned, all I have to do is look at a project to start bleeding! Trying to get rid of tools, supplies, tent stakes and things that in general make me bleed. Some where along the line l’ll have to make some donations so I can get moving down the road again! My Suburban and 24’ trailer just ain’t big enough! Lol!!!
Well we feasted last nite................Pot Roast and sides...
What type of roast?
A couple-three days ago, browsing a chain grocery store, we impulsively acquired a last-day mark-down 'chuck roast'.
This was simultaneously acquired with a last-day mark-down 'chuck steak'.
The cattle people we know would be humiliated to offer such a product.
Sawing through the roast dulled two knives, and gave me the equivalent of a week's worth of work-out at the gym.
Part-way through, our jaw muscles trembling from the exertion, we threw in the towel.
The dogs over-looked the corrugated interlocking steel bands in the meat by swallowing it whole.
Lesson there.
What type of roast?
A couple-three days ago, browsing a chain grocery store, we impulsively acquired a last-day mark-down 'chuck roast'.
This was simultaneously acquired with a last-day mark-down 'chuck steak'.
The cattle people we know would be humiliated to offer such a product.
Sawing through the roast dulled two knives, and gave me the equivalent of a week's worth of work-out at the gym.
Part-way through, our jaw muscles trembling from the exertion, we threw in the towel.
The dogs over-looked the corrugated interlocking steel bands in the meat by swallowing it whole.
Lesson there.

Yup - try tofu next time???
Well Doug … Sounds like you got off easy, she would likely have driven you nuts before the project was completed.
Marge it's a real gamble at the meat market...........CHUCK with lots O fat..........Low and Slow

Seven and a half pounds of roast.....three different roasts....and we have leftovers

I did have to donate the knife-dulling Sirloin Roast last week to Jason's "Chili" Dog Bowl

Soooooooo..................What would YOU do for a KLONDIKE bar ?
Soooooooo..................What would YOU do for a KLONDIKE bar ?
They are tasty…but not my favorite…so I would Trade for an ice cream sandwhich…chocolate cookies plus ice cream 😍
There are advantages to camping next to friends who have freezers. Also the disadvantage of expanding waistlines.
There are advantages to camping next to friends who have freezers. Also the disadvantage of expanding waistlines.
Yup, when I got my refrigerator, I seriously considered getting one with a freezer. Decided against it, in part because of the temptation factor. There are plenty of cookies in the world.

But camping near someone with a freezer - well, that's a real treat!
Picture Day...............We had a little problem.......The PEPSI Syndrome.........The camera was found floating in a spilled cola.............we'll see..........Jason the RVnaut was working on each of these projects

camco lid.jpg

This is Vicky's van.....we installed a Camco cover over the existing fan............She'll return for more fun stuff

Anias Jump seats.jpg

And here is a Jump Seat removal from a 2008 Sienna.............Anias is getting a solar package from HOWA...........the batteries will live here............The second seat came out also but that bed frame (and all her stuff) had to move out....What a mess Living w/Building.......I'll install a roof fan after HOWA finishes a floor and Solar

diannes seats.jpg

And finally Dianne's brand new Nissan Rogue.............Here we've taken out the rear seats and supported the existing plywood bed...........This doesn't really work: It's all one raised platform.........She's now staying in camp and we'll have some brainstorming sessions

Well I hope you enjoyed the show...............Lots more projects underway or planning........Lot-O-Shadetree ideas being tossed about......REPAIRS ! and even Remodel !.......................Stay Safe
You mean IF HOWA finishes those projects. The BYOV is at least temporarily halted but for how long is not yet determined. Glen who was the acting supervisor for all the build projects became Sick and he tested positive for Covid. So everyone who was working on projects or had any contact with him at events such as potlucks or meet and greet or worked with him is now in the CDC recommended 10 day isolation period.

I am scheduled to a volunteer assignment at the BYOV but as my project is not happening until the 19th I am not yet in Pahrump so did not get caught up in the Covid exposure situation.

Here is the copy of the notification I received in an email on October 8th. There has been no follow up message since I received this email. We are of course now in the “next week’s” period of scheduled projects mentioned in the email. Maybe something will be decided before Wednesday, maybe not. Unknown if any more cases of Covid have developed but a number of people were working physically adjacent to Glen and he was the primary supervisor in control of all build projects.

Dearest BYOV Participants,
Glen, the BYOV Build Supervisor is ill and just tested positive for COVID. If you were at the BYOV Build site, you were exposed. If you are at the BYOV-Participant Camp, at the very least you have been exposed to others who have been exposed.
HOWA recommends participants follow CDC guidelines. The CDC says to isolate immediately.
Here is the CDC web page with the full set of precautions to begin immediately: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/your-health/if-you-were-exposed.html

HOWA will be checking to see if we can source some rapid COVID tests for the community at the BYOV Camp. In addition, HOWA will be consulting with medical experts about the most appropriate course of action to keep participants safe and when we can continue with the BYOV safely.
If you have questions, please respond to [email protected]. We will do our best to respond as quickly as possible with the information that we know at that time.

Please continue to watch your email as decisions will be made and communicated shortly about next week’s BYOV activities.
Suanne Carlson

Executive Director

Homes On Wheels Alliance, Inc.
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Very Nice Jason

"You mean IF HOWA finishes those projects.".......Word on the street is they will continue building as safety allows
Of course they want to continue. But the schedule is blown and the leader who sorted the jobs and specified the materials is the overall project manager and he is the person who has covid. He will not be allowed to come back in 10 days as the CDC says there is a high potential for a rebound infection for 90 days after his symptoms are gone. Testing him won’t work as the residual virus still shows for some time after the virus has finished making the person feel sick. His isolation time is longer than 10 days.

It is not just about as safety allows. It is also going to involve reorganizing schedules and finding volunteers to do the work on that revised schedule. There was already a shortage of volunteers and a last minute call for more.

Abnorm, maybe you could step up and volunteer as the new overall team leader? You have all the skills for all the projects 🙂
OMG............The Sky is Falling ! HOWA will succeed with the BYOV

I can't Delegate.........I'm a DOer...............we are a support team at Pirate Camp

HOWA knows we're here...........Rhonda continues to call with projects

and now Finally some materials to make SAWDUST !
HOWA's message tonight:

Care, Compassion and Creativity in Action
The best laid plans of the BYOV — 100 total Participants come together to help 20 Recipients improve their homes on wheels, filling 48 Build Slots, over 20 days in October. Then, COVID came into the picture. BYOV’s Build Supervisor got sick and tested positive. About 50 Participants were exposed.
Immediately, upon hearing of the volunteer’s positive test result, all 100 BYOV Participants — Recipients, Volunteers, and Staff -- were informed by text and emailed, linking them to the CDC guidelines for exposure.
HOWA’s primary concern is for the health and safety of Participants, many of whom are medically vulnerable. The need for creativity is to figure out how, or if the BYOV could continue, while still protecting the most vulnerable among us.
So, yesterday, a team from HOWA’s Leadership — a couple of Trustees, BYOV Management, and RN Volunteers — met to create a plan that would allow for both the protection of Participants and a continuation of the BYOV. Both compassion and creativity flowed!
Protection of the Participants comes first. Examples:
--HOWA immediately established a Second BYOV Camp for those who were unexposed, isolating the participants who were exposed
--HOWA requires mask wearing at the Camp and Build Site if beyond 5' of one’s rig, or within 5' of others
--HOWA will require testing
All precautionary measures will remain in place until all Participants’ tests come back negative no less than 10 days after exposure. HOWA is providing both the N-95 masks and the self-test kits.
Care and Compassion:
--HOWA respects and honors Participants’ personal choices regarding mask wearing and testing, thus
--A few Volunteers have removed themselves from the BYOV Event due to these new requirements.
--We so appreciate you, and know we’ll see you down the road. Thank you.
Some examples of creativity and compassion:
--HOWA delayed BYOV’s Week-2 start until Wednesday to reduce possible exposure, observe the extent of the spread of COVID among us, and help with future weeks’ scheduling and precautions.
--Note: At the time of this post, no one has reported symptoms and the few self-tests that have been taken have come back negative.
--At the Build Site, everyone will take mask-breaks each hour, a time to step away from each other without something over their faces.
--If any Participant does get sick, they can isolate at Camp, being assigned a texting Buddy to assist with basic needs and pet care.
--Gratefully, other volunteers are stepping into positions vacated by those who needed to leave.
HOWA is very fortunate to have a team of Medically-Trained Volunteers, two of which will be at the BYOV during the coming weeks, one at Camp and one at the Build Site.
I remind myself that this is a temporary, short-term situation; it is not 2020 all over again. HOWA has strong creative leadership. We are Nomads; we adapt, and are committed to Community. We have Recipients to serve, and we will do so, with hard work, to the best of our abilities, and always with care and compassion.
With all transparency,
Suanne Carlson
Executive Director
Homes On Wheels Alliance, Inc.
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