Naturelover …Forced separation from beloved activities, people and places is a truly hard knock on the inner spirit. It is hideous, my thoughts go out to you in that emotional suffering from such a huge loss.
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Naturelover, there is nature everywhere! I am sure they will assign someone to help you find a place to live just make sure it has a view and maybe a park where you can walk. So stay near your doctor for a while, but just concentrate on getting healthy. The future will come, and you’re not done yet!Numbers up even further today - 37. Now it’s a big decision time. It was a nice try, but I think this is the end of my “nomad career” The doctor doesn’t want me too far away from him so he can monitor the situation. I need to remember and be thankful that that I got 3 1/2 years full timing after escape from the nursing home. God bless The Nomads, even those that only travel in their memories and imaginations.
Beautiful pics!Hello old friends, and new ones (if you want to come aboard.) I miss one particular thread from our old forum. That was travel around‘s 24 /7 Chat. Or some type of title like that. But a bunch of us kept in touch with each other and I enjoyed that forum thread before I looked at any other. So although I’m ignorant of a lot of things at this new forum format i’m going to try here to resurrect a bit of that. So if you were on that thread before welcome back and if you were never on that thread before welcome aboard. Friendly conversations and insignificant information about who we are and where we are and what we are doing what we like and what we don’t like and all that kind of stuff. By the way my shaking from the brain tumor does not allow me to type well so I dictate this and that brings about some screwed up words and some repeating etc., so if it’s screwed up I’ll blame it on the dictation because I never make a mistake.
to start it off I’m gonna add a couple of nature pictures I’ve been taking a few again here in Florida. I’ve been in Florida now for three weeks and a half weeks. Right now in southern Florida it’s raining and the lows at night or under 40°. That bothered me until I called home to Pennsylvania and found out that their nightly lows are in the single digits. So I’m staying in Florida. When the sun is shining I’m out in nature centers and state parks in Audubon centers taking pictures mainly of birds at this time. So here are a few. The first one is a roseate spoonbill with a beautiful reflection in the water. Then there’s a butterfly never saw before called the white peacock. Florida is one of its northern ranges. And then there’s the popular sandhill crane. Down here in Florida they make a big deal out of protecting this bird they put up signs to protect it, charge people fines if they mess with it etc. yet there are 17 states in United States where it is a game bird gamebird and I understand it’s very delicious.
Both lifestyles are good if either one is the one you want. Me I want it all, not yet figured it out how to be in both lifestyles.To be fair .. Maybe they are not lurking on a sticks and bricks forum as such but I have certainly seen a number of instances in nomadic forums and on YouTube where full time nomads have given up the life and willingly moved into sticks and bricks and been happy to do so.
…but, well……I don’t want to be negative towards anyone….
Part time hermit. There are lots of small, unused roads in Japan that are good for a night or two. There is a failed ‘villa’ that offers longer periods of time. My retirement income isn’t something I’m ready to give up yet so disappearing with my dog on Sat afternoon and showing back up on Wed for 3 nights is doable. Limit my golf to Friday and I don’t have to make room for golf clubs. Charge the batteries, wash/clean the van, stock up on some food for both myself and Clooney, give Clooney dog a warm bath, wash clothes, and leave.Both lifestyles are good if either one is the one you want. Me I want it all, not yet figured it out how to be in both lifestyles.
He is not agoraphobic, he just was a migrant farm kid and has had more than his share of being from crappy place to crappy place, moved a million times and now doesn't want to do it. I understand, but I have not. So I do want to travel and see things. It is a fine balancing act to try and keep us both happy... His siblings have the same issues. Makes it hard to see any of them as they are scattered around the country. We all got our own reasons for what ever. My dad hates to travel but my stepmom loves to. Sometimes he goes with her sometimes he stays home. It's not that he doesn't like where they go he just likes home better.Van Brat….
It is very difficult to live with an agoraphobic person when you are not one yourself. Speaking from personal experience