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Aug 20, 2012
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Hi everyone,<br />I am so happy that I found this page, and it was actually by accident. &nbsp;I have been thinking of living similar to what I found on this website but didn't realize it was even an option for me. &nbsp;My husband and I own a home and struggle daily to just pay the bills and I keep asking myself, "is it worth it?". &nbsp;I am 52 and he is 47 so retirement seemed a long way off. &nbsp;I am totally convinced that this is something I want to do but hubby isn't quite so sure. &nbsp;What to do? &nbsp;
Hi Jacksmom welcome to our little home. You'll find a few couples here so hang around!&nbsp;<img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" />
Hi and welcome from New are in the right place.&nbsp; sure don't have any advice as to whether you should do this or not, nor do I have any on how to convince the hubby unit, but if you search old posts and ask questions, you find your way through all that...<br />Bri
Thank you for your welcoming me&nbsp;<img src="/images/boards/smilies/biggrin.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" />. &nbsp;I am kind of new to this type of forum so I am just working my way around. &nbsp;Nice to meet you both and hope to talk later. &nbsp;
<p>Welcome!! I'm a week into living in my minivan. &nbsp;It's really kind of neat! I have sort of a routine now, I work during the day, and then I hang out in parks, or hang out with friends, or whatever. &nbsp;Last night I played WC Basketball with a friend, it was lots of fun! I 'bathe' every night and every morning, I've noticed I wake up with the sun in the mornings now around 6am, and feel a lot more connected to nature, which I really like. &nbsp;Usually in bed around 10pm every night! &nbsp;It's totally stealth, nobody expects someone to be living in a minivan!</p><p>A minivan is just the right size for me. I think for two people it would be really a tight squeeze tho. &nbsp;I'd recommend something a touch bigger, maybe a full-size high-top (like a camper van kind of thing).<br /><br />With Love,<br />Tara</p>
Hello! There are some good articles here on the main site...things to think about with your hubby are how you will make money/budget, the vehicle (size, type), what you will need to live comfortably etc.
Welcome! As for my personal experience... I was always an unconventional person anyway. &nbsp;As I learned from Bob... it's all in what you are willing to live with and are happy with.
Hi everyone who posted after I left the thread. &nbsp;Thank you all for making me feel so welcome here. &nbsp;I have a lot to learn and am thinking that I may just have to do this alone? &nbsp;I guess it will all work out in the end. &nbsp;I dream of seeing this great country and can't imagine just living in one place the rest of my life. &nbsp;There is just too much too see and do but hubby is so shut down about it all that I am starting to think he may never be willing to go with me. &nbsp;I am ready to accept his position but feel like I would do just fine on my own.
Hello Donna and welcome&nbsp;<img src="/images/boards/smilies/wave.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" />
Hi Mortisha,
Nice to meet you. I too live in my own mind so we have that in common <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle">
Welcome Donna. I wish I had some meaningful words for you but I don't. I do know that I have been held back for&nbsp;5 years, let me rephrase that to I have held myself back. I have raised my own kids to be self reliant so they are not a problem. <br />Other issues in my family are serious so now once again I am putting off my freedom. I don't need any advice and not taking over your thread. Just saying sometimes cords need cut before we get any older.<br />I have corresponded privately with a married member here. This person gave an ultimatum and they are still a married couple and are now both enjoying their new lives on the road.<br />Good luck.<br /><span style="color: #ff00ff;">Dragonfly</span>
Why thank you Dragonfly for your words of encouragement. &nbsp;I do pray that one day you will be able to enjoy the life of freedom that you obviously desire. &nbsp;I don't think my situation is going to be a problem, at least not for me. &nbsp;I am prepared to do this with or without him. &nbsp;At least in my mind right now <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"> &nbsp;We have not had the "best" relationship and have been&nbsp;separated&nbsp;twice so this may be just the thing for me to do alone. Best of luck to you as well!! &nbsp;P.S. How do you make friends on this site?
Hi Donna and Dragonfly,<br /><br />There are a few of us here who have found a way to keep both partners happy while we live our lives in whatever way works for us.<br /><br />For instance, wife is years younger than I and is still working. I am retired and have been for some time. We live apart and visit a lot...she in&nbsp; Durango, CO, me in Truth or Consequences, NM. I take care of and enjoy our retirement home and she lives in a trailer we bought in Durango ...fortunately in a year and a half she can retire, we will sell the trailer and will live together again. we are still very much best friends...<br /><br />My friends Suanne and her hubby find that she loves to take off and travel some and he loves to stay home and tend to the home-place and garden, etc. That is what they do...<br /><br />There are others. Way more difficult when you are young and in the flush of young love, but longtime marriages can sometimes weather some not being together constantly. Maybe sometimes resentments come up by not following ones heart in life and not doing what calls you.<br /><br />I find that instead of being a problem, it broadens our lives....she goes on her own moto trips and writes for a magazine about it (I don't enjoy the fast trips she does...too hard on my body and head), I ramble around in one of my rigs and write a blog...then go home and take care of our home....<br /><br />We decide on one trip a year together least. Her savings pay for that...that is one of her main passions, world travel. <br /><br />I try to support myself and spend my own income on my road-rambling and vehicle habits. Life is really good in our world....<br /><br />I only say this to share that there are as many ways to live in relationship as there are people. No matter what the mainstream wants you to think, you get to choose....ain't that grand?????<br /><br />Good travels to you...<br />AstroBri
@bri&nbsp; <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" />
Hello Donna and welcome, I live on the road for work and also ttamp when im off work, I drive truck it works for me and it might give you time to downsize and get a feel for the rubber tramp life style there are decent driving jobs everywere and some will pay for your schooling, Good luck.
Hi Jacksmom,<br /><br />Welcome to the forum!&nbsp; I'm in a similar situation. I'm going on 20 years with my partner, both on the road and for the last decade on our own property.&nbsp; I've spent all of those 20 years putting myself into smaller and smaller mental boxes to accommodate my DH.&nbsp; It's led to illness and depression and having to live a life that isn't mine.&nbsp; Last Feb, I gave myself a year to downsize and work my way out of the relationship (we are both handicapped so it'll take a bit longer than just "hang up the key, Lee), and provide myself with a mobile living situation.&nbsp; I'm halfway there and just the thought of that goal of mental freedom has given me a light at the end of the tunnel.&nbsp; By next Feb my spirit will be flying free! <br /><br />Whatever you choose to do, YOU choose.&nbsp; It is so easy to lose your light under a bushel as the old saying goes.&nbsp; But it's not worth it. Good luck with your choice.&nbsp; And there are as many right solutions as there are people on this forum!&nbsp; It's one of the nicest places I've been, and people are very generous with their wisdom and experience.&nbsp; I hope to see you on the road.&nbsp; <img src="/images/boards/smilies/biggrin.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" /><br /><br />Marie Angeli