My Path to (No)Madness!

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Two videos in two days! YIKES!
This one is a little longer, slightly over 5 minutes, but has a new logo ... way too fancy!

Less than two weeks to go!
NoMadYesHappy said:
Two videos in two days!  YIKES!
This one is a little longer, slightly over 5 minutes, but has a new logo ... way too fancy!

Less than two weeks to go!

Oops!  I pulled the trigger a little too quick on this one.  It hadn't finished processing yet .. it has now.  Sorry!  :)
The estate broker is here today, going through 35 years of accumulated "stuff".  The sale is scheduled for this weekend, two days, and everything should be gone.  We (my oldest daughter and I) managed to get ALL of our "keepers" into the little Hyundai Santa Fe (got a couple items left, but I think they'll fit), which  surprised the heck out of me!  It's full to the top!  It'll take ten days after the sale to get the proceeds from the estate sale, so a little after the sale of our house closes on the 23rd, we should have all of the resources we need to pay debt and get the cargo trailer.  Then, we'll be off to Yuma area for quick (is that possible?) cross into Algodones for meds, maybe a couple of days exploring/camping in AZ), then up to the San Bernardino mountains to complete the build out and lay out next steps.  I think we'll head up the eastern Sierra's, Mojave, long valley, Bishop and points north ... Mono Lake, Yosemite?  It's a wide open map, and I may have a hard time picking!  LOL!  Then, up to Idaho, where I plan to "reside", switch over plates, get my new driver's license and start looking for a piece of property to land on when I need to.  The plan is to build a tiny-ish, off grid cabin somewhere remote that will be a "home plate" of sorts...

Tally ho!
LoupGarou said:
I had a motorcycle many years ago that wasn't running well. Measuring the temperature on the exhaust pipes I was able to determine which cylinder was misfiring. It ended up being a single spark plug. It would spark just fine laying up against the engine block, but installed and under load it failed.
[email protected] 2yw2

I'm curious, are you ready to make the jump now, as far as having the vehicle and gear necessary?
When I first started out in the off grid van dwelling thing, I was into the prepping for a solo life in the woods kind of thing. I was accumulating stuff for that idea for a couple of years before I even had the idea to become a van dweller.
It turned out to be a huge help in the transition.
The ability to utilize nature to supplement the lifestyle has been a benefit more often than not for me. Hunting, fishing and foraging for edible plants and fungi can save you BIG money in the long run and can be a lifesaver in some situations. Plus, if you're spending a lot of time in natural areas anyways, why not take full advantage.
Having "old" knowledge to fall back on when a modern convenience craps out in the middle of nowhere, or when you're simply low on funds just makes sense.
There are thousands upon thousands of homesteading, hunting, fishing, foraging, prepping and bushcraft vids, sites and books out there to learn from.
Once you start checking those things out you'll start catching yourself thinking "hey, that's an awesome trick or idea. I should incorporate that into my repertoire.
If this is something that you think you might be interested in pursuing, let me know. I can, as I'm sure many others here can, point you to some pretty good avenues of thought you may not have considered yet.
So, long story short (too late for that right?!), maybe you might want to take the next few years to not only get that extra four hundred, but to also make sure the transition goes smoothly.
It's always better to have something and not need it than need it and not have it.
Good luck.

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Hey, Matt ...

I'm sure I've said somewhere that labels  just never seem to hit the target for me.  I wouldn't call myself a prepper, but I find interest in some of their ideas, I'm not a homesteader, but I plan to model my life in ways that homesteading folks might...nomad feels the closest to accurate, I think?  All of the foregoing to say that I've researched a lot of skills that people who use these labels would value, and want to try to incorporate them into my version of the nomadic lifestyle.  I think we're on the same page.  Yep!  :)
Sounds like you're going to do just fine.
I've been in my van for 3 years now and am only sorry I didn't do it sooner.
My only issue is income. I'm only 48 so no retirement or ss for me yet. Well, no retirement at all most likely.
That leaves me needing employment on occasion which can be hard to come by when you live this lifestyle. I use Seattle as my home base, partly due to the fact that the PNW is a gorgeous part of the country but also, since it's so liberal, parking for a day or three is tolerated.
The downsides of that are that said liberalism has attracted a lot of sketchy characters in run down and often inoperable RVs to the area so it's given anyone who lives in a van or rv a bad name.
The other downside is that with the current tech boom here it's getting harder and harder to find decent non tech jobs. Especially when your resume for the past few years is cluttered with short tenures and long periods of not working.
If I had my way I'd be one of those guys who wanders off to live in the woods.
Both my folks are getting up there in years and it would probably be pretty uncool of me to go incommunicado at this point in time.
But, at least, the minimalist lifestyle of the past 3 years is good training for when I do make the final transition to what I've dreamed of since I was just a kid.

Sent from my SM-G925V using Tapatalk
Hey, Matt ...

The Pacific Northwest is absolutely a beautiful place, and I am very much looking forward to seeing it again at a more sane pace!

My oldest daughter is only 21, and the issues you express regarding income are very real to both of us when it comes to planning how her life will look in the future.  Unlike your circumstances, she at least has a lightly funded fallback by going with me.  I think my SS will keep us both well fed, clothed, dry and warm.

I've not got any first hand experience, but have read about options to work the beet harvest.  Other things I've read in passing are hosting camps and also working for Amazon during the holidays ... you may already know more about it than i do.

My daughter and I fantasize about following the art fairs around the country.  I don't hold any real hope for substantial income out of that solution, but it would be fun to do, and you never know ... maybe we'll discover the next pet rock?

Our expected launch date is the 25th of February, reaching Coeur d'Alene and Spokane area by late March, mid April ... ?

Anyway, Matt, I hope you find a solution.  I wish I knew more about solving the issues you face.  Especially since my daughter faces them at some level as well.  One thing I do know is that there are a TON of very smart and willing folks here that I'm sure will have great ideas for you to pursue.

I'll be keeping an eye out too ... :)
I've not heard good things about Amazon warehouse work and they, like UPS, tend to hire only college age folks for those gigs. Might be something your daughter could look into though. If it's just a couple of weeks, maybe it wouldn't be too bad to tough out.
Travelling is not an option at the moment, had some unexpected expenses come up that tapped out my savings before I found another gig to fund my usual Spring-fall wanders, so anything too far outside Seattle is kinda tough for a bit.
I'll figure something out, I always do.
Reach out when you make it to the area, we could grab a beer or coffee and swap stories for an afternoon.

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P.s. I'm also thinking about contacting the forum administer to see if he might be setting up a job board specific sub topic.

Sent from my SM-G925V using Tapatalk
Might be interested in setting up...

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I needed to type these thoughts instead of including it in my video today because it is emotionally charged for me.  It makes it difficult to speak when you have your heart trying to crawl out your throat.  ... know what I mean?

So, today, Thursday the fifteenth of February, 2018, is the start of the estate sale; continuing through tomorrow and possibly Saturday.

I walked through the house this morning to record all of the things my kids, my (ex?)wife and I have accumulated over more than 35 years as a family.  There were memories that made me smile, and then I would realize that this chapter of my life is over.  Then I would cry.  I’m still crying.

Yesterday I came across an old valentine, in the form of a letter, that I gave to my wife in our 11th year.  I used my phone to take a photo and I sent a copy of it to her.  I’m sure we both wept over its contents.

In nearly the same instant, I also saw a new life ahead of me.  A life that is free of material clutter.  It is surprising how far one can pare down when you have to.  I managed to get everything that I and my daughter needed, and a few things that we did not, into my little Hyundai Santa Fe.

I’ll not go into the details of how I, we, got here.  Partly because I don’t fully understand what all of the causes are.  Partly because it’s personal and I don’t want to sound like I’m whining.

I AM whining.  But anyone in this much pain would, I suppose.  I just don’t want to SOUND that way.  :)

Next week, unless something falls through, the sale of the house will close escrow.  The last vestige of a 37 year story ends (we dated for 2 years), and a new one begins.

I wish that she were coming with me.

I will lament the old life.  It had great value to me.  But I will also look forward to the new life, it has value too.  Even before it's officially begun; value that will grow over time.  I believe it to be a lifestyle that will become more of the social normal in years to come.  I think many of you who watch my videos and read my posts would agree that we, as a culture, are headed that way...the way of the neo-nomad.

Much of the world, America in particular, has become fat, spoiled, lazy, greedy, selfish, critical and judgmental.  I don’t exclude myself in this assessment.  After all, I was just being critical and judgmental.  :)

I don’t want to be the above anymore.

I am mourning deeply over my lost family, house and past life. But, I am excited beyond words at the prospect of the new life.  A better, kinder, less selfish life.

I’ve been watching many of you who trod through here by way of your videos and text posts.  Some of you I believe I will treasure if I happen to be fortunate enough to get to know you face to face.  You have been, and hopefully continue to be, my encouragement, my source of information, my reassurance in those fleeting moments when I ask myself, “can I really do this?”

In a little over a week from now, I will find out.  I have faith!
Half the household contents sold today in 5 hours. There was a line from the door to the sidewalk at the opening of the sale ... no idea how much was made, yet. I'm just shocked at how much is gone already. WOW!
NoMadYesHappy said:
Half the household contents sold today in 5 hours.  There was a line from the door to the sidewalk at the opening of the sale ... no idea how much was made, yet.  I'm just shocked at how much is gone already.  WOW!

I just wanted to say thanks for sharing your journey. I'm going through something similar, after 24 years of marriage. Now I'm facing the estate sale and house sale, and weighing options for the next chapter in my life, so your perspectives are very helpful and encouraging. Best wishes on your launch.
Mascha said:
I just wanted to say thanks for sharing your journey. I'm going through something similar, after 24 years of marriage. Now I'm facing the estate sale and house sale, and weighing options for the next chapter in my life, so your perspectives are very helpful and encouraging. Best wishes on your launch.

Thanks, Mascha.
Sorry to hear about your own struggles.  I know how you feel.  :(
I am encouraged by knowing that there are options, and find comfort in knowing that my story is not unique.  I hope that you do too.
When I can see past this temporary storm, I see a much more pleasant spring ahead of my daughter and I.  I'm looking forward the first blooms!
If, for what ever reason, you want to compare notes ... or like me ... just whine a little.  Feel free to reach out via IM.  I'm no wellspring of wisdom, but I can at least say, "Yah, I know what you mean!"  :)
I got a bunch of virtual hugs from someone this morning ... here, have a couple for yourself!  :D