Off grid, but on the radar. What about off the radar too?

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gsfish said:
With the laundry list of legal obligations that this individual is working to avoid why wouldn't he be considered a criminal? Sounds like he could be a Sovereign Citizen.


The next time I hear or see the phrase " Sovereign Citizen, ” I can only pray they I have a rubber chicken handy. Is there really anyone here who does not know that the Articles of Confederation were voided 200 years ago and superseded by the Constitution? If you don't know this, PLEASE TAKE AN AMERICAN HISTORY CLASS! Actual born citizens should at least try to know as much as an immigrant has to know to pass his citizenship exam.
gsfish said:
They refer to themselves as "Sovereign Citizens" (whoops, did it again)! If need beet me c to avoid a spanking? A study of history should be reinforced and broadened with an awareness of current events. After all, today's events ARE tomorrows history.


Given the history of the modern movement (all you have to do is Google it and read more than their propaganda sites), I think we need a word or a phrase that includes a motley group of crackpots, grifters, fraudsters and violent criminals. A lot of them just want to rebel against society' laws because they lack the ability to function well in it. They declare that laws they don't like don't apply to them - because they say so. They are nuisances. Others run financial scams and other frauds, like bogus tax schemes, money laundering and putting false liens on other people's property. Some of them shoot cops and blow up buildings. I suppose that will get me censored for the terrible sin of "judging." But the history of their actions is what it is. Just Google it.
People want independence until they need something that society offers. What this means is I don't have to contribute anything to the system, but if I need something, others should help provide it. I am exempt and at the same time entitled.
I worked with an anarchist/voluntaryist veteran last spring. He moved around the country by bus or hitching, working for cash on organic farms. Everything he owned fit in a couple duffel bags. He didn't acknowledge the authority of anyone but God. He did not describe himself as a sovereign citizen, which is a misnomer as such an individual will never refer to themselves as a citizen-subject.

The DHS likes to group nutcases, con men and anarchists under the same umbrella, guilt by association. I should know, fed detectives knocked on my door a couple years back for an "interview" regarding my extremist tendencies and possible connections to the sovereign citizen movement.

If you want to learn about voluntaryist arguments, read "The Most Dangerous Superstition" by Larken Rose.
USExplorer said:
I worked with an anarchist/voluntaryist veteran last spring. He moved around the country by bus or hitching, working for cash on organic farms. Everything he owned fit in a couple duffel bags. He didn't acknowledge the authority of anyone but God. He did not describe himself as a sovereign citizen, which is a misnomer as such an individual will never refer to themselves as a citizen-subject.

The DHS likes to group nutcases, con men and anarchists under the same umbrella, guilt by association. I should know, fed detectives knocked on my door a couple years back for an "interview" regarding my extremist tendencies and possible connections to the sovereign citizen movement.

If you want to learn about voluntaryist arguments, read "The Most Dangerous Superstition" by Larken Rose.

I have no idea how the man you described (we used to call them hobos, back in the day) would ever get onto anyone's radar. Not everyone fits into mainstream life. That's fine. As long as the small minority who don't fit do not try to mess around with those of us who do fit, we will ignore you and let you do your own thing.
Years ago it was easy to drop out and start a new " Legal Life". Go to the hall of records for a large city and look under birth certificates and infant death certificates. Find a matching set. File for a lost birth certificate in that name. Go to a different city and use it to get a drivers license and social security card. Bang, you have a new identity. I have known a few people who have done it to escape marriage, abusive relationships, and judgements. I was close to doing it too, but things worked out. Now, there is finger printing, facial recognition , cctv, electronic surveillance with the NSA. It is very hard but not impossible to become someone else.
Great White said:
Years ago it was easy to drop out and start a new " Legal Life". Go to the hall of records for a large city and look under birth certificates and infant death certificates. Find a matching set. File for a lost birth certificate in that name. Go to a different city and use it to get a drivers license and social security card. Bang, you have a new identity. I have known a few people who have done it to escape marriage, abusive relationships, and judgements. I was close to doing it too, but things worked out. Now, there is finger printing, facial recognition , cctv, electronic surveillance with the NSA. It is very hard but not impossible to become someone else.

I supposed you could have some plastic surgery done to foil the facial recognition programs. Don't forget your ears. But if your fingerprints are on record you are screwed. So, keep this life in order to avoid having to become someone else.
gcal said:
I supposed you could have some plastic surgery done to foil the facial recognition programs. Don't forget your ears. But if your fingerprints are on record you are screwed. So, keep this life in order to avoid having to become someone else.

Just wait until we all have our DNA registered at birth. If you think it would be difficult to disappear, now, it's going to be nearly impossible, then.
And the home birth option looks better and better for many.
Goshawk said:
And the home birth option looks better and better for many.

You are funny. I am writing as someone who has given birth. Are you saying that parents are going to anticipate that their children will have some reason to hide from the law?