Media says we are loosers

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If you have a problem, rather than hijacking a thread, please take it up with an admin or mod in PMs. Or post in the thread that is already discussing the issue of how heavy handed the mods are.

The subject of this thread is Jessica Bruder's book Nomadland
I bought a copy of her book but it's a few down on my stack of to reads. But I think I will bump it up and read it next. I stopped watching the news in my early 20's when I started traveling a lot because I had noticed everywhere I went I ran into good people doing good things. Then i'd pick up a paper or turn on the news and it's all doom and gloom, the exact opposite of what i was finding first hand.
cyndi said:
The subject of this thread is Jessica Bruder's book Nomadland

Is it? I took it as more than just that.
The thread, even though started with very few words, seemed to be about how the media is largely one-sided about their portrayal of poor mobile dwellers.

(Or do I have this all wrong??)
so re that "Nomadland" mess that keeps being recycled... over & again on the www.
Why? ... crap sells... philosophical, medical :rolleyes: religious, political, ad nauseum.
so the media hypes crap up to perpetuate... crap. Vicious cycle.
To be factual, she would do well with a book Interviewing... everyone who loves... owning a Wheelie-house.
You know, people who truthfully care for each other, & the greater environment in which they travel ..., such that others who also VALUE sustainable practices, can be encouraged to give this additional option a GO... ;) call it something like "How to travel light & live big", or something along that intention.
"Is it? I took it as more than just that.
The thread, even though started with very few words, seemed to be about how the media is largely one-sided about their portrayal of poor mobile dwellers."

You're right. I should have been less general in my post
There are posts, however, that veered way off topic and should have been posted elsewhere.
Cyndi, I was not focusing on your comment about the hijack.
...just that the implication of the OP, to me, was deeper than stated.

It truly is something I notice all the time.
(Similar to my bitching about tiny house folks somehow becoming instant gurus of all good things in mobile life...when 90% of them aren't even mobile...ya know?)
There is a long standing tradition of economically critical journalism going back to union days. Amy Goodman is the best known of the current generation. These folks do need to be more constructive about how to actually live a good life but they are also very much allies.
On the rez it's called "poverty porn". All those sympathetic media types reporting on the sad state of the reservation Indian. They make it sound like doing their fluff piece will bring compassion and help. It's a con so they can grab another public interest story to balance out the shock and awe.

I haven't read the book. Maybe I will when I can pick it up at a discount store.
Another thing needing to be considered is how much editorial control Jessica Bruder has at Market Watch.

My understanding is she camped with us at the recent RTR and then went to South Central Arizona. Wasn't she even interviewed on camera? With good comments and such? Good impression she made at the RTR, is the take I got from reading here and I think in one of Bob's vids though that may be inaccurate.
Headache said:
On the rez it's called "poverty porn".  All those sympathetic media types reporting on the sad state of...

I want to be clear that my negativity was towards the media.  Not the book or author since I haven't read it yet and haven't met her.
You know what guys. Honestly I wouldn't sweat any of this. Live your life. Line up your ducks. Be honest with the newbies, because many have preconceived ideas of what to expect.
I'm involved with a non profit where I live. I am never, ever happy with the local media coverage we receive. I think they mean well but they need to gain viewers. It's a non commercial radio station.
Scoop Nisker, a radio reporter from the 60's once said "If you don't like the news go out and make some of your own.".
I'll leave it at that.
One of the questions asked was [font=OpenSans, sans-serif]What needs to change to prevent people from having to become Nomads or to help them live better if they are?[/font]

[font=OpenSans, sans-serif]My answer to that is that I am happier traveling from place to place and seeing new and exciting things and meeting new people while still able to make a living and pay off my student loans since I don't have a mortgage, electric, sewage, etc etc to pay for. Also, I lived in one city and worked the same job for 10 years and did not enjoy talking to the same people, staring at the same computer screen, driving the same route, and doing it all over again 5 days a week. Also, was given 3 weeks vacation per year which was barely enough time to drive somewhere and enjoy yourself.[/font]

[font=OpenSans, sans-serif]Traveling is the most enjoyable thing I've ever done and am more financially secure than I have ever been.[/font]
To prevent them from becoming nomads- more affordable housing

To help them live better as nomads- designated parking with bathrooms available
Is it? I took it as more than just that.
The thread, even though started with very few words, seemed to be about how the media is largely one-sided about their portrayal of poor mobile dwellers.

(Or do I have this all wrong??)

No, you have it right.
The long and short of it is the social stigma surrounding VanDwelling.

 Instead of whining about how you're percieved, do your part to change it for the better. Practice "no-trace" camping. Don't overstay an area not meant for that, etc. There are lots of things VanDwellers can be doing to improve their image.
 I read comments on this forum all the time about how people "work the system" and are just delighted to do so. Seems like it's the same old thing where a few spoil a good thing for the rest. C'mon people, you are not going to park at Walmart for a month and not get flak over it.
 Yes, comments about the media are spot on alot of the time. They can be totally biased. Don't even get me started on the "Clinton News Network." It will be a hard sell ever trying to change that.
The key is to be invisible and unnoticed. Nobody can object to your presence if they do not know you are there.
I agree that it's not just the media; it's a societal stigma because we're not contributing more to the tax base, living our lives the way they think is proper. We view things a little differently, so that means either their life's choices are wrong or ours are wrong, as everyone must be the same, right? Some in society think we have a duty to be its slave (or perhaps their slave - laboring in their behalf) rather than its master. Others just fear the freedom we have and project their fears upon us. On the other hand many of us view their life's choices as a prison. Indeed, it is a prison of their own making. The doors are not locked yet they refuse to open them for fear of the unknown. It is a prison of the mind.

In short, it's not us for having an alternative lifestyle - it's them for not accepting it.

Meh, I think most people just don't want "homeless people" peeing in their lawn and dumping shit on the street.

Most people don't give a crap about all the ideological stuff.
I agree with Lennie.Just as a lot of society looks down on and stigmatizes all homeless,the vehicle dwellers are guilty of saying everyone with a home and job are miserable and living in a prison.I think 90% of folks on either side are happy with their lives.
What's wrong with being a looser? I am a looser and a winner. You can't always lose and you can't always win. It's the phoney standard your subscribing to and the moment you believe it to be real you are lost, yes it is all BS. The moment you start caring what other people think of you down the slippery slope you slide.
How many books have been written about the same age group of people who have steady jobs, good incomes, who own a house and are also miserable, lonely and depressed. There's not much freedom in that lifestyle as many of us know

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