Musings While in My Sleeping Capsule

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I suppose I shouldn't say I wasn't offered the chance to settle down. I was... 3 times.<br>First girl was not adventurous at all. No curiosity about other cultures, no involvement with world changing ideas. I had to cut the relationship off early. It went nowhere. <br>Second girl I knew we would not agree on religion. She's way too much of an eager converter for Christ and I just wasn't gonna have any of that, I knew deep in my heart. (I was a "all religions pray to one god anyway" type of person at the time) She traveled a lot for she was a missionary but I did not see myself traveling to places just to accompany her on her conversion missions. Leaves a bad taste in my mouth when they hold food ransom while they give sermons to hungry children first.<br>Third girl was settled down and would only travel down well worn paths. There's an itinerary, guided tours and schedules. <br>While some of that was fun, I would not find that fulfilling in the long run. Plus, we had way different life goals. I wanted to travel more, she settles in one place and would travel only occasionally (living in other countries long term is out of the question).<br>So I guess I have been given chances.<br>And I... I took the path less traveled. <br>So yeah, now I am single, 40 but I got tons of pictures and experiences everywhere and racking up more each month that I live on this good earth.
Nice to have you back, Rod!
Taiwan, huh?<br><br>Getting DW to travel is easy enough. Getting her to live elsewhere? Doubtful.<br><br>Enjoy hearing about your adventures.
Thanks, Cyndi, Seraphim!<br>Good to read about your post, OPenminds. <img rel="lightbox" src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" class="bbc_img"><br><br>Yeah, lots of arrangements can be made through the Philippine consulate.<br><br>I joked with my fellow Texan when we went out to the malls that he's probably the only unmarried Caucasian dude in the country. (he's on a date right now with our single neighbor <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"> )&nbsp;<img rel="lightbox" src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" class="bbc_img"> Every guy we met was married to a Filipina. One guy we met shipped all his belongings here --including furniture dating back to the Civil War! Everyone has their stories. Some are former military, others just heard about the Philippines through friends, and a third group met their wives online. But the one thing most have in common is they found the right lady for them and they found the right place to retire in... someplace warm, cheap and safe.<br><br>In the area I live in, we pretty much have everything around us. All the restaurants, shops, fast food chains you can possibly want. Hooray for economic development. <img rel="lightbox" src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" class="bbc_img"><br><br><br><br><br>
I am living in a stick and brick right now. With my folks. It's ok.<br>I know I went into van living in 2011 to head off a big wallop to my wallet in 2012.&nbsp;<br>And boy, was it a paycut... comparing my tax returns, my income for 2012 is half of what it was in 2011. Half!<br>I even qualified for Earned Income credit which hasn't happened in years.&nbsp;<br>Oh well, I was ready for 2012 as I said.<br>The wagons were circled and my van was ready for its lone occupant. Admittedly, I camped out in my office cubicle the summer months. Boy that was a long wait.<br>But as the winter came down, it was sweet living!<br>Last January, I signed over my van to its new owner.<br><br>This year promises to be a good one. So far, I've traveled to 4 neat destinations and made 5 drives to my uncle's ranch for a weekend getaway. It's been a productive 3 and a half months.<br><br>As part of getting my travel buddy ready for the eating culture here, I said be ready... you will be attending at least 1 full spread banquet a week on average. And that's held true! Aside from the usual bountiful table we have each day (3-5 dishes per meal), we did go to 1 banquet a week (the people holding it have those buffet tables with large, heated rectangular metal servers).<br><br>I am scheduled to fly back to the US at the end of summertime.<br>It's still a long ways away, but now, I am looking at options for a future home once again. And of course, the vans and RV's are not far from my google searches! <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"><br><br>I guess I like my current setup because it's been taken care of for me. It's my folks' place and it's paid off so I don't have to worry about that. All I need to do is give them money for the expenses each month. (I did that even when I was camping in my van)<br>The van was a means to an end for me. A way to keep more of my cash in my wallet.&nbsp;<br><br>But now, I am looking again for more techniques to save on cash when I get back.<br>I will be reading all the great posts on here again and will be studying how I can get a vehicle with electricity for real this time (my poor solar panel's been in the box now for nearly 2 years!).<br><br>My van life may be on hold for now, but I keep my spirits up by reading the wonderful posts on here.<br>It was great living in it for 2 winters in succession. I think I like my setup where I run out to Asia in the summertime.&nbsp;
Had a strange dream last night. <br>I dreamt I was looking at some RV's --class A's.<br>Then I saw what looked like a minibus.<br>It has been cleared of its seats and the couple selling it seems to have lived in it already.<br>But the price they offered was really cheap --$59, I remember.<br>Sometimes in dreams, I cannot read words or see numbers. But in this instance, I could read the 59 price tag clearly.<br><br>Doubtful, I took the vehicle for a spin with the guy in it.<br>It was a diesel engine and it seemed to work well.<br>I was about to take it to a mechanic when I woke up.<br><br>I thought this would be relevant to this forum so I shared it.<br>It's been almost 3 months now without my home on wheels.<br><br>Happy travels to the rest of you.<br>I will be reading your tales instead.
My vehicles have been very kind to me.

Abby was my 98 Ford Explorer. Served me well and for a while, I considered converting Abby into a van home. Certainly had a lot of space at the back and when you pulled the passengers seats forward, there was plenty room for a bed.

Great White is my first van home. I will always have a soft spot in my heart for the big lumbering hulk. Ford 95 E350. I was too excited and settled for a low roof to my everlasting regret. Still, Great White was tons of fun. Was also very kind to me. When I sold it to a new owner, Great White was nice enough to hold off and crap out on the next guy.

Now, I am looking for my third vehicle. As I get ready to go back Stateside for longer, I am considering my very first Prius. (inspired by stories on this site and other places)
Hello and welcome back!
I really enjoyed reading your blogs/posts.
Did you stay in the Philippines during the 10 months between your last two postings? Travel a lot?

I'm new to this sight, but wanted to say hello.

Take care :)
Thank you! OMG. It has been 10 months, hasn't it?
I briefly returned to Texas in August. My welcome there has not been that great.
As fate would have it, a family emergency had me flying back to the Philippines in September. so I only really spent 35 days in the US.
Last December, to break the monotony of being here, I went to Hong KOng for a visit with some friends. It's similar to Taiwan although Taiwan is cleaner and more efficient. Still, Hong Kong is a prized jewel as well and an older city because of its British roots. Very fascinating touring the place and getting to know how life is there.

Hope you enjoy your visit to this site. I shall try to post more often, but I am housebound right now so nothing much happens except the occasional foray to restaurants and such.

Take care as well!