Musings While in My Sleeping Capsule

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Thanks, Seraphim. <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"><br />It's another warm-ish night down here in Texas. It feels like Fall. I am amazed. I cannot imagine what summer will be like here. As a result, I am thankful I am going overseas. Although the heat will probably be the same along with an added helping of humidity, I am planning on purchasing a woven bed to alleviate the summer heat there.<br /><br />It's part of an ongoing experiment on sustainable living which I always try to move forward whenever I can. In the Philippines, we used to build homes that were perfect for the weather there. They built stone homes with thick walls and beds made of woven tough grass with holes so your back and entire body can get ventilation.<br /><br />I am planning on getting such a bed when I get there. (I suppose only rare artisans now make them but it is all part of the thrill of the treasure hunt.) I did not succeed in locating a woven bed earlier this year, but I am hoping to get one before the summer sets in.<br /><br />Good night, America!<br /><br /><br />
<p style="margin: 0px; font-family: 'Times New Roman'; font-size: medium;">I'm in a motel for the night.</p><div style="font-family: 'Times New Roman'; font-size: medium;"><p style="margin: 0px;">I reckon this happens every now and then to everyone who lives in a wheeled home.</p></div><div style="font-family: 'Times New Roman'; font-size: medium;"><p style="margin: 0px;">A bit under the weather... Nose clogged... eh... I might as well pony up the cash can bunk in for the night.</p></div><div style="font-family: 'Times New Roman'; font-size: medium;"><p style="margin: 0px;">Kinda worked out that&nbsp;I am doing this at the coldest night of the week.&nbsp;</p></div><div style="font-family: 'Times New Roman'; font-size: medium;"><p style="margin: 0px;">Would have been bad for my cold to be out there...</p></div><div style="font-family: 'Times New Roman'; font-size: medium;"><p style="margin: 0px;">But as I am here already, I might as well get my buzz clippers out and cut my hair... get lots of facial maintenance done since I got a sink and restroom to myself. Also did some laundry with the facilities. Tomorrow, it's free breakfast at the main building.&nbsp;</p></div><div style="font-family: 'Times New Roman'; font-size: medium;"><p style="margin: 0px;">&nbsp;</p></div><div style="font-family: 'Times New Roman'; font-size: medium;"><p style="margin: 0px;">And to complete my motel experience, I ordered in some pizza. Did not know I was that hungry as I finished all but 2 slices of a large 14 incher. <img rel="lightbox" src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" class="bbc_img"></p></div><div style="font-family: 'Times New Roman'; font-size: medium;"><p style="margin: 0px;">&nbsp;</p></div><div style="font-family: 'Times New Roman'; font-size: medium;"><p style="margin: 0px;">So with the AC cranked to a balmy 72... a runny nose and a heavy head... I bid you...</p><div>&nbsp;</div></div><div style="font-family: 'Times New Roman'; font-size: medium;">&nbsp;Good night! <img rel="lightbox" src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" class="bbc_img"></div>
I just got up from sleeping in my little cottage on wheels! It's been a cold night last night, but my overhead tent combined with thermals and 3 layers of blankets did the trick. Nice and comfy and I slept straight till 8 AM this morning.&nbsp;<br>Top of the morning to everyone and cheerio!
WEll, here I am again in my little nest. It's not as cold as it was yesterday.&nbsp;<br><br>What I learned while in my van:<br>1) I definitely need a vehicle I can stand inside.<br>2) I want a full kitchen. I miss cooking real meals.<br>3) Because of the space constraints, I am *this* close to saying goodbye to stealth and just getting a Winnebago.<br>4) Weather forecasts are my friend. <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"><br>5) I can live without piped in water and a proper shower. Even if I lived in a Winnebago, I might not give up my old habits of alcohol scrubs.<br>6) I will definitely need an independent power source for my laptop needs.<br>7) Powdered millk, powdered cocoa... powdered everything. <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"><br>8) Putting a small tent over my head preserves the heat around my face without hiding under the blankets.<br>9) This life is sweet and I am ready for stage two!<br><br><br>Update on my future plans:<br>I will still be active here and reading all your wonderful posts. I just will live in a normal house for about half the coming year.<br>I plan to sell Great White (interested parties may contact me). Bare van or with whatever is in it already including the futon bed, storage crates, clothes containers, porta potti. Your choice. It's got new tires and a new radiator.<br><br><br><br><br>
Just back from a small grocery run. It's actually so cold, I just left my refrigeration needy stuff out on the front passenger seat where they will remain cool until I can sort them in the morning.
<P>Good trick sometimes.&nbsp; I left a gallon of milk out last night for the same reason, but it froze solid.<BR><BR>Dug out my M1949 US Army Arctic/Mountain down sleeping bag for the first time in a longish time and had a parade of cats in there with me.&nbsp; You happen to need a cat?</P>
Rain, have a good time in the PI. I loved them when I was in the service....they were one place I wanted to go back to....<br>Prolly won't tho....<br>Cheers,<br>Bri
Back now in my small cubbyhole. The night is slightly warmer than the past 2 days. I am getting used to the cold, finally. Yeah, I am gonna miss this stage of my van life... living in this little cave. But I think I am ready for the next stage.<br>I will be back van living again next year. Hopefully, I will be able to score a slightly larger vehicle which will allow me to have a kitchen and a proper toilet.&nbsp;<br>For now, I count my blessings each night. I have a warm bed, a laptop to go online with and everything I need for a comfy night's sleep.<br><br>
Thanks, Bri! Yep, should be a good time. Of course, when I am there, I miss my life here as well. It's not perfect and it is actually a challenge to do things like bathe and prepare foods, but it's the life you choose, you know? <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"> I am proud of what I have undergone so far. I look forward to resuming the van life when I return.<br>Glad to hear you had a good time there. Yep, good peoples...
I hope you'll document your travels in Europe on your blog, Rod! And, of course, keep us updated, here!
Thanks Cyndi! I fully intend to remain active in the blogs here even though I am gonna be land locked for a while without a van home. <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"> So don't worry. I will be chiming in every now and then.
<br><br>This may be my last post for 2012. <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"> Tomorrow, I will be busy going to my brother's for New Year's eve.<br><br> Today has been a good day again.<br> Got lots of game board work finished. I am getting really close to publishing the product online. Excited!<br><br> Today also marks the final time I cooked outside.<br> It's a bit cold but whatever! I took out the electric griddle and seared up some elk burgers. Ummm-mmm!<br> That stuff was good! Throw in some homemade salsa on top with slices on onion and some bread and mayo... over the top spectacular treat on a cold day. <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"><br><br> Happy with that. I still got 2 grilled patties left so excited about having them for lunch tomorrow.<br><br> As I cooked them burgers out in the open, I can only imagine what it would be like when I finally fulltime it... you mean I get to do this everyday? Man! That'll be exciting and awesome!<br> But that's for next year... late next year.<br><br> For now, hope everyone had a good year.<br> Happy New Year and may 2013 bring new and better things for you!<br><br>
The Weekend <br> Saturday.<br> Looked at my very first class A. Impressive layout and awesome interior.<br> Engine rumbling in the background, all I could think of the entire time I was inside was "Gasoline prices".<br><br> Stopped by BBQ place to have brisket, green beans and creamed corn. Not bad for a pit stop.<br><br> Went downtown and strolled some because it was a fine, fine day.<br> Met old friends and had pleasant conversation much of the afternoon.<br><br> Dinner was at a Mediterranean restaurant with beef/lamb kabobs and Persian salads. Perfect end to the day.<br> Or so I thought.<br> Night time was different. wind came blowing in and along with it, apparently cedar and pollen.<br> My nose became a sneezing machine for 30 whole minutes, eyes began to swell. Ran down to Walgreens to grab antihistamines and an air mask.<br><br> I was royally ticked off. This has never happened to me before in my life!<br> Now I know what allergies feel like... or is it we are just polluting our world more that more resistant types like me are now feeling it?<br> The severe fluctuations in weather and temperature are messing with my sinuses big time this winter.<br><br> It'll be a relief to get out of here and into better climates.<br><br> Lent my little home to a friend the past 2 nights. Boy, did I miss sleeping in my own bed! When I get that next vehicle, I must make sure it has 2 beds at least.<br><br> Sunday was a swollen eye misery.<br> Man, I was hacked off. This allergy thing that people suffer under is a bad, bad thing indeed. I am all new to this and I am really looking for culprits. Am I just getting weaker? Or is the world getting worse, weather and pollution-wise? I really got ticked off this morning thinking about how them climate change deniers would say nothing is wrong. A cleaner planet is better for everyone regardless. Now even I am being affected. This is shit!<br><br> Well, day wore on.... went online, did a little work.<br> But nothing much got done. I am still with really red eyes.<br> For the first time, I tried the eyedrops along with the cucumber slices over the eyes.<br> What do you know? It actually works, the cucumber slices!<br> My eyes did feel better. But also, I wore the mask religiously as well as take one more antihistamine pill.<br><br> I was in a good enough condition to go to a fancy dinner thrown by my Editor in Chief for us artists in town.<br> Great shindig and good eats at a Brazilian restaurant. More steak and lamb chops galore! I am one happy camper tonight!<br> So there ends my weekend. Both the good and the bad.<br> Thankfully, I was well enough to enjoy it 80% of the time.<br><br>THAT made up for the bad allergy night of Saturday.<br><br>Monday!<br>Monday was spent working at half-impulse due to the cold. (It resurged again night before)<br>Had some ground elk stew for lunch accompanied by a baked portabello mushroom.<br>Treated myself to some Popeye's chicken come dinner time.&nbsp;<br>As you can see, dear friend, this lifestyle affords me to eat out a lot and I intend to enjoy it to the fullest.<br><br>Today was much better. I had some Thai curry for lunch which set the mood for the entire day.<br>Upbeat, productive and happy! finally almost at 95% recovery.<br><br>
It's cold tonight, but I am managing with 2 layers of sweaters over a t shirt and 2 lower layers made up of thermals and jogging pants. Over that is 3 blankets and 1 woven blanket for my head.<br>Wanted to fire up the gas heater but I misplaced my canisters!&nbsp;<br>Ah well...<br>We'll see what tomorrow brings.&nbsp;<br><br>Good night and stay warm in your rolling homes!&nbsp;
Ooo Boy! It's major flu outbreak out there, my friends.&nbsp;<br>I am in a warm hotel room for the night to stave off an escalation of a bad cold I had yesterday.<br>And to isolate myself from any possible pathogen carriers in my weakened state...<br>...and to get some stuff done like cut my hair in a real toilet for once.<br>I remember the tips of the forum veterans on here about doing plenty of things while you have access to a room and toilet.<br>So thanks for that.<br><br>Good choice too and just in time. If there's anything I learned about living like this... it's to follow my body's signals early.<br>Man, am I thankful I am in a warm bed tonight. It's just too cold and too windy for my little home. Not to mention the cedar is out of control in my area.<br><br>Good night and stay warm!<br><br>
Thanks.<br>Yeah, I am better now and recovered from that episode.&nbsp;<br>Experiencing that made me think about the ramifications of being in a mobile home as opposed to a heated apartment.<br>I have to either get an actual home on wheels which will give me everything including heat, space and comfort or go back to apartment living.<br>What I learned is my van is too small for my needs.<br>I work regularly so I need studio space in my own home to accomplish things faster. It's made me rethink my plans.<br><br>Anyway, glad to be well and up again.
<p>It's nice and cool outside as I type this.</p><p>My bed frame has already been removed and I am lying on the foam of my bed right on the floor of my van, Great White.</p><p>I signed over my trusty friend today to its new owner. Although I am allowed to use it for a few more nights.&nbsp;</p><p>This is it... my last 5 nights in the van.</p><p>The flight awaits on Saturday.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>This is my last dance with Great White. My wonderful little home on wheels that kept me safe and dry from rains and the worst of the cold winds. A new vehicle awaits me in the future... probably something bigger and with a full kitchen and bath.&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Each day from now on, there will be less and less stuff in the van.</p><p>Tomorrow, I will be taking my closet rack apart and keeping just the essential clothes in here.</p><p>By Friday, there will only be the foam to bring out into storage.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Good night, y'all.</p>
<strong>I am no longer living in Great White. She is sold to a new happy owner as a cargo van once again... However, I am now living in the Philippines where you don't have to live in a van.</strong><br><strong>Well, one because it's freaking hot and you will roast, two because housing is affordable here as well as fresh food from the market.</strong><br><br><strong>Anyways, here is a post I did elsewhere on life's decisions:&nbsp;</strong><br><br>I cannot offer any advice on the choices you have to make. They are choices not available to me for I have not faced your road before (or maybe I had and broke up relationships early--who knows...).<br><br>However, your mentioning of Taiwan reminded me of my trip there more than 3 weeks ago. It will open your eyes and you will be AMAZED.<br>I now call Taiwan a true first world. Holding fast to tradition while embracing a quickly developing future.<br>The discipline of people and the order of that society is astounding.<br>You can go on a shoestring budget. <br>I went there spending only $400 for 4 days --hotel and flight included (but I did fly from the Philippines which is closer).<br>It's civilization on a whole other level I have not even imagined possible. Certainly not a country I thought was "developing". No, no no. <br>It is so advanced, it is actually painful for me to realize we've fallen behind this tiny island and its 6,000 year old culture. <br>The freaking hotel amenities alone are unbelievable.<br><br>I cannot imagine visiting Taipei as an older person. There's so much to do and so many cuisines to try. You need a younger, robust body to withstand the foodie experience and all the walking. Otherwise, you'd be confined to a tour bus along with the other retirees following a set route. Man, I felt really lucky to be young and have the stamina to walk all over the place. The tour groups were herded like cattle through the museums but we were free to examine the priceless artifacts to our heart's content. So much to see and experience!<br><br>More of my Taipei adventure can be read here: <br><br><br>This is part of why I chose to be a vagabond now in my 40's. My life has indeed BEGUN!<br>I cannot wait to see other Asian countries nearby. My travel buddy from Texas is my guest in my home here in the Philippines and he is fast falling in love with the islands. <br><br>When I compiled my pictures today, I realized I've been all over the place since 2009 when I began this odyssey.<br>Prior to this, I've been living most of my life in San Antonio Texas.<br><br>New Orleans. Corpus Christi (3 times), Laredo, Houston (more times than I can count), Austin, Dallas, Riverside CA, Koreatown Los Angeles, Boston MA, Maine, Connecticut... Overseas, I lived in Sydney (4 months), Brisbane (8 months), visited Canberra, Wellington New Zealand, came home to the Philippines and lived an aggregate of nearly a year the past 3 years here... I went back and forth during all that time... Philippines, Australia, New Zealand... then the occasional trip back to the US of A to file my taxes and reconnect with family and friends. (my work is mobile --I specifically sought out work that would be mobile. This was not easy to set up but once I managed to get everything online --my banking, etc., things just fell into place. I worked on my laptop the entire flight from LA to Manila since nowadays you can plug your computer into sockets on chairs.) Now, I just came back from Taiwan with my travel buddy from San Antonio. I went to one beach resort and an island tour just this year alone. <br><br>And living out here in Asia is so cheap... you won't need to resort to van living at all.<br>Just today, I threw a party for 18 relatives at a restaurant to the tune of just $100.<br><br>Anyway, I can go on and on... that's my two cents. There will always be a choice and none of us can have everything in life (unless you are a millionaire but even then they have responsibilities and worries we cannot even think of). Good luck with your decision!