I agree that adults are always responsible for their choices but people are also really influenced, especially this generation raised on social media and fake news.
I've been a part of the vanlife movement when it was still called vandwelling, no one had fancy van builds, and Two Knives Kate was still posting on her blog. I joined Cheaprvliving when Bob was actively running and commenting on it every day, before he wrote his book, and there was no YouTube or RTR. That is not all Bob is saying. He has blog posts and videos recommending that people work as little as possible, get rid of their encumbrances, like their houses, and start doing vanlife full-time as soon as they can. He rarely talks about that cons of this life, namely one day people are going to get old or sick and need somewhere to go. Vanlife influencers are just as bad. They're working full-time trying to grow their social media business while giving people the impression that they just travel, hike, hang with friends, and cook good food all while barely wearing clothes.
Personally I don't have a problem with any of it - people have a right to promote what they believe in - I just wish they would add a caveat to their message. "This is a wonderful way to live AND if you're going to live this life, make sure you plan for your later years.