My Path to (No)Madness!

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Hey, not sure if you've considered a vehicle rooftop tent yet. It might be helpful in your situation to allow a bit of privacy between you and your daughter til you get your trailer built up.

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mattboyrd said:
Hey, not sure if you've considered a vehicle rooftop tent yet. It might be helpful in your situation to allow a bit of privacy between you and your daughter til you get your trailer built up.

Sent from my SM-G925V using Tapatalk

Actually, I have.  But, I thought something more substantial than canvas might make both of us feel more secure.  I think our plan for the first weeks on the road will be to use the Hyundai as one of the "sleeping pods" ... its got a fairly long back area, long enough to lay flat in, and I have a large traditional tent with metal poles as backup.  I'm trying to think of everything, but I'm sure I'll miss something, so thanks for the suggestions/input.  Very much appreciated!  :)
I don't have one but they seem like an option to get you off the ground. I'm sure there are a long list of pros and cons, just a thought.

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However you decide to do it each day, it gets better as you go along. Got some great ideas already.
Have a friend who has an SUV roof tent, and a ladder to get up inside. It's cute, and practical.
A process, goes Day by Day.
So, everything that can be, has been donated, bought or given away.  The last phase is the land fill.  There's a surprisingly small amount compared to the overall contents of the house, originally.  Here's what the folks at the land fill said when I called to get hours, etc ...

I feel ya man.
"Normal" people wonder why people like us adopt the lifestyle we do.
Your vid is one of those reasons.
I don't recommend putting stuff on the side of the road, but hey, sometimes you're not left with a choice.
2 more days for you.
Soon you will get the eagle eye for dumpsters in the area you are in at the moment.
I generally look for grocery or big box stores that have an unlocked dumpster for the big stuff and parks, and grocery store entries for the small bags of everyday stuff.
Computer stuff can generally be recycled for free. Check Craigslist. There's always some 21st century 49'er who thinks he's going to get rich by dissolving the gold out of chips and refining it down.
I feel bad about passing my waste problems off on somebody else to put in a landfill but we live in a world where it boils down to "ya gotta do what ya gotta do".
Do try to avoid just dumping it on the side of the road though.

It's funny, I've been living this life for a few years now but it IS fun to watch someone else get started on the path.

It's never what you expect so keep your expectations low and your mind open and you should be continually surprised at how often things work out in your favor.

You've started off on the right foot by being here for your whole intro to the lifestyle process.

Sorry, rambling. Long day full of unfulfilled hopes (seems I should know better, right?)
Tomorrow's another day and another chance at some happiness.
In the words of Mr Natural, "Keep on truckin'"!

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mpruet said:
I can't emphasize how important and freeing it is to be debt free.  The debtor is slave to the lender.  That's a truth that has been around for thousands of years.

Aye ... agreed.  The debt gets resolved in two days.  :)
Introducing Sage Comber One-A and One-B:

Hooked up the trailer (6'W X 12'L X 6' 6"H (inside) V-Nose by LOOK) to the tow vehicle (2007 Hyundai Santa Fe) for the first time today and hauled about a ton and a half of household goods to various non-profits here in Greeley, Colorado.  No issues, No worries.  She pulled better than I expected.  Of course the mountains will be the true test, but slow and easy will be the order of the day, and I have nothing but time and lots of faith in my little silver/sage beast!
Another idea, which you've probably already looked into, is a woodburner for the trailer. Free heat for comfort and cooking is a definite possibilty in your setup.
One of my few regrets about being in a van is that I can't utilize a woodburner for basic comfort.
I've seen people in cargo haulers and box trucks using them and I'm always kind of envious.
I do have a Sierra Zip Stove, which is a wood burning camp stove but it's not practical for cold weather van dwelling.
You could probably outfit that trailer with a small, cheap and efficient rocket stove, or a more expensive tent stove.
Just make sure to ventilate.

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mattboyrd said:
Another idea, which you've probably already looked into, is a woodburner...

Hey, Matt
Yep, there's a Cubic Mini Cub that caught my eye, but they are about 350$.  I'd love to have a wood burner, though.  I need to focus on knocking the debt out, so it may have to wait ... but, definitely on the wish list!  :)

Here's a link:
Cubic Mini Cub Wood Burning Stove
NoMadYesHappy said:
Introducing Sage Comber One-A and One-B:

Hooked up the trailer (6'W X 12'L X 6' 6"H (inside) V-Nose by LOOK) to the tow vehicle (2007 Hyundai Santa Fe) for the first time today and hauled about a ton and a half of household goods to various non-profits here in Greeley, Colorado.  No issues, No worries.  She pulled better than I expected.  Of course the mountains will be the true test, but slow and easy will be the order of the day, and I have nothing but time and lots of faith in my little silver/sage beast!

Such a lovely sight to see! I bet you're oozing with excitement and your one giant step puts you far ahead most people. You're steppin' towards true freedom of owning "your" time & making your "choice" of place, many new and exciting experiences are just ahead for you and your daughter! 

Day by day, taking it all step by step and living happily N The Moment. :D
Keep going, there is no arrival date, there is just a continuous Itinerary and that is the part we dwellers enjoy.

Sometimes when I find myself in a new place, waking up early, with a new front yard somewhere. When I first wake up, a look outside is breathtakingly beautiful and I forget where I am or how I got there, I forget everything except my joy in suddenly having a new front and back yard. I'm in nature, the scenery keeps changing and I am truly enjoy.
mattboyrd said:
2 more days for you.  GEEG! :D

Soon you will get the eagle eye for dumpsters in the area you are in at the moment.  I need that!

Do try to avoid just dumping it on the side of the road though.  Not gunna happen.  I'm paying the $200 ... it'll sting, but not as bad as knowing I trashed some stretch of highway. 

You've started off on the right foot by being here for your whole intro to the lifestyle process.  Thanks! :)

In the words of Mr Natural, "Keep on truckin'"!  Groovy, man!  :)
You can build your own for much less than that!
From what I've seen on your vids, you're an intelligent guy who can hold his own in the trades.
Google rocket stoves or tent stoves. Then look into the diy options and decide on your best course of action.
Your trailer is your canvas, make sure you're utilizing your full pallet to best realize your masterpiece.
You've got endless opportunities to play with your knowledge and skills. Now is the time to take advantage.
90% of the fun of this lifestyle (for me at least) is figuring out ways to incorporate tech and info that doesn't fit my current situation into hardware that does.

Word from the wise(ish),
Always test your contraptions outside and safely away from your abode, but I'm sure you know that.[emoji41]

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mattboyrd said:
You can build your own for much less than that!  I'm considering it!

Always test your contraptions outside and safely away from your abode, but I'm sure you know that.  You're no fun!  :)
I'll amend that. Test them away from your child. [emoji2]

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mattboyrd said:
I'll amend that. Test them away from your child. [emoji2]

Sent from my SM-G925V using Tapatalk

Give her the hose, or bottle of water, better yet a fire extinguisher & teach her how to pull the pin, aim, squeeze direct yada yada, tell her to stand back and watch & be ready to rescue the testee :D
Best wishes on Launch Day! No more shoveling sidewalks for you. The open road is waiting.