Pirate Camp Winter Season 2022-23

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I didn't know you had a wiring issue..........I saw all those "little people" and kept my distance

I was busy stuffing peppers..................Ya Know ..................."Ja-La-P[n-Os" !

Travel Safe.........ENJOY GRANDPA !..........Merry Christmas
So.. the two travelers were supposed to be "up and out at 5:30 this am" Deb is not a good early riser... I suggested to her that she tell Ten to knock on her bus at 5 or they would never make it...

We shall make merry in their absence
What time does the Christmas Potluck begin?

Should I bring my countertop height, adjustable, scaffold table for an additional serving station or small dining table? It works for a fire safe camp stove surface as well.
I suggested to her that she tell Ten.......OK....Who's TEN ?.........We shall make merry in their absence.........and then jump for Joy.....

What time does the Christmas Potluck begin?.......3:00 ish...Should I bring my.......Self, Chair, Plate, Fork............APPLES !

Leaning Tower Pepper.jpg

The Peppers are wrapped with Bacon to spare


And more peppers are stuffed just waiting for Fire


Biscuit dough and Cherry/Cheese or Apple filling

Pie crust Cresent dough apple.jpg

Pie crust and Cresent roll dough


Pie crust Roll-Ups with Fruit, Pecans and Sugar


And the cooking devices..............The humble Pie Iron.........The square one is reserved for the PEPPERS !

DUSK Campfire Tonight...................SANTA Watch !
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I did not hear you leave this morning Ben, but then I can sleep pretty hard! Enjoy your time with Family, we will hold down the fort.

I’m making loaded tots and Marinated meatballs for tonight! No photos at this time…..
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And the cooking devices..............The humble Pie Iron.........The square one is reserved for the PEPPERS !

DUSK Campfire Tonight...................SANTA Watch !
What is the pie iron on the far right called? (it has 5 spheres)

Tried searching but no luck finding it. What do you cook in it?
^The square and round/flat irons are ROME

The 5-sphere is a CAMP CHEF....purchased Online 5 years ago......I call it "FireBallz"............it's not Cast Iron
(I just searched but could Not find it )

The small dessert pastries bake nicely in it............NORMALLY I bake Pillsbury B'fast rolls......cut up the dough and drop a piece in each ......5 minutes later its round donuts !

The Peppers were a disaster in the irons.........BurntCheese !...........Brian cooked the rest in his Convection oven

NOW the Hot cherry/cream cheese was found to be quite Addictive !!!

It was a wonderful evening of treats and goodies..... and today, having teased the appetite, we feast....

Yesterday over much toil and gasoline I managed to produce 3 cheesecakes, one of which we removed from the planet last night, which was left over cheesecake slurry with a chocolate care crumbled on top... had to use up the slurry!! Today, the other two pies having chilled overnight in the fridge, will make an appearance as a Chocolate Orange and a Baileys Irish Cream cheesecakes....

There are two pork loins resting on my counter awaiting their turn in the convection oven... BBQ Bacon & and Garlic Herb.

I looked for reindeer tracks this morning, but all I found was coal and dog ****.

Happy Hollardays!~
Ten... I mean Ben here... having a wonderful time with family. Fun Christmas telling the folks back home that it’s so cold here the air barely runs in my trailer.
Sounds like a great meal was had...
It is a bit warmer this way... I’m hoping your enjoying the same. Enjoy your week and I hope my tent stays put til I return!!


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Tent? What tent?
He is talking about “Moby Dick”
His big, white, whale size tent.

Pretty hard to miss seeing that
Tent/Garage shelter.
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One of the people camped in visual sight but not super close has been running a chainsaw for the last hour. So annoying, like a giant mosquito buzzing annoying. I just want to swat it out of existence.
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That's a might glittery for a sheriff out here, he must be one a them city clickers.... and that gun is way to shiny... ;P
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