Nomadic Enigmatics' 2019 van build dates announced

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Dumpsters will be required this year and will be emptied regularly.
Jamie does plan these event locations so that they are not a huge long drive away from places where you can get supplies for the build and also near to a place he has arranged so you can have supplies delivered to a mail service location.

I can't even count the number of trips to the hardware store I have made during my build.
Just received confirmation that I'm all registered. I look forward to this type of gathering.
Pending unforeseen circumstances, I plan on being there on the 8th. And if something should arise, I'll see what it takes to transfer the ticket over to someone.
maki2 said:
I can't even count the number of trips to the hardware store I have made during my build.

If I owned a small hardware/lumber store, and you know, if all the laws and regulations allowed it, and there was room on the lot, I'd host a van build/get together on the parking lot maybe once or twice a year. 

Seems like a great way to make a tidy profit AND provide a spot for the travelers. 

Of course I don't own a hardware store so its just a 'flight of fancy'...

But maybe someday a hardware store owner will read this and think, 'Hmm...good idea...'

tx2sturgis said:
If I owned a small hardware/lumber store, and you know, if all the laws and regulations allowed it, and there was room on the lot, I'd host a van build/get together on the parking lot maybe once or twice a year. 

Sounds like a nice idea, if would be allowable. I notice there is both Lowes and Home Depot in Lake Havasu City with big parking lots, and open fields adjacent. I wonder how they would feel about 100 or so rigs camping out in their lots for a week and building van stuff. I imagine the nearby empty lots are owned by the city, and they likely have no squatting laws. Ya never know.
Travelaround, I imagine you're still around. I notice from your post in the newcomers section, you have basically an empty van insides and you're likely sleeping on a pad. And you're getting ready to insulate the walls and install paneling.

The van build should be a very good resource for you, as noted previously. Worth the $75.

I'm not sure what your van is, but I have the bed across the back in my GMC Savana, which is doable if you don't install paneling in the local area. It is still possible to install some foam insulation. Also my main piece of furniture is just a 30" wide computer desk used with a folding deck chair which makes a perfect workstation for me. Doesn't take much to have a utilitarian build.

EDIT: most people immediately think paneling when doing a van build. FWIW, I just hung thick wool blankets with pretty designs on my van walls. Talk about minimalism.
I'm already signed up and paid for the van build. I requested a fan install and volunteered sewing. I'm hoping to get ideas for my paneling. I bought insulation that I hope to install in October before I get there. It would help to have that trailer with a solar panel before I get there as it would power my sewing machine.
travelaround said:
It would help to have that trailer with a solar panel before I get there as it would power my sewing machine.

I have a 100W solar panel that I put outside the van in the daytime, plus a 300W inverter running off the battery. That gives me about 2.5A to drive 120VAC loads. Might drive a sewing machine.
Travelaround I’ll be sewing this year in Quartzsite and will join the quilting club there. They meet once a week at the senior center and you will have electricity there and tables. There is a much smaller group that meets on Wednesday or maybe Thursday’s at one of the RV parks. Tables and elec there also.

I don’t know how much solar it takes to run a machine. I have 1000 watts up on the roof I think... I did put a table outside my rig a couple of times and did ok. There is a gal in La Posa South that invites me to her sewing room. She set up an area beside her RV with an ironing board and everything. It all runs on solar and both of us working we did fine. She has one of those portable garages from harbor freight she set up next to her RV.

I made my very first quilt last winter. I’m not much of a sewer but I can fake it.. if you come out that way this winter and want to join any of those groups let me know.
That's amazing you just started quilting last winter. I've seen your work and it is lovely. Well, this winter is all experimental for me. Just started #vanlife and don't know what I'm doing but plan to forge ahead anyway.
Yeah but you haven’t seen my work up close!!! It ain’t right I tell ya!!!!
Any word on number of tickets left? It'll be interesting to se the final tally of tickets vs number of people. My pea brain calculates twice the people vs number of tickets. What say ye ?
Travel around,
I am getting help with a bed platform and volunteered to sew, cook etc. I don't have a sewing machine anymore.
Recently my storage was robbed and they took the bin with my good scissors and thread and other notions. Sooooo
I am good at patterns, measuring, iron, hand stich, design. Will help anyway I can. Most sewing machines do not take a lot of power.
See you there!
That's too bad, :( maybe you can raffle off your ticket. I think they will be hot commodities.

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