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Nov 17, 2017
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:rolleyes: hello everyone,  been ghosting for over 3 years now. Dreaming the dream and getting information on how this works. 
Well,  I have taken the plunge.  I bought a 95 Fleetwood toiga montara and redid the back room. Had water damage. Will try to put pictures up if I can figure out how to. 
Have been living in it for almost 2 weeks now in Iowa  (so you it's cold) getting use to it. I have a rabbit name Puff that will coming with me and he is getting used to rv life too. Leaving after thanksgiving for Houston,  then to the rtr in January.  Hoping to make friends and learn more about this wonderful life. Got to admit  scared,  but doing it anyway.  
Turned 60 in  May, lost my job of 11 years in July, so here I come. ???
Welcome to the CRVL forums Mercy & Puff!

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To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips & Tricks" post lists some helpful information to get you started. We look forward to hearing more from you.
BikeBoomer said:
Good luck to you and the bunny.  Safe journeys.

Thank you!  Just getting use to living in the rv right now. Been trying to leave for a month now. Something always coming up. My neighbor who helped me with the rv had a stroke Monday morning and I was the one who found him. 

Hopefully he'll be alright and I can leave after Thanksgiving.


I also have been trying to leave Colorado for the last 6 weeks. Made it 100 mile last week before being towed back! I understand!

Keep hacking away at it. See you at the RTR
Thank you,  goal is to be at the RTR.  Plans change,  but goals can be reached ?.  Here is to our RTR goal.
VanKitten said:
I also have been trying to leave Colorado for the last 6 weeks.    Made it 100 mile last week before being towed back!   I understand!  
Towed back!! Yikes, my biggest fear.
Good Luck, hope all gets resolved for you.
Good luck to you, I was in repairs for months and finally did hit the road just recently. My class b is not at 100 percent but if I'd waited for perfection I'd have waited forever. Major systems all working is very important though. Hang in there, you'll make it out there before you know it!

Sent from my FRD-L14 using Tapatalk
I would advise you to keep the rabbit on a tight leash, in any desert he/she looks like food, other than that welcome and have a great time
My escape has been slower than expected too. You are right -- something always comes up! Fingers crossed, I'll be headed out immediately after Thanksgiving, just like you.
Hi, Mercy, it seems to be a theme. I thought I could hit the road the first of January but now it looks like closer to February. Plan on going to the RTR though, hopefully make the last days and the women's RTR. Are you going to the Women's RTR?

Safe travels for you and your rabbit.
wagoneer said:
I would advise you to keep the rabbit on a tight leash, in any desert he/she looks like food, other than that welcome and have a great time

Thanks for the advice,  but he is inside only free roaming. Never been out unless in his carrier. 


Here he is relaxing in the rv. 
Will be traveling in his carrier when driving too. 
This is new to us both,  but going for it. ?


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Mercy200 said:
Just wanted to update everyone...
I did hit the road and made it to Texas.
Took Puff and I 3 days, but we made it.

Staying in my RV at my brother's place.
Puff is enjoying this new life of ours.

The drive was for the most part fine. I stayed at pilot or loves truck stops overnight parked between big rigs for safety and warmth (less cold wind blowing).

In Texas I had some overheating of the engine, but nothing too bad. The Puff mobile doesn't like going fast with the AC on, so made adjustments ( slowed down and AC off).

Will spend Christmas with my brother, then decide if I can made it to the RTR. The rv didn't like climbing inclines, so unless I can fine a route out there that doesn't go though mountains or steep inclines don't know if The Puff Mobile will make it. I need AC and that was another problem I had with the AC on.

Oh Well, I am here and enjoying my freedom.
Dream True said:
Hi, Mercy, it seems to be a theme. I thought I could hit the road  the first of January but now it looks like closer to February. Plan on going to the RTR though, hopefully make the last days and the women's RTR. Are you going to the Women's RTR?

Safe travels for you and your rabbit.

I am hoping to be there. My drive to  Texas has taught me a couple of things about the rv that has me a little concerned. 

Will  be researching a couple of things about the rv that may prove helpful.