Paralyzed by fear!!

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jimindenver said:

I once asked my mom for one word to describe me for a application, she instantly said considerate. I said thank you for the compliment but I think they are looking for something less personal.  She said like no other you consider every possible angle, outcome, path, in whatever you do. The time you spend thinking is made up when you do because you know exactly what to do and expect. The more things to consider, the longer it takes as in the final install of my solar system. The portables fill our needs while I consider every possible combination of gear to meet our needs. 3 1/2 years so far and I'm selling off the second set of panels because of their performance while it's cloudy. A tweak most wouldn't do but it will mean not needing the generator in less than perfect weather. It will also allow us to do things others tell me I can't.

So you are not afraid, just rolling things through you head still. You will know when you hit on the right decisions, they will just feel right.

Things that help is keeping a list of pros and cons. Researching the various choices such as you are worried about getting a trailer into the back roads, where are you considering going? Just how bad are the roads in the areas you are thinking about. I can tell you that we take our 25 ft trailer though stuff that you never see in a 4x4 commercial. When I was considering replacing it with larger I wasn't worried about rock climbing, I was looking at how big the tanks were.

You can't have it all and in this case it's accepting the limitation of where you can go for comfort and space.

So start thinning things down and that will make the choices easier. Start by writing down what is important so that when you consider a choice, you have a basis to look at. It's easy with budget, I want this but can't afford it. The same is true with I want to go here and can't take a trailer. It's out.

Last thing is like you are doing here, talk to those that have been there. We may bring up things to consider that just sound like downers but sometimes reality sucks. Other times we may have the easy answer for something that could take a while to decide on.

Wonderful advice, thank you so much! I'm not trying to go four-wheeling, but if I have to take some little, badly rutted, muddy roads to get to my preferred destination, I don't want to a) get stuck, or b) cause damage to the trailer, c) jacknife. All told, though, I'd still rather tow a lightweight trailer, than drive an RV and tow my car. So, that's one decision made! Thanks again!
I can't tell you how much I appreciate every single one of these responses! I feel so much better. Yesterday, I nearly gave 1 month notice at work (coinciding with the date that I have to be off the property I'm renting), but chickened out. I mean, who just gives up a steady income, right?! And I have the greatest bosses in the world. And that is exactly the mindset that has kept me stuck where I was miserable my whole life.

In Fall 2012 after I'd lost my job, was losing my house, and first bought Bob's book, I was making plans to RV dwell. And then, I chickened out, and took the "safe" path, which was to move to Oregon with my Mom, live at my aunt's until I got my feet back under me, and get everything back to normal. Here's what happened: $9000 in student loans, $2000 in credit card debt, a fairly useless AAOT degree (if I pass my final on Tuesday), a bunch of textbooks that i can't sell because they're outdated, traded my fabulous truck in for a POS just because I couldn't afford the gas to get to work down in Bend, and I'm once again, being shoved out of my home because somebody else is in charge. I love what Bob wrote about being the LORD of your own life. I don't happen to think that 49 is too young to start.

So, now that I've received so much great advice, and amazing support, I'm only really scared about the super short time frame, and the startup costs, and that CLM might not hire me, but, I am fully committed, and as of this morning, I have given my employers my 30 days notice (they ain't mad, they gave me a raise to help save money over the next month), so this is it you guys! 30 days to Freedom!
I liked the responses that said.."follow your gut instinct". The gut always, always knows the right answer. However...we sometimes just have to check behind door number 3. Human nature.

My suggestion..and it's based on my life, not yours....take the Bounder. You don't have to pay any money out of your pocket, unless it needs help. You don't go into debt for something you don't even know if you want. Go to your summer Workcamping gig and save the loot. Take the 3 months to think about it and shop and plan. Then..if the Bounder isn't what you want, take it back to your mom, say thanks, and carry on.

As far as basing your thoughts on fuel...anything you use, the Bounder or towing a trailer, will kill you on fuel consumption. Be a conservative driver.

Gary Haupt