My new E-350 Extended van

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Ah ok i understand now <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"> Sounds like a cool plan.
I ended up working on the fresh water tank today.&nbsp; I got it cleaned out and sanitized.&nbsp; I also installed new fittings and got started on the mounts that keep it from moving around.&nbsp; My bolts ended up being the wrong size, so I couldn't get it all mounted.&nbsp; Will pick up the right ones after work tomorrow and finish up mounting the tank.&nbsp; Will post pictures when that is done.
I finally got the fresh water tank mounts installed today.&nbsp; It was a real pain in the butt to get them all bolted down.&nbsp; It has to be really secure.&nbsp; The tank is 60 gallons.&nbsp; Full, it will be around 500 pounds so it can't have any room to move at all.&nbsp; It fits nice and snug in the frame built to secure it.&nbsp; I also got the first of the bed platform supports installed at the back of the van, along with one of its braces.&nbsp; I should be able to start moving a little faster now.&nbsp; It's supposed to rain tomorrow, so I will work on some of the small interior things until the rain lets up.
hey coultergeist,&nbsp;that a big water tank for a van !! 500 pounds wow, why so much water needed?fellow traveler gary&nbsp;
I was shooting for about 30 gallons originally, but I got a really good deal on this tank.&nbsp; I will have a shower setup in the van, so more water is a good thing.&nbsp; My goal is to not have to rely on any external hook-ups as much as possible.&nbsp; I would like to go at least a week or more between needing to refill the water tank.&nbsp; I figure if I need that capacity then I will have it.&nbsp; If I end up needing less, I don't have to fill it completely.&nbsp; If I went with a smaller tank and then needed more capacity, it would be difficult to adapt later after everything is built.
It rained off and on today, but it actually stopped for several hours after I got off work.&nbsp; I ended up getting the rest of the bed rails in today.&nbsp; I could have gotten a little more done, but I ended up running out of screws.&nbsp; I will try to get a little more done tomorrow.
<p>Spent yesterday measuring and trying to work out some details of what needed to still be built.&nbsp; Realized I needed more two-by-fours.&nbsp; I decided to take an assembly line approach to get them ready to be used faster.&nbsp; I stained them all at the same time.&nbsp; Then went through and did the coats of spar urethane.&nbsp; They should all be dried and ready to work with tomorrow.&nbsp; Should give me enough to get a good bit done.&nbsp; Before I would measure and cut a few pieces and then stain and urethane them.&nbsp; I would then have to wait until the next day to use them.&nbsp; This way they will all be ready at the same time.&nbsp; I will just have to stain and seal the end of each piece when I cut it to length.&nbsp; That will only be an hour or two wait at most.&nbsp; This should speed up the process alot this weekend.&nbsp;</p>
<p>While I was getting the wood stained and urethaned today, I had some down time waiting for the various coats to dry.&nbsp; I went through my plumbing plan and figured out exactly what I would need.&nbsp; I had some fitting already, but they weren't the best way to do it.&nbsp; The fittings in the picture are what I plan to use to run the fresh water lines.&nbsp; I will be able to hook-up to a hose for city water input or use a 12v pump to pull water from the fresh water tank.&nbsp; My goal was to make things as simple as possible and be really easy to maintain and replace parts if needed.&nbsp; To that end all water lines will be 1/2 inch flexible hose.&nbsp;</p><p>The city water input hose will attach to the garden hose Y-adapter.&nbsp; One hose will go to the water fill port on the fresh water tank.&nbsp; The other hose will attach to a tee on its way to the kitchen faucet.&nbsp; The water pump will draw water from the fresh water tank and attach to the other port on the same&nbsp;tee on its way to the kitchen faucet.&nbsp; Just before the line from the water input tee attaches to the faucet it will feed into another tee.&nbsp; This will split the water line.&nbsp; One port will go to the cold water side of the faucet.&nbsp; The other port will go to the instant hot water heater and from there return to the hot water side of the faucet.&nbsp; <br><br>I opted to not use any extra check valves in the system.&nbsp; The pump itself has a check valve so water from the city water input can't back-up through it.&nbsp; The two on-off levers on the garden hose Y-adapter will be used to control fresh water input.&nbsp; When no external water hose is attached, both on-off levers will be in the off position.&nbsp; This will keep water from the pump from escaping that way and serve the same function that a check-valve would.&nbsp; It will also keep any water from the tank fill port from escaping from the fill line.&nbsp; <br><br>When I need to fill the water tank, I will attach a water hose to the hose Y-adapter and turn on the valve that leads to the water tank fill port.&nbsp; As soon as the tank is full, turn off the valve.&nbsp; I can keep the hose attached and use it for water with it still attached with the other valve on.&nbsp;<br><br>I think this will be the absolute simplest approach to having both city water hook-up, fresh water tank fill port and 12v pump supplied water in one all-inclusive system using commonly available parts.</p>
Use potable water hose. For your plumbing, Pex tubing would be good. Thanks for all the info, every idea is a good lead.
You're welcome ccbreder.&nbsp; Hope it helps someone down the road.&nbsp; I am using 1/2 inch potable water flexible hose for all the hose runs except the line from the hot water heater to the faucet.&nbsp; That will have to be something capable of the heat. Haven't decided yet what I will use for that.&nbsp; The shower hose will attach to the sink faucet with a portable dishwasher quick release fitting.&nbsp; One end permanently screws into the end of the faucet.&nbsp; The shower hose will attach to the other piece.&nbsp; Works like a quick release for a garden hose.&nbsp; Should be the simplest way to run things in my setup.&nbsp; <br><br>When I want a shower I will just attach the hose to the kitchen faucet with the quick release.&nbsp; Adjust water temp and then get the shower.&nbsp; Turn off the faucets and disconnect the hose when I'm finished and stow it away.&nbsp; It will have the added advantage of allowing me to run a line easily outside to take a shower there as well by running the line out the side door. Could also use it to wash dishes or anything else outside as well.<br><br>The picture is of the portable dish washer quick release that I will be using to hook the shower to the faucet.
That is a great idea.<br>The PEX plastic plumbing lines are used for hot water.
Thanks ccbreder.&nbsp; I will definitely have to check out the PEX lines.&nbsp; Those are easy to get many places, so they will likely be how I run the hot water line back to the faucet from the water heater.&nbsp; I appreciate the help.
I haven't felt real great the last couple of days, so not much got done over the weekend.&nbsp; I did get the first of the uprights installed for the cabinet between the kitchen area and the bed compartment today.&nbsp;
I got the back rear upright put in yesterday, along with the base piece that will support it and the two center supports on the passenger side.&nbsp; The camping potti and the air conditioner will sit in the base of that cabinet between the kitchen area and the bed.&nbsp; I will have drawers and a closet for hanging clothes above the potti.&nbsp; I'm still working out exactly how I will layout the remaining cabinet space above the air conditioner.&nbsp; Would love to keep working on it today, but it has been raining all day and will likely continue throughout the evening.
It looks like it will be a good weekend to work on the van. As long as the weather holds out, I should be able to get the cabinet I'm working on mostly done. My internet is being troublesome at the moment, but I will take pictures along the way and post them as soon as I can.
Still having trouble with pictures. Will post as soon as I can. I finished all the framing on the cabinet I was working on. I now have two drawers, a compartment for the camping potty, a compartment for the air conditioner, a hanging clothes closet, and a cabinet space with adjustable shelves. I also finished all the supports for the bed area. I am working on electrical stuff now. I have the power panel installed. I am doing all the outlets and switches now for 120 ac. I will do all the 12 volt dc stuff next. Will post pictures just as soon as possible.
wow, thank's for the photo's, looking good, a great bug out van!!!&nbsp;keep them pic's a post on this website. fellow traveler gary
Thanks bigou and fellow traveler Gary. Its been a lot of work, but its coming together pretty well. Rain is really slowing things down. Should be able to post more pictures today or tomorrow.
Finally, got the internet thing working right again, so I will try to do a little updating.&nbsp; I got the stove and kitchen area exhaust fan panel installed in the van.&nbsp; I still have to run the power wiring to it and add one more piece of trim wood below it, but the panel itself is in place.&nbsp; Should finish it out completely this week.&nbsp; I did run it off of a portable power supply and it worked really well.