Mental Health Thread

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Well-known member
Jan 2, 2019
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Surely this fits into the topic of topics that dont fit other topics. Or DOES it? 

Hygiene is a medical concern. You can go to the Money subforum to talk about medical bills. But where do you shop for a proctologist in Quartzsite Az (theres a joke in there relating to how full of .... ourselves ... we can become behind a keyboard. Somewhere. :p)? Or a Psychiatrist for that matter? Or ask disability related questions? Good Disability lawyers in service reviews? 

I wish to register a complaint. This parrot is deceased. 

We need a medical section. 

I could have raised the issue with forum admins. Yes. I could have. 

I could have also created a poll if the feature existed on this forum. 

This is a FANTASTIC site folks. If it's a matter of bandwidth for the server I'd gladly donate to the cause. I'm sure others would as well. Create a poll on that if you please. 

I have yet to share with any of you people ("YOU PEOPLE?!" (No disrespect folks. Just a manner of speech)) that I have schizophrenia. 

Things can be more difficult than you may realize or even conceive for other persons due to no fault of their own.

When I first joined the first thing I morally objected to was a womens section. Strictly all women all the time. Men unwelcome. Period. 

Then I thought why would Bob have formed a rift?

He didnt. Women have different needs. And sometimes due to no fault of their own have mental hangups with being around men. 

This is a good thing. 

Now how about coed place for all to talk about not just mental help but where can you find a mammogram in frog balls Arkansas? 

Sorry for the sensationalist presentation but I like to help people. And become enriched by others knowledge. RVers, hitchhikers, hobos, and tramps all need to see the doctor at some point. Being on the road amplifies the need to find a good one locally. 

So go on you scamps, dont swap pills n'er nothin but discuss.

I'll be honest. I havent read the threads. It just sucks that I have to go elsewhere to talk to a schizophrenic. Seeing as we occur at or around 1% within all creeds, walks of life, nationalities, etc. We are a small percentage but given the number of people living in the world today with a keyboard we are many... potentially. If the subject has been decided and closed I suppose I'm assed out. No possibility of advancement. I do understand legal liability but could a large banner not provide a buffer? I.E. the views and opinions expressed may not represent the views and opinions of CRVL?
this has been proposed before and shot down before. just like for politics and religion there are forums out there that specialize in medical questions. you can talk to all the schizophrenic people you want, feel free to check them out. highdesertranger
I just remembered...
There is a nomad support group for people with mental health issues and disorders. Joann was at the RTR and has posted, here. I have a friend that joined and was quite happy with the connection.
I'll see if I can find the link

I looked at Joanne's profile
and she was on the forum yesterday so you could send her a PM

or contact her through the website
I've had PTSD since Vietnam.It has since morphed into manic/depressive which comes and goes.Good Luck.
Yeah I figured it was a long shot. Just figured it might bridge some gaps. I'm a member of a few mental health forums already so I know where I can go but others might not. I'd mention my favorite by name but I'd rather not do so publicly as I share a lot of personal things on there and I'm pretty paranoid about people who know me in real life reading my posts. I could share in PM with individuals who wanted to know I suppose.

I get the aspect of religion/politics/medical advise having no place here. The last thing I want to do is upset someone over their prime minister and members of parliament, or their God/Gods/Goddesses and they left because of it. I also wouldnt wanna see the forum closed because I told someone to just take aspirin and a cold compress and their foot falls off and Bob gets sued. I get it.
bigskybob said:
I've had PTSD since Vietnam.It has since morphed into manic/depressive which comes and goes.Good Luck.

I dont know how I missed your post when i replied a bit ago.

I'm sorry to hear that. I've made some friends in group therapy who have PTSD although most have been women I did meet a soldier from desert storm with PTSD,  severe anxiety, rapid mood swings, hallucinations, the works when I was in a mental hospital for a short time.

My official diagnosis (diagnonsense) is Schizoaffective Disorder Biploar Subtype. It's a combo of schizophrenia and manic depression. YAY. Lol

I'm sure the thread will die soon or be closed but I just wanted to address the issue as I saw it. I'm not embarrassed or ashamed of my condition. I first became symptomatic as a child. No drugs, drinking, smoking, etc. (Not by 5-6yo anyway) this is just the hand I was dealt. I use the same process about how people feel about me once they know as I do for anything. You're either gonna live with it or die from it is all I can tell you cuz it ain't changing because you dont like it. People dont like me? PUCKER UP! The line forms in the rear. :p 

That's my motto.
Dr. Seuss once stated...

"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind."
I don't know if the forums you belong to do this, but the group I mentioned above schedules on line chats and group sessions
As Frog Balls, Arkansas is a 6 hour drive from me I won’t be trying to find a Doctor there.

I found there were also some other places I won’t be going to looking for medical help. For instance Blue Ball, Arkansas which is on the west border of Scott County. Possum grape is another choice little town in Arkansas along with Toad Suck, Arkansas, Monkey Run and Goobertown.

Greasy Corner, Stinking Bay and Weiner Arkansas aren’t on my list of place to find a Doctor either
Mwahahaha. I love it. Like I say it was a sensationalistic approach. I gave a shout out to Frog Balls Arkansas as a way to tip my hat to the late great George Carlin. He was the first person I heard use say it. Also he like i didn't take life too seriously. 

Dont take life too seriously, you'll never make it out alive.
highdesertranger said:
this has been proposed before and shot down before.  just like for politics and religion there are forums out there that specialize in medical questions.  you can talk to all the schizophrenic people you want,  feel free to check them out.  highdesertranger

There are forums that specialize in just about everything we talk about, guns, solar, Chevy vans, Promasters, camp stoves, I think it is a cultural reason, we are not evolved enough yet to talk openly about these taboo subjects, like mental health, religion or politics. We are not that far off, but not today, soon.Maybe one generation has to die off, maybe two.
That's not the case, here, at all. We haven't said no to just a mental health forum. We've said no to a general health forum. We don't need unqualified people handing out medical advice based on anecdotal experience or internet based knowledge
cyndi said:
That's not the case, here, at all. We haven't said no to just a mental health forum. We've said no to a general health forum. We don't need unqualified people handing out medical advice based on anecdotal experience or internet based knowledge

Such a clear head and a SitRep (situational report). 

Flying kurbmaster, it will soon appear that I'm roasting you. I'm not I assure you. 

Ok. So this is the reason I chose to raise the matter in the manner in which I did. This is a social disease. Speaking to mental health specifically. 

I'm glad to know that the matter has at least stirred a few neurons loose in some minds. 

It would be a logistical nightmare to build a mental health section into CRVL. It certainly would. Without a doubt. Given the curve of people talking about SH/SI (Self Harm/ Self Injury) alone would require constant moderation. HDR cant be in every thread at every moment folks. This looks easy this. It's not. These folks put in massive amounts of hard work and money (dollars, kroners, pounds British sterling maybe idk) into making this a safe place to exchange ideas and knowledge. MH comes with moderation. If someone is blatantly in crisis when writing a post there could be safety implications. Not just for the OP but potentially members as well. Crazy people say some wild shit folks. And other people who are in a psychotic episode, or even "cured" people can become triggered. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.

Mental health issues ARE taboo. Out of sight and out of mind. It's easier to deal with something you dont understand by erasing it. It is my understanding than in these great United states of ours up until the 1960s or 70s a court order could force you to be sterilized against your will if you were found to be an epileptic. Cant have that muddying the waters of the gene pool. Slap a label on them. NEXT! 

There is a bigotry against mentally Ill persons. What was I to think at 5 when I started hearing voices? People smarter than me telling me things. Giving advise. Explaining things i didnt understand. 

People who talk to themselves "ain't right in the head". Am i crazy? Oh i hope not. There is definitely a bigotry against the mentally ill. Just like any bigotry i believe we should drag em out into the light. Similarly in ... umm... presentation for lack of a better word to what has been done within the LGBTQ community to give themselves a voice.

We're in this for the long haul folks. Which is better? 1700 thousand million billion fractured communities? Or a world where all persons are created equal?

Sorry to rant. A sometimes drawback of a manic upswing.

I think we are evolved enough to live together in harmony. What we lack is practical knowledge.
XERTYX said:
... I think we are evolved enough to live together in harmony. What we lack is practical knowledge...

Human nature is more of a hurdle than knowledge. In the search for contentment, being realistic will get you closer to that goal than being idealistic.
Wabbit said:
Human nature is more of a hurdle than knowledge. In the search for contentment, being realistic will get you closer to that goal than being idealistic.

Very very very true. I'm a pessimistic optimist opportunist myself.
XERTYX said:
Very very very true. I'm a pessimistic optimist opportunist myself.

That means I prepare for the worst, hope for the best, and take what I can get FYI. :p 

Silly mood sorry. Manic cycles make one happy. Such a distant memory of an emotion at times.
Ok this is overpost. I'm breaking my own rule. But it Is possible this could be the last post someone ever saw on CRVL.

Slow even cycling is far more tolerable most of the time than rapid cycling. No I'm not talking bicycles.

Bipolar/Manic Depression mood swings are something I deal with on a daily basis. Regardless of if I'm in an RV, a tent, the Ritz carlton, or a cell.

I'll never ask anyone to share their experiences unless they are comfortable with sharing. I however am uncomfortable in my own skin but very comfortable with the subterfuge of the internet.
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