Osiyo from Ohio!

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Tracy Coyote

Active member
Mar 14, 2017
Reaction score
Osiyo New Nomadic Friends!  I'm not yet on the road, but have been preparing for this life since I was a tot, telling all the gr'ups that I wanted to be a hobo when I grew up.  I am a social worker by trade, & I oversee a housing program, trying to help the homeless become sheltered, & eventually self-sufficient, (yes, my life is a contradiction).  My goal in becoming an LSW 9 years ago was to build up as much student loan debt as humanly possible...no, wait, that was just a happy bonus.  ;-)  It was actually to eventually end up on the rez somewhere, helping Native People, (my mama was 1/4 Cherokee).  Since there are no reservations in Ohio, it's been a bit of a waiting game, as I've gathered skills, and watched my young'un grow & prepare to leave the nest.  That will be happening in the fall, at which time I'll make my move in earnest.  Right now, I'm watching tons of Bob-videos, (we had no internet until about 3 months ago, so I didn't even know this was a thing...YAAAYYYY!).  I thought this whole living-in-a-camper thing was my idea! (Seriously!)  It's great to be able to learn from the technicians how to poop, & pee, & cook, & then poop & pee some more, (makes it a bit less scary).  So, yeah, I love the Southwest, & could end up near the Cherokee rez in Oklahoma, where my uncle lives, or near the Navajo Nation in my beloved New  Mexico, ("Green or red?").  Have y'all ever watched the movies based on the Tony Hillerman novels, Thief of Time, Skinwalkers, and Coyote Waits?  Officer Chee lives with his cat in a little camper, with mesas as far as the eye can see.  I'm cool with giving up interior space to just be who I am in that paradise.  So, anyone who knows of great places to boondock near in the land of Georgia O'Keefe, let me know.  My ultimate goal is to write, and earn my keep that way in my old age, (I've got a super-long lifeline, so I'm only about halfway through).  More bio later, for those who give a flying fart in space.  I'm looking for future friends, who understand that INFJs are fun, but need space.  Y'all be safe out there! :) Coyote
Hi Tracy Coyote! Best of luck to ya.

P.S- You sound really fun, however, just reading that much enthusiasm in your post tired me out...kidding! you seem great, best wishes.
Osiyo, Wabbit! I'm really not that much of a talker, so don't be eskeerd. In fact, I have always said I could go for a week without talking to anyone, ('cept my kiddo). Just high on the antici.....................pation of moving forward. Thanks for being my first response.
Welcome, Tracy! I resemble a lot of your post but am INFP... and instead of writing, I edit... and instead of Cherokee am Shawnee... and... anyhow, welcome again
Osiyo AbuelaLoca! My "J" was actually very close to "P." I'm 58 & never would have called myself an introvert. I judged them as antisocial, just like everyone else seems to do, & besides, I have no problem speaking in front of people. I just found out a few months ago that I am, indeed, an intorvert, & it has been very freeing . Shawnee is a strong nation. Great to meet you! :)
Yah-ta-hey Coyote!

NM is truly a magical place, I had a couple of Navajo acquaintances when I lived there . Also lived near the Papago Tribe in AZ when I was a kid, went to school with the Rez kids and to mass with them on the weekends. LOVE the SW.

Don't know if you know it or if it would be helpful, but NM state parks offer a non-resident annual camping pass for only $225, if you need a campground for work purposes or anything.
Welcome Tracy to the CRVL forums! To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips & Tricks" post lists some helpful information to get you started. We look forward to hearing more from you. highdesertranger
Hahaha I've been accused of being 'stuck up' by folks I was friendly' with, when in reality I took a seat at another table because my default assumption was that I wouldn't be welcome to join them
Public speaking, no prob
Getting on stage to do a gig, back in the day, had to do the first song of the first set as a 'walk on' Once the music started, the stage fright was gone
Introverts confuse other folks
I have a drop or three of Cherokee, according to my mother, but not significant
Chokma Tracy Coyote!  Welcome to the forums and welcome to Oklahoma if you decide to visit your uncle and the Cherokee nation.  I am Chickasaw.  May your moccasins and your vehicle of choice carry you through many miles of wander and wonder.
Welcome to the CRVL Forum   :) 

I think you'll fit in just fine.   Ever get mistaken for an extrovert much ?   LOL  

I think you'll like the land of O'keeffe.  I've been through there a few times.  

In southern Utah....there is Zion National Park and Brice National Park.  (you can check them out in
Google images if ya like)   Also Montezuma's Castle in AZ would be interesting to you.

Other things that may be of interest are the Earthship Homes that are numerous there. (there is one
in Philo Ohio that gives a monthly tour in the spring of the year through the fall.


You'll see a lot of interesting stuff once you are out there.

All the best !
Queen said:
Yah-ta-hey Coyote!

NM is truly a magical place, I had a couple of Navajo acquaintances when I lived there .  Also lived near the Papago Tribe in AZ when I was a kid, went to school with the Rez kids and to mass with them on the weekends.  LOVE the SW.

Don't know if you know it or if it would be helpful, but NM state parks offer a non-resident annual camping pass for only $225, if you need a campground for work purposes or anything.  

Osiyo, Queen,
Thanks so much for the information.  I had no idea.  $225 seems really do-able, & a stable solution to where I can set up. I'll definitely check it out.

Don't know a lot about the Papago Nation, but the Dine' have a beautiful culture, and a lot of job opportunities for social workers.

Again, thanks for the info!
eDJ_ said:
Welcome to the CRVL Forum   :) 

I think you'll fit in just fine.   Ever get mistaken for an extrovert much ?   LOL  

I think you'll like the land of O'keeffe.  I've been through there a few times.  

In southern Utah....there is Zion National Park and Brice National Park.  (you can check them out in
Google images if ya like)   Also Montezuma's Castle in AZ would be interesting to you.

Other things that may be of interest are the Earthship Homes that are numerous there. (there is one
in Philo Ohio that gives a monthly tour in the spring of the year through the fall.


You'll see a lot of interesting stuff once you are out there.

All the best !

Hi, eDJ,

I'm f'shore an extrovert on "paper."   :rolleyes:   I haven't been to Utah for many years, but I lived there for a while as  kid.  Yeah, really beautiful.  Can't wait to just tour the whole southwest.  One of my dreams is to attend the Gathering of Nations in NM next year.  Didn't know about the Earthship Home in Ohio.  I'll check it out.  Thanks for all the info & support!
Mizmozy said:
Chokma Tracy Coyote!  Welcome to the forums and welcome to Oklahoma if you decide to visit your uncle and the Cherokee nation.  I am Chickasaw.  May your moccasins and your vehicle of choice carry you through many miles of wander and wonder.

Osiyo,  Mizmozy!  My uncle loves Oklahoma, & before arthritis set in, he would hike all over OK, NM & AZ.  Like me, an introvert, & very comfortable just hangin in Nature & being alone.  Hope to meet you at a gathering sometime.  Thanks for the support, Friend!
ArtW said:
Hahaha I've been accused of being 'stuck up' by folks I was friendly' with, when in reality I took a seat at another table because my default assumption was that I wouldn't be welcome to join them
Public speaking, no prob
Getting on stage to do a gig, back in the day, had to do the first song of the first set as a 'walk on' Once the music started, the stage fright was gone
Introverts confuse other folks
I have a drop or three of Cherokee, according to my mother, but not significant

Hi ArtW,

Every drop of Cherokee is significant, my friend!  ;)  Yeah, there are people who probably think I'm aloof, but more often, like you said, I think they're confused.  I'm friendly when approached, if it's in a benign & neutral way, but I don't approach others unless I have something to say.  Not a smalltalk person, if you know what I mean.  What do you play?  
This is kind of an experiment, because I'm not at all sure I'm answering these posts right.  If I hear back what you play, I"ll know I'm doing this right!
Queen, Midmozy, eDJ, ArtW,
Hi Friendly Folk! I answered all your messages individually, but I think I'm doing it wrong. I can see some of my responses when I look at the thread, but others I can't see. Random. Did you get responses from me? I don't understand this whole Quote thing. Like, when y'all message me, am I supposed to hit the REPLY that's in the box with your message, or down at the very bottom where it says New Reply? I've been doing the former, & then I type my message right below yours, in the same box. Forgive me, I'm a computer numbskull! Hope y'all got my notes.
You did just fine, it looks just like it's supposed to. You click "reply" and then type your response under the box where their post shows. It's not very intuitive and I've been on forums for-ev-er.
highdesertranger said:
I had to look up Osiyo.  Osiyo to you Tracy.  highdesertranger

Very cool that you took the time to do that!  :shy: