My new E-350 Extended van

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Thanks for the advice ccbreder.  The switches are rated at 15 amps each.  I don't have any 12 volt loads that will draw more power than that.  They should be okay. 
I got one of the four main switched circuits installed today.&nbsp; The circuit powers the refrigerator, its compressor cooling fan, and the microwave.&nbsp; Each has its own switch.&nbsp; The bottom switch controls the microwave outlets.&nbsp; The top two switches control the refrigerator and its cooling fan.&nbsp; <br><br>When the&nbsp;switch plate is installed it will be labeled for what each switch is for.&nbsp; <br><br>The third picture shows the wiring channels in use.&nbsp; You can see how the a/c wiring is routed through it.&nbsp; They did a very good job.&nbsp; Keeps the wiring out of the way but easily accessible if any needs to be added or modified later.&nbsp; <br><br>I'm hoping to get a lot further tomorrow.&nbsp; I have most of what I need now, so I should be able to work on it most of the day.
I'm taking a break, so I thought I would add a few pictures along the way.&nbsp; <br><br>I wasn't sure how best to latch the DVD compartment door.&nbsp; I found these latches at a local rv dealership parts department.&nbsp; They are called thumb latches.&nbsp; They are basically just like the locks you use on desk drawers except there is no key.&nbsp; <br><br>It did a really good job and was super simple to install in a tight space.&nbsp; At just over $3 each, I recommend them to anyone.&nbsp; You can't find even a cheap latch for that price.
Have a few more of the outlets wired and switched.&nbsp; The first two pictures are of the kitchen outlet.&nbsp; Will eventually have a second one on the other side of the counter.&nbsp; Both of these have their own switches.&nbsp; These are heavy duty receptacles wired to a single circuit breaker.&nbsp; They will be used for heavy individual loads like space heaters or toaster ovens.<br><br>The third picture is the air conditioner receptacle.&nbsp; It will be switched from the main switch panel.&nbsp; <br><br>
I finished up the most challenging circuit today.&nbsp; The first two pictures show the wiring connections.&nbsp; It is fairly complex.&nbsp; Basically, it is two duplex outlets in a double outlet box.&nbsp; Each duplex outlet is split, so that each is an independant circuit controlled by its own switch.&nbsp; <br><br>This will be the outlet box for the entertainment area.&nbsp; The TV, DVD player and anything else in that area will be plugged in here.&nbsp; Each thing can be independantly turned off or on.&nbsp; This is important as all of these things are 120 volt ac powered.&nbsp; An inverter will be used for this primarily, so power conservation is important.&nbsp;
This is one of the rear outlet boxes.&nbsp; There is one on each side.&nbsp; There will be a power access door in the back driver's side door.&nbsp; The outlet box on that side can be used to power things outside of the vehicle through this door.&nbsp; <br><br>The one on the passenger side will be available if I need power in the back rear inside of the van.&nbsp; The battery bank will be in the same area, so it may be used for a battery charger as needed.
I took these to give an idea of what the switch panels will look like when they are finished.&nbsp; Both switch banks will use the steel outlet covers.&nbsp; I will use magnetic labels for each of the switches.&nbsp; They will stick to the outlet cover.&nbsp; That way I can change the labels as needed.
I got a good bit more of the ac wiring done today.&nbsp; The first picture is of the outlet for the power converter.&nbsp; It can be turned on or off from the main switch panel.&nbsp; <br><br>The second picture is of the right, rear outlet.&nbsp; It gives you an idea of how the wiring is routed around the bed frame.<br><br>The third picture shows some of the wiring routed through the closet to the main switch panel.<br><br>The fourth picture shows the switch panel.&nbsp; The right panel is for the 120 volt ac wiring.&nbsp; It is complete.&nbsp; One switch is not being used.&nbsp; The rest are being used to control all of the outlets in the vehicle.&nbsp; I will get the labels on in the next few days.&nbsp; I am using magnetic labels so I can change them whenever I need to.&nbsp; <br><br>The left panel will be used for 12 volt dc wiring.&nbsp; I am hoping to get all of that done over the next few days.&nbsp; It is alot less involved than the ac wiring.
I got a bit more of the cabinetry done over the last few days.&nbsp; I have the drawers completed and just about all of the cabinet doors and panels installed on the passenger side cabinet area that I've been working on.&nbsp; It is pretty much done now.&nbsp; I have a few small panel pieces to add and a little more wiring to do, but it is 95% done.&nbsp; It really looks alot better with all the panels done.&nbsp; <br><br>I have a lot of little small things to catch up on.&nbsp; I will try to get as much of that done over the next few days as I can.&nbsp; <br><br>Should get going on the driver's side cabinet area this coming week.<br><br>
<p>I finally got the side door windows insulated and covered.&nbsp; I also finished getting the stove exhaust fan power wires ran and the last trim panel installed.&nbsp; It was a pain, but it looks pretty good.</p>
I finished up the bed accessible storage area today.&nbsp; The hard part was the wiring.&nbsp; It has one switched ac outlet and a second switch which controls the 12 volt receptacle.&nbsp;
This is the power distribution box.&nbsp; All but one of the 120 vac circuit breakers are wired.&nbsp; I have the first three 12vdc circuits wired also.&nbsp; They go much faster.&nbsp; Should be able to get the rest of them done fairly quickly.
I found this little organizer at Lowes.&nbsp; At is meant to hold aluminum foil or plastic wrap type boxes.&nbsp; It should give me just a little bit more storage capacity.&nbsp; It is in the camper potti compartment.&nbsp; It may end up getting used for toilet paper.&nbsp; I will probably get another one for the cabinet under the sink.&nbsp; It is about the right size to also hold paper plates.&nbsp;
I put the pull handles on the drawers a few days ago.&nbsp; This shows them in place.&nbsp; They matched up pretty well.&nbsp; Thickness was an odd size and I had to get different screws, but that was the only hangup.&nbsp;
I got started on the driver side cabinet today.&nbsp; These are the first two uprights in place.&nbsp; I have to do the floor pieces before I can do the rest.&nbsp; It will rain the rest of the weekend, so I probably won't get those done until next week.&nbsp;
With rain coming for the next several days, I shifted to things that I can do on the inside of the van.&nbsp; My parts arrived for the tv and related hardware.&nbsp; I decided to work on that and any other small things for the next few days.&nbsp; I got the holes cut for the low voltage mounts for the tv receptacle and antenna and audio/video wiring.&nbsp; <br><br>I also have the board that the tv will mount to being stained and urethaned.&nbsp; I'm hoping to get all of that installed tomorrow.&nbsp; <br><br>I am planning on using a Winegard Sensar antenna for tv reception.&nbsp; The small low voltage box on the left is where the antenna power supply and connection point will mount.&nbsp; The other larger low voltage box will hold a power outlet for the tv and a feed through port for audio/video and hdmi cables.&nbsp;
The weather held off long enough that I was able to work under the van a little bit yesterday.&nbsp; I managed to get the floor runners cut and bolted down for the cabinetry on the driver's side.&nbsp; It was a real pain in the behind.&nbsp; There are a lot more obstructions below the van on the driver's side than there were on the passenger side.&nbsp; Rear a/c lines, gas tank, fuel lines, support bracing, just to name a few.&nbsp; I wanted to have a few more anchor points in, but there just wasn't room to do anymore.&nbsp; It should be more than sturdy enough with what's there now, but I tend to over-engineer things.&nbsp; I prefer a bit of a safety margin.&nbsp; <br><br>It looks like the rain has stopped for at least a little while now after having rained all night and this morning.&nbsp; I'm going to see if I can get the rest of the cabinet uprights in today.
Nice job! Will start working on my 2001 E350xt bubble top after the 7.3 diesel is more reliable. I am taking notes.. thanks
Thanks wagoneer.&nbsp; It's taking longer than I wanted it to, but it's a really big job to do a van this big right.&nbsp; I haven't seen any other vehicles like it done, so I don't have a lot of examples to look at.&nbsp; I'm just trying to do it the way I think will work out best.&nbsp; I did learn a lot from my first conversion of a much smaller van.&nbsp; I'm trying to incorporate all the things I really wished I had had with the first one and fix any little problems that I discovered as well.&nbsp; Having said that, it's still pretty much new territory.&nbsp; If there's any advice I can give or things I've done you'd like explained better just let me know.&nbsp; Most of the measurements on yours should be pretty much identical to mine.&nbsp; I will gladly share anything that might help you along your way.<br><br>I pretty much try to post things within a day or two of when they are done, so if you spot anything I can do better or should incorporate, please let me know.&nbsp; I certainly accept good feedback.&nbsp; What matters is doing it the best it can be no matter where the ideas came from.<br><br>Thanks, Patrick
I got all of the cabinet upright supports in place today on the driver side.&nbsp; They actually went in pretty easily.&nbsp; Longest part of it was making sure they were all evenly spaced.

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