Percolator for coffee - coarse grind for the basket?

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Well-known member
Sep 1, 2014
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For those that use a camp style percolator on a stove top for their coffee, what do you do to keep the coffee grounds in the basket?

I've been using a percolator in the van life, but I've found that all store bought ground coffee is ground finely enough that it slips through the holes in the percolator basket and I end up chewing my coffee. To resolve this, I've been using paper filters inside the basket (I rip a small hole in the filter for the percolator tube thing), but it seems to me that this would be better solved by using a more coarse grind.

Just wondering what other people do. I've never ground my own coffee before and not sure if that would be easier than my current paper filters.
I love my percolated coffee!

I use store bought regular grind, and you are correct, some grains fall through the steel basket.
I have an older basket holder from a Mr Coffee Jr and so I simply put a paper filter in it, and set it atop my coffee cup
and then pour the perc coffee in it and let drip into my cup.
Hassle? I don't mind...
Just go with Folger's'll never tell the difference
I use Folgers Classic Roast in my percolator. I don't have that problem unless I let the boil get out of control and the boiling water is bouncing the basket around. I like to do a slow perc, I bring it up to a boil then turn it way down so it barely precs. maybe your basket has bigger holes than mine. mine are pretty small. hint take some egg shell crush them to like 1/4" pieces and place them in the bottom. put the stem in first then the egg shells. I would do this when making cowboy coffee, without the stem of course. highdesertranger
Towards the end of percolator's heyday, when most coffee was being sold drip grind, they sold a circular filter for that purpose. Stopped making them at least 20 years ago. So, yeah, cut down those basket filters!
someone posted on here(I believe) that they make a filter for percolators. I have just never needed them. highdesertranger
So no one grinds their own huh. I guess I'll experiment again with grinds directly in the basket again and see what happens....

I suppose I could also do cowboy coffee and put the filter over my mug, and pour coffee through that. It's an option.

I used to drink only instant, and even with these tribulations my coffee is better than instant.
I did the self grinding a bit before I switched to decaf.  Lot of trouble.  If Cowboy Coffee is done right, you get no grounds in the cup, at least til you get to the bottom of the pot.
I use regular coffee filters, pushing the stem up through the center. Makes cleanup a lot easier and keeps out most of the grounds.

The last sip might be somewhat gritty, but there are no grounds in the bottom of the cup.

I have to admit rarely even cleaning this thing. In the morning I unscrew it, tap the cup in the trash, fill it with water and grounds, and have my caffeine injection a few minutes later.

The fine grinds require more effort to remove from the receptacle and filter, but require less for the same strength.

I am no coffee snob though, I can't remember the last time I bought a cup or had an opinion on its flavor.

I buy the tall plastic jugs of Yuban for 10$. I can tell the difference with more$$ grinds, but really dont shiv a git.

Coffee is a means toward an end for me, and only once daily, in the morning, or whenever the Heck I first wake up.
SternWake said:

The last sip might be somewhat gritty, but there are no grounds in the bottom of the cup.

I have to admit rarely even cleaning this thing.  In the morning I unscrew it, tap the cup in the trash, fill it with water and grounds, and have my caffeine injection a few minutes later.

The fine grinds require more effort to remove from the receptacle and filter, but require less for the same strength.

I am no coffee snob though, I can't remember the last time I bought a cup or had an opinion on its flavor.

I buy the tall plastic jugs of Yuban for 10$.  I can tell the difference with more$$ grinds, but really dont shiv a git.

Coffee is a means toward an end for me, and only once daily, in the morning, or whenever the Heck I first wake up.

Hmm, that looks like an interesting option. I searched to find exactly what it is:

Looks like a lot more parts inside that thing than inside a percolator. And you're saying clean up isn't troublesome?

I'd likely go for one of the larger models... I always drink two 16oz mugs of coffee at a go (never just an 8oz cup).
No "coffee snob", me either.  I use any good coffee (mostly decaf now), as long as it isn't ultra cheap.  Don't like the trendy high dollar stuff either.  Starbucks is wasted on me.  When camping I carry a stash of instant too.  Always kept some at my desk at work.
BradKW said:
Just go with Folger's'll never tell the difference
Those words are treasonous to anyone that like's coffee. Some things are ok to go cheap on, coffee and food are not on that list.
Copco 4- to 8-Cup Polished Stainless Steel Stovetop Percolator, 1.5 Quart

We've used this one for almost a year now with no problems. Wet the basket prior to adding grounds and you get very little at the bottom of the pot (last cup).
We have replaced the glass top one time due to a freak mid-perc breakage.

If you follow the link you'll find Melita perc basket filters in the suggestions line of stuff although not needed with this pot.
TMG51 said:
 And you're saying clean up isn't troublesome?
No, I'm saying I rarely bother cleaning it.  Unscrew it, Dump old grounds, fill with more water and coffee and set it on my stove.
My cup holds almost 12oz. after pouring it, I fill the cup with non fat milk so I can drink it right away.
Washing down a macadamia nut and white chocolate clif bar with it, and I'm good for hours.
There is a slightly different taste after a more thorough cleaning.
It certainly is not the solution for everybody.