Nomadic Enigmatics' 2019 van build dates announced

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Yay... van build. Can't hardly wait as it will be my first vandwelling kind of event. I volunteered to sew. Do you think anyone will ask me to do that? Now that I have a trailer with a solar panel I'll probably even be able to power my sewing machine there. Well... time will tell. Anyhow, I'm giving it a try. I already paid my 75 dollars. I didn't volunteer to cook as I have no cooking facilities (and questionable cooking skills) but I will be happy to assist others in cooking adventures as time allows. I don't want to be the head chef but would like to help out.
abnorm said:
He states in the comments EVERYONE PAYS.....even the volunteers !!!!!!

No Pirate Camp this year at the "build"......doug

Yup. It seems that if he gets the numbers he did last year he stands to gain upwards of $50,000. RTR costs 10k. What is he doing with the rest of the proceeds?? He’s going to make a killing. Just for everyone’s information this event has nothing to do with CRVL or HOWA. Not only will he be profiting big time he is keeping out the people that need help the most. It’s the weeding out of the poor. A weeding out of the people that started this whole event. Why would anyone volunteer at an event that is being put on to make money for ONE person? You will be volunteering to do work on peoples rigs that can afford to have it done for themselves and to make one person rich.

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Maggie, do you think they really had over 600 people at the van build last year? The videos I saw looked like maybe 1/3 that number. I would think that a $75 entrance fee might more likely turn off people who would be coming to volunteer 2 weeks of their time for free. "What, I'm working for free, and paying to do it too!". Such a deal.

For reference, as I recall, you had some van problems last winter and ended up joining some of the CRVL caravans. Did you get some decent free help from the other people? I should have thought there would be a number of people there with vehicle experience. Are you still on the road? It just seems to me that, maybe people might do better to join a caravan to get some help, rather go to the van build. But I didn't do either, so I cannot say myself. Would do you think?
travelaround said:
I didn't volunteer to cook as I have no cooking facilities (and questionable cooking skills) but I will be happy to assist others in cooking adventures as time allows.
If you play your cards right, maybe your $75 will be as effective as taking a cooking course. Learn the ins and outs of cooking in the outback. ;) Boondock crockery.
Cammalu said:
I wanted to go to pirate camp...  [emoji37]
It's BLM land. Can't you form a pirate camp 3/4 mile down the road? Pre-La Posa South YARC Camp. Attract the people who don't want to pay $75. Smile nice and wave at jamie as you drive by the van build. :heart: When the rangers come, just say you don't know those guys, but they sure are rowdy.
Not that I know ***** from shiola about any of this, I'm sensing some hostility.

I believe this is the fourth year. It's the first year for ticket sales. If one was to dollar cost average his out-of-pocket expenses from the past three, include this year proceeds, he's prolly still in the hole. Dunno.

On the newest home page, below the price is some fine print. $75 per couple/family. Am I reading that right? It's not 75 per person but 75 per van load ?
I certainly don't want to 'dis' the event...……Jamie tries hard………..PirateCamp just chose to say NO

And the event is capped at 200 "tickets"

""RTR cost 10K""...…….that's inaccurate...…..the port-O-potties cost more than that
Qxxx said:
Maggie, do you think they really had over 600 people at the van build last year? The videos I saw looked like maybe 1/3 that number. I would think that a $75 entrance fee might more likely turn off people who would be coming to volunteer 2 weeks of their time for free. "What, I'm working for free, and paying to do it too!". Such a deal.

For reference, as I recall, you had some van problems last winter and ended up joining some of the CRVL caravans. Did you get some decent free help from the other people? I should have thought there would be a number of people there with vehicle experience. Are you still on the road? It just seems to me that, maybe people might do better to join a caravan to get some help, rather go to the van build. But I didn't do either, so I cannot say myself. Would do you think?

I ended up getting taken by an unethical nomad mechanic. He changed my spark plugs and wires and charged me over $400 for less than a hours work. I haven’t been with the caravans but am still on the road. I am quickly becoming disenchanted with nomads of YouTube’s Gofund me and PayPal requests. I have given plenty but find myself living off peanut butter and crackers while they are eating in restaurants and drinking Starbucks.
I’m leaving Washington state soon to go help with the HOWA van build in Pahrump. I know out off them all that Bob Well’s is absolutely coming from a good place. He lives his life with the constant question of “How can I help?” not “How can I profit from this?”

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"hostility" may be a bit strong in the terminology department. jamie probably does deserve a monetary break after paying it all himself for 4 years.
"I ended up getting taken by an unethical nomad mechanic. He changed my spark plugs and wires and charged me over $400 for less than a hours work".

Good grief, that is pathetic. A "nomad" mechanic, you mean like a guy boondocking in another van and not a shop? Or was that the deal when you were up in MT? I should have thought there would be multiple people in the CRVL caravans who would be happy to help out for free with simple things like that. That's one of the main reasons for the caravans in the first place. Help each other out. Good grief.

But good to hear the van has been getting you from AZ to WA and back.
I’m sure I’ll have my fill after a few days. I’ll be the one standing on top of a Chevy tin top with a hand on the brow gazing into the distance for the pirate camp
abnorm said:
And the event is capped at 200 "tickets"
If it's capped at 200 tickets, then I'm sure there's room for an unofficial pirate camp down the road. Too bad I won't be getting to AZ until late December. But I'll watch the youtubers, LOL.

Regis, my guess is Cammalu's pirate camp will be about 3/4 to 1 mile further down the road to the east. It's a big area there. She'll be bringing her new Class-A and a cow (inside joke).
Qxxx said:
"hostility" may be a bit strong in the terminology department. jamie probably does deserve a monetary break after paying it all himself for 4 years.

That is not true. He has been taking plenty of donations. I became aware of his hustle while I was parked beneath him in Parker two years ago as I watched him sort through which donations he was going to keep for himself and his friends rather than give to the truly needy. I was hit up twice for cash contributions at my van last year alone. They constantly pass the hat and ask for money for this and that. He will not open his books to prove or disprove what is being brought in. He is receiving tons of donations that are meant to help the poor, not himself. I don’t trust him. I don’t believe him and I wouldn’t turn my back on him. Do the math, even 500 tickets at $75 is a ton. I priced porta potties and they are $400 for a month, serviced. I think he said he needs 4. That’s less than $1000. Stickers and wrist bands are maybe $100. Idk what permits run but I’m sure it’s not much. The first 100 tickets will cover it all and then some.

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Well Maggie, that sounds a little different. From the video I had the impression the van build was all free in year's past, but of course I wasn't there either. At least so far the RTR and caravans are free.

(I'm going to PM you with my own experience, if that's alright).
Maggie Flinn said:
Yup. It seems that if he gets the numbers he did last year he stands to gain upwards of $50,000. RTR costs 10k. What is he doing with the rest of the proceeds?? He’s going to make a killing. Just for everyone’s information this event has nothing to do with CRVL or HOWA. Not only will he be profiting big time he is keeping out the people that need help the most. It’s the weeding out of the poor. A weeding out of the people that started this whole event. Why would anyone volunteer at an event that is being put on to make money for ONE person? You will be volunteering to do work on peoples rigs that can afford to have it done for themselves and to make one person rich.

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Plus the volunteers have to also pay the $75

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Has anyone got on his channel/site to ask for clarification. A LOT of speculation going on here and that is all it is, SPECULATION.
Just watched the latest vid. He seems to be trying to be accommodating. And if makes a buck or five, well, so be it. I dunno. I'm still gonna be into it for the spirit of the build.

I watched both of the newest van build videos and the $75.00 is for each couple or family. Everyone pays which includes volunteers, people coming to get their vehicles worked on and people who just want to be at the party. The fee is $75.00 whether you stay for one day or the entire time. Some people are donating tickets for anyone who can't afford the $75.00.

 Here's a link to the van bill website:

 I don't know Jamie very well but I've spoken with him at RTRs and I'd don't believe that he is doing this to make a lot of money off of the van build participants.

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