Newbie to Vanlife

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New member
May 9, 2018
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Hey all, Ive been slowly transitioning into fulltime vanlife for the last few months. I built out my van myself and I am so happy in my tiny little abode on wheels. I am a solo woman in my late 20's living in nature to promote health wellness and simplicity. I was fighting a life altering disease for many years and now Im healthier than ever and dont want to waste another minute in a sticks and bricks. Hoping I can move past these newbie jitters and really embrace all this life has to offer. I hope to meet some other millennials living this lifestyle. See you all out on the open road. :p
Welcome to the CRVL forums nictravels! Living in nature has improved the health of many forum members. Glad you are finding it helpful too!

To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips, Tricks and Rules" post lists some helpful information to get you started. We look forward to hearing more from you.
Welcome to the forum, Nictravels
I know what it’s like to be suffering from an illness, I’ll be cleared mid November to travel and will be hitting the road full time. Keep the wheels down and your head up: hope to cya at RTR.
I want to get out there and travel too . . . really, am growing weary with the sticks and bricks lifestyle... and should be able to get a van soon. So glad to hear that life in nature is so healing for you.

Five years ago I was living in a forest surrounded by wildlife and trees, and it was so good for my creativity! Then I moved to an apartment on a prairie... so, can't wait to return to the beautiful river valley I came from.