While they may get to kick you out, I chose to vacate of my own accord.... that heat... ugh... almost makes me miss snow... almost.
I burned up $150 in gas and have resettled in a beautiful grassy plain area... 70s yest... 50s overnight.. one coyote howl at about 5am somewhere southwest on Flagstaff.
Thank you to all who made my winter easier, through guidance, brain help, physical help, picking up Walmart orders and helping Chilli to adjust to life with humans and other doggos.
I fell short of some goals I had for myself for the winter, but managed to get the big one done, and that was to get my solar running and get off the damn generators for daily power usage. I also shed a few hundred pounds of excess weight in the form of cabinet doors and some other parts and pieces.
French Toast Breakfast
Mounting Solar Panels
Wrangling Van Aid
Not falling down
May you all have a great break from Q.
I expect to be in the greater Flagstaff are over the summer.
@Sleep I beeped at you on the way out... got rushing around and didn't say Ta Ta...
@NctryBen Leave yer dam wrist alone so it will heal!! ( and so you can bring down fresh syrup for next!)
@abnorm I boosted the signal on the Starlink... yer fooked mate.