Old hips, Bad leg and Falling apart

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wasn't there someone on the forum recently who was looking for just such a setup? I do the work / driving, you supply the rig / gas? hell, I'd do it myself if I wasn't up to my neck in obligation

Someone with a bit of mechanical aptitude could set something up so you could operate the dump valves, that'd just leave hooking up the hose

OR, toss the toilet / blackwater tank in favor of a bucket / pee bottle, or maybe a separating toilet

Undo the P trap under the sink and secure a bucket under there for graywater

Bring your water in in gallon jugs, instead of bending over to fill a tank

Like you'd have to do in an unconverted van / cargo trailer

just some thoughts, as to how you still might be able to do it

of course it is your decision to make. hell, Id have probably not made the trip all the way to cali, and right on the heels of your trip to Dakota, too
Gunny said:
I have an appt 24 March with my Pacemaker tech and the rep from Medtronics is always there. After they do their readings they have a conference and mostly exclude the vet. For the last few visits I have asked about battery life. 

Just dont go with a solar power pacemaker if you plan on moving to Seatle.  ;)
I am an occupational therapist. For those who don't know what we do, we're basically rehab engineers. We look at a persons physical limitations that prevent them from being independent in chosen or necessary daily activities, and we engineer a way to do it. Either with an alternative method or a piece of adapted equipment. I will be glad to offer my services to anyone, especially Gunny, if you need any help staying independent and on your own. And I promise, it won't be depending on me. I help you figure it out how to maintain your independence for as long as possible. Anything from putting on your socks to changing out an engine. Yes. I helped a quadriplegic do just that. And helped a man who had lost all his fingers continue to go fly fishing. Don't be shy. PM me if you want it to stay private.
Chitza said:
I am an occupational therapist. For those who don't know what we do, we're basically rehab engineers. We look at a persons physical limitations that prevent them from being independent in chosen or necessary daily activities, and we engineer a way to do it. Either with an alternative method or a piece of adapted equipment. I will be glad to offer my services to anyone, especially Gunny, if you need any help staying independent and on your own. And I promise, it won't be depending on me. I help you figure it out how to maintain your independence for as long as possible. Anything from putting on your socks to changing out an engine. Yes. I helped a quadriplegic do just that. And helped a man who had lost all his fingers continue to go fly fishing. Don't be shy. PM me if you want it to stay private.


What a great thing to do for a living!

And to offer your help like that!
Every Road Leads Home said:
Hi Gunny,

    As you know I can certainly empathize with some of the health issues.  I creek and crack and live with more pain than most 36 year olds.  I want to give full timing a try this summer but i've yet to determine if that's more wishful thinking or if I can actually do it physically.  Most days now I surprise myself and get the things done that need doing.  Heck I just picked up all my kitchen cabinets from lowes, loaded them in my truck myself, got them in my house myself and installed them all, myself.  However, my body pays a hefty price when I decide I need to prove to myself I can still do these things! It will take me a week to recover.  Even if I don't end up full timing, I plan on doing many multi week trips again like I used too.  

Is keeping your trailer a possibility and then just do some few day trips around Texas when you're feeling up to it?  Just getting away for a night or two in nature can be very therapeutic.  

I hope you can go through getting the new pacemaker and add a few more chapters to your story.  I don't think it's your time just yet.  Soon as I hit the road, my first destination is Texas.  I'd love to sit down and have a meal or two with you.

I look forward to meeting you Matt. I could keep the trailer and maybe go on some trips, I want be able to at least do the basics without help. I also want the trailer to be used, not just sit in storage. 

I hope you get your rv and get to travel. I'm sure you can do it.

I'll get the new pacemaker if I can, I'm just not sure if it will help. My heart is failing, has been for a while. We shall see. 

Chitza said:
I am an occupational therapist. For those who don't know what we do, we're basically rehab engineers. We look at a persons physical limitations that prevent them from being independent in chosen or necessary daily activities, and we engineer a way to do it. Either with an alternative method or a piece of adapted equipment. I will be glad to offer my services to anyone, especially Gunny, if you need any help staying independent and on your own. And I promise, it won't be depending on me. I help you figure it out how to maintain your independence for as long as possible. Anything from putting on your socks to changing out an engine. Yes. I helped a quadriplegic do just that. And helped a man who had lost all his fingers continue to go fly fishing. Don't be shy. PM me if you want it to stay private.

Chitza, thank you for your kind offer, it overwhelms me. I'm not one for tears but reading the care in these posts bring on a flood.

Thank you.  Rob
This community has helped me a lot with knowledge, inspiration and hope. I don't have much to offer back except the knowledge I have.
Chitza, this community of people have been the most open minded and helpful group I've known since leaving the Marine Corps. All I can do is give you a reputation point and my gratitude.

I hope you stay an active member and find the answers to to any questions you have.

My Best, Rob
"I bet there is more than one person on here who would gladly take/share or assist you on an outing/camping trip when you feel up to it."

Well Gunny. I will send you a virtual hug, just to make me feel better about not going to meet you on the road.
I am happy that you aren't leaving the forum, as I always enjoy your posts.
Hoping and praying you can find a way to get that pacemaker replaced, and get on with life. I know you are wanting to, just not getting the information and help to do it just yet.
I will keep you in my prayers, and hopefully all will go well with you and your longing for travel comes to fruition.
God Bless you and Keep you going, for I am sure you still have some things that you want and need to do.
Our thoughts and prayers are with you, Gunny. I am hoping for the best possible outcome for you. I cannot imagine how difficult this has to be. I have always considered myself very lucky to not have health issues, I'm wishing you some of that luck.
Gunny, I don't know you and never met you, but I'm going to talk to you Marine-to-Marine.
The biggest thing the Corps taught me was you never give up. When you come to an obstacle, you work around it, overcome it, but you never let it defeat you.

A lot of us have different physical limitations, but we work around them. Look at all the ideas that have formed just in the last 24 hours. Traveling partners, assistive devices or work arounds to deal with tanks, water, ect. Finally, Chitza's brilliant idea to work with an occupational therapist. That's what they do, they work with daily activity rehabilitation in order to keep people living independently.

That's teamwork in action. In my day at Parris Island, we didn't have the Crucible. Now, they have the Crucible and it teaches recruits that there are tasks that are difficult alone, but with a team around you, you can accomplish the task.

Ok, that's my pep talk to you. I hope it is helpful, and it is given in the spirit of "Esprit de Corps." Semper Fi.
Hey Rob! When I get out of this frozen he'll I'm on my way to TX. I don't know when that will be. But it can't be soon enough.

I loved my Moho. One of the reasons I downsized was because the maintenance was too much, beginning with dumping the tanks. The van isn't quite as comfy but it allows me some freedom for a few more years, I hope. As soon as I can escape this frozen,en hell.
Waldenbound, Thanks for the pep-talk, i have received much help from this forum and it's fine members. It's not so much giving up as it is realizing my limitations. Once I am down off my feet I can get up but it takes a mighty effort and at times the pain in my hip/pelvis area just causes me to sit and wait. I've got medications for the pain but they make me dumber than I already am. While with a group of people from this forum I wouldn't be worried about little things (Hey, want to have some fun and help me with my black tank?) but
out in the boonies I may have to do a workaround. Semper Fidelis to you, Sir.

Cyndi, when you make your escape if you don't stop and have dinner with me I will get on my scooter and track you down. At 8 MPH it may take awhile, but I will find you.

Gunny said:
Cyndi, when you make your escape if you don't stop and have dinner with me I will get on my scooter and track you down. At 8 MPH it may take awhile, but I will find you.


That right there is funny. My friend who is a quadriplegic mechanic is a little SOB sometimes(and that was before his accident!). When we were working and he got nasty with me, I would tell him to get up out of his wheelchair and whoop my a$$ or decide to be nice to me.

Neither Pat or I would have mentioned anything personal had you asked or not. Some things are only up to the person dealing with them. I tend to be pretty open about my limitations to the point of TMI at times but that is what I decided for myself. Lately I have been pretty busy and I wasn't really caught up until I got on the roof to fix a connection and wash the panels, something I could only do before it got too hot like its been for a few days now. I'll start getting ready to move out of this dust bowl tomorrow but only after walking Max ad a bit of rest.

Max brings me such joy that I am almost didn't get him because I thought it would be unfair to him that I can't do the long walks. Now that I have him I am finding the walks are getting longer everyday unless I get on a ladder or such. Those days have more short walks and he seems pretty happy. I also have a number of people at the ready offering to walk him for me simply because they love to play with him. I now see it would have been sad had I not done it due to my limitations.

What I am saying is I bet you could have a trip with someone here more than happy to assist you at each stop were it set up right. Not out of obligation but rather just to get to meet and get to spend time with you. I know Pat and I both enjoyed our time with you and would be honored to be included as part of your trip. I offered to move my rig into you path home and would gladly do it again while you were on a trip. I make more than Posole in those ovens you know.

Having a travel companion could benefit you both in different ways. They could help you while you made the trip possible financially for them. That and it's always nice to have someone to yak with. You can bag the toilet and wee in a bottle to avoid the tanks. There is nothing that says you have to disconnect the trailer at every stop, some don't the whole trip.

So all you have to do is decide you want to and we will find a way to make it possible somehow. I have had to make changes to be out here as have others. Let our experience make yours possible.

Stay strong my friend.
I just got off of the phone with a trailer mechanic who told me the he would bet money my axles were out of alignment or my springs were old and uneven resulting in the slight sway even after the new hitch. Whether I keep the trailer or not, I won't transfer anything until I know it's safe. With the new hitch at 58-63 MPH there was still a sway, not serious but after my whoopsie it got my attention. Slowing to 55 or moving up to 65 seemed to steady it. Coming down Ranger Hill in Texas with it's sweeping right turn and a big truck passing got it moving quite a bit.

Whatever is done with it I will have it repaired to be safe to the owner, be it me or someone else. It's too nice of an older trailer to just sit and deteriorate.

The previous owner had poured some black tank cleaner in and didn't drain it. That's where the sulpher smell came from. Did smell like propane's additive.

Thanks Jim, it was a pleasure meeting you and Pat.

Hang in there Gunny.  I don't post much but always enjoy your posts.  I really hope you can stay on the road with some help, if not glad to hear you plan to stay on here.  
Maybe when I get my wheels I can visit you someday.  Hoping that will be this year.  Due to my health I know for me I might only have a few years to travel, but I grew up camping for almost the whole summer in the mountains and want to get out there and see other parts of this great country. I am not one for crowds or cities but put  me out in nature and I am so happy.  Please don't decide you can't do it, maybe something will come up that will make it possible for you to still travel some.